(v. i.) To begin; -- often followed by an infinitive without to; as, gan tell. See Gan.
(n.) A strong alcoholic liquor, distilled from rye and barley, and flavored with juniper berries; -- also called Hollands and Holland gin, because originally, and still very extensively, manufactured in Holland. Common gin is usually flavored with turpentine.
(n.) Contrivance; artifice; a trap; a snare.
(n.) A machine for raising or moving heavy weights, consisting of a tripod formed of poles united at the top, with a windlass, pulleys, ropes, etc.
(n.) A hoisting drum, usually vertical; a whim.
(n.) A machine for separating the seeds from cotton; a cotton gin.
(v. t.) To catch in a trap.
(v. t.) To clear of seeds by a machine; as, to gin cotton.
Example Sentences:
(1) The Macassans traded iron, tobacco, cloth and gin for access to Yolngu waters.
(2) For now, he leans on the bar – a big man, XL T-shirt – and, in a soft Irish accent, orders himself a small gin and tonic and a bottle of mineral water.
(3) Gin was popularised in the UK via British troops who were given the spirit as “Dutch courage” during the 30 years’ war.
(4) The Gin DNA invertase of bacteriophage Mu carries out processive recombination in which multiple rounds of exchange follow synaptic complex formation.
(5) It's a small sample, consisting of the folk on the train to Kings Cross this lunchtime, but your MBM correspondent saw: several gentlemen swilling from cans of San Miguel and talking excitedly about the World Cup; two blonde women in frankly disorienting 1980s style football shorts waving flags; and a bloke sitting on his own necking a tin of pre-mixed gin and tonic.
(6) They don’t have to wait three or four years for what may or may not be the marginal difference they make to the whisky product.” Miller’s gin now sells more than all his whisky products put together, making up 80% of total sales.
(7) I still have a few pints of gin and tonic before I go onstage but nothing stupid."
(8) It is a lot like the craft beer where we’ve seen big brands say ‘it’s time we bought these brands before they become big competition’.” He said the buyout of the craft gin distiller Monkey 47 by Pernod Ricard in January marked the beginning of a trend that was likely to escalate, although there were few craft gin makers who have reached any serious scale.
(9) To prepare the data base of the occlusal surface of tooth crown, the data of tooth crown above the gingival line of 7 molar were also output by the "GIN-M" program.
(10) The very thought is enough to get older Tory MPs spluttering into their gin this weekend – but it's probably a factor and a very zeitgeisty one.
(11) In the presence of purified Gin FIS is the only additional protein required for efficient inversion.
(12) The intriguing finding that the DNA invertase Gin has the same catalytic center as the DNA resolvases that promote deletions without recombinational enhancer and host factor FIS is discussed.
(13) This was soon accompanied by other “medicinal” drinks such as the gimlet, to avoid scurvy on ship, and pink gin, which was said to help seasickness.
(14) Both of the alcohol-containing drinks caused mild-to-moderate inebriation, but gin and slimline tonic had no significant effect on either blood-glucose or plasma-insulin levels.
(15) Cameron took his jacket off and sipped from the half pint glasses of water – gin?
(16) By 1849 gin was respectable enough to be included in the Fortnum and Mason catalogue for the first time.
(17) Drinks that are mostly ethanol, such as gin and vodka, give fewer hangovers (but not none) than those full of congeners, such as red wine or whisky.
(18) While the opening tranche of "tales" derive from the work of forgotten contemporary humorists, the pieces of London reportage that he began to contribute to the Morning Chronicle in autumn 1834 ("Gin Shops", "Shabby-Genteel People", "The Pawnbroker's Shop") are like nothing else in pre-Victorian journalism: bantering and hard-headed by turns, hectic and profuse, falling over themselves to convey every last detail of the metropolitan front-line from which Dickens sent back his dispatches.
(19) Four types of cultured cell (Gin-1, Chang Liver, HEP-2 and L-929) were used in vitro to determine the cytotoxicity of 12 Chinese-Japanese Dental Casting Alloys from cell recovery ability.
(20) It is 19 years since Malton joined Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and had her last gin and tonic.
() Not in.
Example Sentences:
(1) Iodine content of iodinated salt intended only for human consumption was eyamined in samples from all domestic manufacturers (salt mines in: Tuzla, Pag, Ulcinj, Ston, Nin, Seca-Portoroz).
