What's the difference between fortify and rampart?



  • (v. t.) To add strength to; to strengthen; to confirm; to furnish with power to resist attack.
  • (v. t.) To strengthen and secure by forts or batteries, or by surrounding with a wall or ditch or other military works; to render defensible against an attack by hostile forces.
  • (v. i.) To raise defensive works.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Since iron from fortified formulas is well absorbed during the first three months of life, even if it is not immediately used for hemoglobin formation, an inccrease in the iron stores will occur...
  • (2) But she noticed Mohamed getting smaller and sicker, until she eventually brought him to the centre, where the nuns give him F-75 – an enriched formula adapted for malnourished children, fortified porridge, plumpy nut, and soup with meat and fish.
  • (3) These results indicate that healthy VLBW infants maintain adequate growth and macronutrient balance for the first 2 months postnatally when fed mothers' milk fortified with additional skim and cream components.
  • (4) Thirty infants in the breast-milk group and 29 in the fortified group completed the study.
  • (5) The crops were fortified with each fungicide at 3 levels per crop.
  • (6) Feeding a zinc-fortified formula on the other hand had no influence on copper nutritional status.
  • (7) Lowest content of ascorbic acid occurred in bruised beans cooked in copper-fortified water.
  • (8) In NADPH-fortified reconstituted systems containing P-450b, DHS yielded a stable type III spectral complex with peaks at 428 and 458 nm; a complex with a single 456 nm peak was formed in systems containing cytochrome P-450c.
  • (9) Danes spent a day with an officer at Langley, the CIA's headquarters in Virginia, and that seems to have fortified her patriotism, too.
  • (10) When the same nuclei were incubated in the same medium fortified with dialyzed cytosol, spermidine and yeast RNA (medium II), release of labeled 60-S and 40-S particles was observed.
  • (11) The Americans went first, a great convoy of armoured Jeeps snaking out from their fortified embassy under air cover.
  • (12) Recoveries averaged 86.8% for unexposed fish fortified with 2-12 ppm of chlorpyrifos.
  • (13) Bacterial corneal ulcer is a potentially blinding emergency which should ideally be treated by an ophthalmologist aided by slit lamp biomicroscopy, microbial stain and cultures, and then selected fortified topical antibiotics.
  • (14) Mutagenic activity in the creatine-fortified product was enhanced 15-fold.
  • (15) For blind fortified samples containing 800 ppb FBZ, average recovery and relative standard deviations for repeatability and reproducibility (RSDr and RSDR) based on results from 6 of the participating laboratories were 83%, 12.7%, and 14.0%, respectively.
  • (16) Despite Ca and P concentrations 50% to 100% higher in the fortified human milk than is usual in unfortified human milk, group FMM's Ca and P intakes remained significantly below those fed formula (P less than 0.001).
  • (17) The fortified children presented higher mean ferritin values at the end of the first and second school periods.
  • (18) The protein efficiency ratio (PER) for the fortified cereal alone was 1.4; however, when given as a mixed diet of cereal and humanized milk (providing 41 and 59 per cent of the protein, respectively) PER was 2.6 (casein standard = 2.5).
  • (19) Their drinking water was deionized, fortified with 5 essential trace metals, and either 0, 1, 10, or 100 ppm barium was added.
  • (20) With the aid of satelliting, most of the strains were adapted to grow on a human Mycoplasma growth agar consisting of brain-heart infusion agar fortified with 20% human blood, yeast extract, and arginine.



  • (n.) That which fortifies and defends from assault; that which secures safety; a defense or bulwark.
  • (n.) A broad embankment of earth round a place, upon which the parapet is raised. It forms the substratum of every permanent fortification.
  • (v. t.) To surround or protect with, or as with, a rampart or ramparts.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We bartered for almonds and olives in the market, where there wasn't another tourist to be seen, and sat on the ramparts, watching the sun fall away beyond the horizon.
  • (2) The turbine housings, which are half-complete, resemble the jagged ramparts of a fort.
  • (3) How Google's antitrust headache began not from castle ramparts Read more An investigation by the Guardian into Google’s multifaceted lobbying campaign in Europe has uncovered fresh details of its activities and methods.
  • (4) The find is a few miles from Bredon hill, which has been a scene of human activity down the ages and still boasts the earthen ramparts of an iron age hill fort.
  • (5) Here, Main, Sidney Bracken, 65, Paul Radley, 52, and David Robinson, 63, are cooking an outdoor breakfast, after hanging a huge banner around the ramparts of the fort.
  • (6) There have been many initiatives, reports and government level strategies in recent years but few, perhaps none, have hammered at the ramparts of care for learning disabled adults with the force of BBC's Panorama expose Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed .
  • (7) Analysis of the errors showed that one of the focal problems of the Gilbert-McKern system was the difficulty in judging whether the ventral rampart was building up or breaking down.
  • (8) They have gone, instead, for the candidate who seems best placed to appeal beyond the Republican ramparts, to swing voters and independents, just as they did in 2008 by choosing John McCain.
  • (9) The ridged area, where sweat ducts are distributed, is constructed of grooves and ramparts.
  • (10) O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming” – what does it mean?
  • (11) Things soon get serious with a tough climb onto Shoulsbarrow Common, beneath the ramparts of an iron-age hill fort.
  • (12) Voters, buffeted by unemployment, dismayed by immigration, scared of terrorism, and angry at growing inequality, crave the alleged certainties of a past where the strong nation state was a rampart for its citizens.
  • (13) Adults £85 per day, children (aged 13-17) £60 per day, overnight kayak camping expeditions an additional £15 per person per night Eilean Donan, Dornie Photograph: Alamy Clamber around the ramparts and explore the dimly lit nooks and crannies of one of the most romantic castles in Scotland.
  • (14) 2 Go through the gate on the right and follow the surfaced path through the ancient ramparts of the hill fort to the summit trig point.
  • (15) "They seek the secret of the Grail," gasps carbuncular nobleman Bertrand, as swarms of rhubarbing crusaders prepare to storm his ramparts.
  • (16) They have also used their nine-month siege of the north to dig in, creating elaborate defences, including tunnels and ramparts using construction equipment abandoned by fleeing construction crews.
  • (17) By the break of dawn the citadel's ramparts had been draped with banners proclaiming: "Peoples of Europe rise up."
  • (18) Offshore, a recognisably Viking kingdom boasts a fleet of longships; Westeros itself, like dark ages England, was once a heptarchy, a realm of seven kingdoms; the massive rampart of ice which guards its northernmost frontier is recognisably inspired by Hadrian's wall.
  • (19) But his passion for conservation isn’t confined to the 80 acres of streets and historic buildings within the fort’s Dutch-built ramparts.
  • (20) On this larger project, a stronger more robust New Orleans, the progress that you have made is remarkable.” Leo Watermeier, a longtime resident of North Rampart Street in the French Quarter and community activist, told the Guardian in an email that “I agree we’re moving forward.” “The influx of new people after Katrina has brought a new energy, that’s both pushing for needed changes and respectful of our traditions,” Watermeier said.