(n.) A piece or slip of metal or wood, notched or otherwise, in a machine or structure, to hold other parts in place or bind them together, or to afford a bearing surface; -- usually held or adjusted by means of a wedge, key, or screw.
(v. t.) To secure or fasten with a gib, or gibs; to provide with a gib, or gibs.
(v. i.) To balk. See Jib, v. i.
Example Sentences:
(1) The fund is a new development for Gib because it raises private money up front for investment in a particular industry instead of investing project by project.
(2) Chris Huhne , the energy and climate change secretary, appears to concede the Treasury's concern that the liabilities taken on by the GIB would be added to the government's budget book.
(3) To analyse the importance of GIB we studied, retrospectively, the causes of hospitalization in 301 patients, all on HD in the same Unit in January 1990.
(4) Today's report also appeared to put pressure on Osborne as he works towards this autumn's comprehensive spending review (CSR), by warning that the task of setting up a GIB needs to begin immediately.
(5) Kingsbury is particularly proud of the large investments made this year in windfarms such as the £241m Gib put into Westermost Rough off the coast of Yorkshire and the £220m for a 10% stake in Gwynt y Mor, the biggest offshore field under construction in Europe.
(6) Extracts of B. malayi adult male worms, female worms, and microfilariae contained Gib 13 monoclonal antibody-reactive antigens of Mr 25-30,000, 57-90,000, and approximately equal to 200,000.
(7) "The GIB will build on this lead and enable businesses such as Aquamarine Power to leverage the significant private sector capital which will allow the UK's green energy sector to flourish," he said.
(8) A green investment bank (GIB) is being pushed for to turn the £50-80bn of traditional project capital available into the much higher amounts funding experts say will be needed to pay for the low-carbon technologies the UK is expected to need.
(9) Sue Charman, the "one planet finance leader" at WWF-UK, said the GIB had an essential role to play in shifting the UK to a low carbon economy, but giving it no immediate borrowing powers was a critical mistake.
(10) Vince Cable, the business secretary, has officially marked the launch of the new green investment bank ( GIB ) by announcing funding of a new waste-to-energy plant and an energy saving scheme.
(11) NSAID appear to be a risk factor for GIB from erosive Gastritis and or Duodenitis.
(12) I am confident that the sale process will provide GIB with good new owners who will support GIB’s continued growth and leadership role in the global green economy long into the future,” he said.
(13) Energy efficiency is a no-brainer, as is letting the GIB off the Treasury leash.
(14) The Gib 13 monoclonal antibody was raised against eggs of Onchocerca gibsoni and subsequently found to react with a phosphorylcholine epitope designated as the T15 idiotype.
(15) Salmond, who has played a prominent role in building up overseas investments in green energy, pointed out instead that £103m of the GIB's start up capital of £3bn came from the money owed to Scotland by the Treasury, which has been sitting on Scotland's share of the fossil fuel levy for some years.
(16) The evidence now indicates that only cells in a certain intermitotic state, called GIb, can be thus detached, and that when such cells are not locally available the expanding mitosis is forced into the vertical axis.
(17) Detection of circulating antigen in amicrofilaremic subjects with acute symptoms of lymphatic filariasis, and 53% of asymptomatic amicrofilaremic subjects, but not in nonendemic controls, suggests that the Gib 13 IRMA will also be of value in the diagnosis of occult filariasis.
(18) Lib Dem minister and energy secretary, Chris Huhne, wants the GIB to operate as a fully fledged bank that is able to issue bonds and underwrite loans, rather than just a fund, which would be more limited and unable to release the required capital.
(19) Cable will be in front of the environmental audit committee of MPs to discuss the GIB tomorrow.
(20) The report said that the forthcoming spending review on 20 October is a good time to deliver a GIB which is backed by between £4-6bn of capital until 2015.
(a.) A disease of sheep, characterized by vertigo; the staggers. It is caused by the presence of the C/nurus, a larval tapeworm, in the brain. See C/nurus.
Example Sentences:
(1) Giddings confirmed to senate estimates that he had passed on the rumour, but had not heard, or passed on, any suggestion that the protesters might have intended to disrupt question time.
(2) In your case, I am hoping you can respond to the criticisms of your testimony to the NY legislature made by Val Giddings in a recent blog post.
(3) A strong immunostaining of AD sections with anti-GID and the presence of a Mr 35,000 band unique to AD might reflect an altered processing of ABPP in AD brains.
(4) The findings suggest that GID boys do not suffer solely from gender symptomatology but are disturbed in other aspects of their ego functioning as well.
(5) Recently Giddings discussed the prospect of combining two separation mechanisms in such a way that when "a sample is subjected to two displacement processes oriented at right angles to one another" a two-dimensional separation is carried out.
(6) We will honour any commitment that has been made.” The spokeswoman said: “Victoria made it clear that, along with Victorian schools and school communities, we expect the Commonwealth to honour this funding, which was agreed to on 4 August 2013.” The Tasmanian premier, Lara Giddings, also maintains the state signed a contract ''What we have here is a heads of agreement that has been signed,'' Giddings said.
(7) This mortality can be completely prevented if the recipients are germfree mice, or when they are conventional animals which have been subjected to complete or selective gastrointestinal decontamination (GID).
(8) Philip Giddings, the conservative evangelical who chairs the house of laity, said he was satisfied the new, simplified legislation would be tolerable for his side.
(9) We have developed further the statistical approach to chromatography initiated by Giddings and Eyring, and applied it to affinity chromatography.
(10) The granular intercalated duct (GID) cells showed a progressive increase in number from two to four months of age (p less than 0.01).
(11) Among all the age groups (2-22 months), the number of the GID cells in submandibular gland was highest of six months; they were then also most conspicuous with many electron-dense secretory granules in the cytoplasm.
(12) The observed effect of lactose on (PU) does not correlate with (GID).
(13) Giddings, one of the most powerful lay members of the church, is the convenor of the conservative evangelical Anglican Mainstream network, which was founded to oppose the appointment of Jeffrey John, a gay priest, as the suffragan bishop of Reading in 2003.
(14) Giddings praised the resilience of the 55,000-strong crowd.
(15) The significance of these age-related changes of the GID cells is unknown.
(16) In an in vitro DNA replication system for oriC DNA, plasmids with a defective gid promoter had greatly reduced template activity and essentially no replication occurred when both promoters were inactive.
(17) I have to look at it very closely with the police and the council so that it doesn't happen again," Giddings said.
(18) During a speech to the synod that came directly after Welby urged its members to vote in favour of the measure, Giddings said it would be "unwise" to press ahead with a measure that "a significant minority of our church" were unable to accept.
(19) In the present study, we investigated the immunoreactivity of the NCL brain tissue with anti-serum (anti-GID) raised against a synthetic peptide, based on the amyloid beta-protein precursor, with the 175-186 amino acid sequence.
(20) These are (i) the AT rich sequence ('AT-cluster') which exists immediately left of the 13mer repeats and (ii) the gid transcriptional unit.