What's the difference between free and unchain?



  • (superl.) Exempt from subjection to the will of others; not under restraint, control, or compulsion; able to follow one's own impulses, desires, or inclinations; determining one's own course of action; not dependent; at liberty.
  • (superl.) Not under an arbitrary or despotic government; subject only to fixed laws regularly and fairly administered, and defended by them from encroachments upon natural or acquired rights; enjoying political liberty.
  • (superl.) Liberated, by arriving at a certain age, from the control of parents, guardian, or master.
  • (superl.) Not confined or imprisoned; released from arrest; liberated; at liberty to go.
  • (superl.) Not subjected to the laws of physical necessity; capable of voluntary activity; endowed with moral liberty; -- said of the will.
  • (superl.) Clear of offense or crime; guiltless; innocent.
  • (superl.) Unconstrained by timidity or distrust; unreserved; ingenuous; frank; familiar; communicative.
  • (superl.) Unrestrained; immoderate; lavish; licentious; -- used in a bad sense.
  • (superl.) Not close or parsimonious; liberal; open-handed; lavish; as, free with his money.
  • (superl.) Exempt; clear; released; liberated; not encumbered or troubled with; as, free from pain; free from a burden; -- followed by from, or, rarely, by of.
  • (superl.) Characteristic of one acting without restraint; charming; easy.
  • (superl.) Ready; eager; acting without spurring or whipping; spirited; as, a free horse.
  • (superl.) Invested with a particular freedom or franchise; enjoying certain immunities or privileges; admitted to special rights; -- followed by of.
  • (superl.) Thrown open, or made accessible, to all; to be enjoyed without limitations; unrestricted; not obstructed, engrossed, or appropriated; open; -- said of a thing to be possessed or enjoyed; as, a free school.
  • (superl.) Not gained by importunity or purchase; gratuitous; spontaneous; as, free admission; a free gift.
  • (superl.) Not arbitrary or despotic; assuring liberty; defending individual rights against encroachment by any person or class; instituted by a free people; -- said of a government, institutions, etc.
  • (superl.) Certain or honorable; the opposite of base; as, free service; free socage.
  • (superl.) Privileged or individual; the opposite of common; as, a free fishery; a free warren.
  • (superl.) Not united or combined with anything else; separated; dissevered; unattached; at liberty to escape; as, free carbonic acid gas; free cells.
  • (adv.) Freely; willingly.
  • (adv.) Without charge; as, children admitted free.
  • (a.) To make free; to set at liberty; to rid of that which confines, limits, embarrasses, oppresses, etc.; to release; to disengage; to clear; -- followed by from, and sometimes by off; as, to free a captive or a slave; to be freed of these inconveniences.
  • (a.) To remove, as something that confines or bars; to relieve from the constraint of.
  • (a.) To frank.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Cancer patients showed abnormally high plasma free tryptophan levels.
  • (2) In conclusion, the efficacy of free tissue transfer in the treatment of osteomyelitis is geared mainly at enabling the surgeon to perform a wide radical debridement of infected and nonviable soft tissue and bone.
  • (3) The authors have presented in two previous articles the graphic solutions resembling Tscherning ellipses, for spherical as well as for aspherical ophthalmic lenses free of astigmatism or power error.
  • (4) The hypothesis that proteins are critical targets in free radical mediated cytolysis was tested using U937 mononuclear phagocytes as targets and iron together with hydrogen peroxide to generate radicals.
  • (5) With NaCl as the major constituent of the bathing solution (potassium-free pipette and external solutions) the reversal potential (Er) of the noradrenaline-evoked current was about 0 mV.
  • (6) In cardiac tissue the adenylate system is not a good indicator of the energy state of the mitochondrion, even when the concentrations of AMP and free cytosolic ADP are calculated from the adenylate kinase and creatine kinase equilibria.
  • (7) The promoters of the adenovirus 2 major late gene, the mouse beta-globin gene, the mouse immunoglobulin VH gene and the LTR of the human T-lymphotropic retrovirus type I were tested for their transcription activities in cell-free extracts of four cell lines; HeLa, CESS (Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human B cell line), MT-1 (HTLV-I-infected human T cell line without viral protein synthesis), and MT-2 (HTLV-I-infected human T cell line producing viral proteins).
  • (8) This frees the student to experience the excitement and challenge of learning and the joy of helping people.
  • (9) The role of O2 free radicals in the reduction of sarcolemmal Na+-K+-ATPase, which occurs during reperfusion of ischemic heart, was examined in isolated guinea pig heart using exogenous scavengers of O2 radicals and an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase.
  • (10) This sling was constructed bu freeing the insertion of the pubococcygeus and the ileococcygeus muscles from the coccyx.
  • (11) In Ca free-solution phenylephrine inhibited the response to CaCl2.
  • (12) The actuarial 5-year disease-free survival rates were 83% (group 1), 83% (group 2), and 100% (group 3).
  • (13) Their effects on various lipid fractions, viz., triglycerides (TG), phospholipids, free cholesterol, and esterified cholesterol, were studied in liver, plasma, gonads, and muscle.
  • (14) These deficiencies in the data compromise HIV surveillance based on diagnostic testing, and supplementary bias-free data are needed.
  • (15) The authors conclude that H. pylori alone causes little or no effect on an intact gastric mucosa in the rat, that either intact organisms or bacteria-free filtrates cause similar prolongation and delayed healing of pre-existing ulcers with active chronic inflammation, and that the presence of predisposing factors leading to disruption of gastric mucosal integrity may be required for the H. pylori enhancement of inflammation and tissue damage in the stomach.
  • (16) Only those derivatives with a free amino group and net positive charge in the side chain were effective.
  • (17) Under milder trypsin digestion conditions three resistant fragments were produced from the free protein.
  • (18) "This was very strategic and it was in line of the ideology of the Bush administration which has been to put in place a free market and conservative agenda."
  • (19) To determine the influence of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) adsorption on the wettability and elemental surface composition of human enamel, with and without adsorbed salivary constituents, surface-free energies and elemental compositions were determined.
  • (20) By growing purified human cytotrophoblasts under serum-free conditions and manipulating the culture surface, we were able to disassociate morphologic from biochemical differentiation.