(2) Neither lambdaN(-)nin (which doesn't express red or gam) nor lambdabio phages (from which all or part of the red-gam region is deleted) form plaques on polA(-) hosts.
(3) An intraperitoneal (ip) injection with NIN 2 days before intravenous (iv) infection with Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) accelerated elimination of viable bacteria in the spleen in the early stage of infection (from day 1) and protected mice from the lethal infection.
(4) Everything you need to know about the Paris climate summit and UN talks Read more Goğulhan köyünün eski meydanında ahşap taburelerde oturup konuşurken Biçici şunlar söylüyor: “Sigara kutularının üzerinde bile sigara içmeyin uyarısı olduğu halde bize burada hiç bir seçenek bırakılmadı.” Keskin kokulu havayı dağıtmak ister gibi elini sallayarak sözlerini şöyle sürdürüyor Biçici: “Biz burada sigara içmek zorundayız.” Biçici’nin annesi akciğer kanserinden hayatını kaybetmiş- “bunun nedeninin hava kirliliği olduğunu biliyoruz” diyen Biçici’nin dört yaşındaki kızı Gülbeyaz da kronik bronşit hastası.
(5) It is suggested that the insulin receptor interacts with the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein system in the liver, and that the Mr-25 000 species may be a component of Nin, a specific guanine nucleotide regulatory protein that has been proposed to mediate certain of the actions of insulin on target cells [Houslay & Heyworth (1983) Trends Biochem.
(6) However, because of the observed side reactions, as hydrogenation of the indole to a 2,3-dihydroindole side chain, instability of the protecting group under various experimental conditions, the Nin-formyl group is only of limited use in peptide synthesis.
(7) Two enkephalin-containing peptides, peptide E and dynorphin(1-24), were synthesized by conventional solution methods employing a new Trp derivative, Nin-(2,4,6-triisopropylphenylsulfonyl)tryptophan [Trp(Tps)].
(8) Türkiye'nin 2023 yılına kadar güneşten elektrik üretme hedefi sadece yüzde 5 Zonguldak’ta günde 400 ton soluk renkli külün boşaltıldığı dev çukurlardan birine bakan Orhan, kentin kömür santrallerinden birinde 26 yıl çalıştığını ve bu santrallerin kirliliğe neden olduğunu ifade ederek şöyle devam ediyor: “Bununla bağlantılı olarak bazı zorluklarla karşılaştım.
(9) Thus, delta roc permits a functional division of the transcription termination signals in the nin region.
(10) [But] we both agreed it just was not working … NIN will do an amazing show and I am back where I belong: creating [my solo album] Flux."
(11) Each cilium showed the nin plus two filament pattern characteristic of motile cilia.
(12) I now describe a derivative of Escherichia coli leader peptidase, a polytopic inner-membrane protein, that switches from sec-gene-dependent membrane insertion with a Nout-Cout transmembrane topology to sec-gene-independent insertion with a Nin-Cin topology in response to the addition of four positively charged lysines to its N terminus.
(13) The diets and living conditions of nin Asian boys with biochemical, and in most instances also radiological, signs of rickets were compared with those of nine other boys who appeared to be normal.
(14) He may simply be retiring the NIN name – or he may be retiring from music altogether.
(15) Single injections of small doses of Oren-gedoku-to, Moku-boi-to and Ryo-kan-kyo-mi-shin-ge-nin-to (0.1 to 3 mg) dose-dependently increased the sinoatrial rate and the developed tension of papillary muscle, while other drugs showed almost no effect on these parameters.
(16) İngiltere’nin halihazırda sahip olduğu 13 GW’lık rüzgar enerjisine karşılık Türkiye’nin yalnızca 3,5 GW’lık bir rüzgar enerji üretimi vardır, bu enerji üretiminin üçte birinin finansmanı Garanti bankası tarafından temin edilmektedir.
(17) These results suggested that NIN stimulated macrophage-precursor cells in the bone marrow via the production of IL-1, IL-6, GM-CSF by macrophages, accelerated the supply of peripheral macrophages, and such macrophages accumulated into the site of infection in the very early stage of infection.
(18) This mixture decreased slightly in vitamin content when analyzed at 5 min intervals for up to 25 nin.
(19) After ip injection of NIN, interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6 and granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) became detectable in the serum or peritoneal cavity.
(20) It was suggested that the protective effect of NIN was mediated by the activation of nonimmune macrophages playing a principle role in resistance in the early stage of infection.