  • (v. t.) To free from chains or slavery; to let loose.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Britain needs to talk about the R-word: racism It is also a wakeup call to those who recognise racism only when it is played out like a scene from Django Unchained , those who think that racism has to be some vulgar incident perpetrated only by the backward, ignorant and poorly educated, those who believe that racism has to be an act, rather than a complicated and intangible framework that sets up obstacles.
  • (2) The Wolf of Wall Street is already the ninth-biggest 18-certificate movie at the UK box-office, behind Hannibal (£21.6m), American Beauty (£21.3m), Seven (£19.5m), Silence of the Lambs (£17.1m), Bruno (£15.8m), Django Unchained (£15.7m), Basic Instinct (£15.5m) and Fatal Attraction (£15.4m).
  • (3) In April, Quentin Tarantino's revenge western Django Unchained was withdrawn from cinemas minutes into its first screening; it reopened a month later with three of the goriest minutes missing and flopped.
  • (4) Updated at 5.23pm BST 2.20pm BST Right, I have been unchained from the desk and I am going to use this freedom to escape from the building and visit the local sandwich emporium for some much-needed nourishment.
  • (5) Tarantino, Django Unchained's director, had already reined in the movie's gore for the Chinese market, retouching footage to tone down the colour and bloodshed.
  • (6) Tarantino himself recently told a Bafta audience that the violence and horrific conditions depicted in Django Unchained were nothing compared to the historical reality.
  • (7) Two years ago, Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained was yanked from cinemas after censors claimed it showed scenes too violent for Chinese audiences.
  • (8) He could very easily have made Reservoir Dogs 2 instead of Django Unchained, and cleaned up at the box office.
  • (9) In 2014, four out of the nine nominated films passed, in 2013 , six out of nine passed (a bumper year boosted by Django Unchained, Life of Pi and Beasts of the Southern Wild).
  • (10) Django Unchained pulled from Chinese cinemas during debut screening Read more Seek McCartney is a Chinese-French co-production , with the local contribution also helping to explain why censors handed it a release spot.
  • (11) The remaining five – Ben Affleck's Argo , Steven Spielberg's Lincoln , Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained , Kathryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty and Tom Hooper's Les Misérables – seem to address and express this particular year.
  • (12) A Sony spokesman for Tarantino said the "adjustments" to Django Unchained were "progress rather than a compromise".
  • (13) This spells good news for Steven Spielberg 's epic Lincoln biopic (which leads the field with seven nominations) and for Quentin Tarantino 's slavery saga Django Unchained (five nominations).
  • (14) Following the December release of Django Unchained , his blood-soaked spaghetti western homage, Tarantino has been drawn unwillingly into the debate over gun violence in the wake of last month's Newtown massacre.
  • (15) It follows his film Django Unchained in 2012, a western starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz which won Tarantino an Oscar for his screenplay – but Tarantino says that the new project is not connected.
  • (16) On business rates, a newly unchained Scottish parliament could institute an immediate revaluation of properties, bringing with it a higher threshold before rates are payable and allowing some businesses to escape payment altogether.
  • (17) 12 Years a Slave will inevitably draw comparisons with Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained , which garnered a second Oscar for the maverick film-maker earlier this year (while drawing criticism from figures such as Spike Lee for its liberal use of the "N" word).
  • (18) Debate about the film has turned into a major talking point in a number publications large and small, with editorials in defence and critique of Django Unchained laying out their case for readers, while one of the film's stars, Samuel L Jackson, highlighted the discomfort over the frequent use of a racial epithet in the movie when he challenged a journalist to say the word out loud.
  • (19) Iam a bit worried I might be a massive racist because last week at a preview screening* I laughed like a hallucinating pig several times during Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained , a preposterous cartoon romp through the laugh-a-minute world of slavery.
  • (20) Quentin Tarantino would go on to cast Foxx alongside Don Johnson, best known as Crockett on the original TV series, in Django Unchained.

Words possibly related to "unchain"