(1) The patterns observed were: clusters of granules related to the cell membrane; positive staining localized to portions of the cell membrane, and, less commonly, the whole cell circumference.
(2) The extrusion of granules into the intercellular space via exocytosis is frequently observed.
(3) We have previously shown that serotonin is present in secretory granules of frog adrenochromaffin cells; concurrently, we have demonstrated that serotonin is a potent stimulator of corticosterone and aldosterone secretion by adrenocortical cells.
(4) Finally, it could be observed that elevated osmotic pressures reduced the lysis of isolated secretory granules when bicarbonate ions were present in the incubation medium.
(5) In addition, transitional macrophages with both positive granules and positive RER, nuclear envelope, negative Golgi apparatus (as in exudate- resident macrophages in vivo), and mature macrophages with peroxidatic activity only in the RER and nuclear envelope (as in resident macrophages in vivo) were found.
(6) They had no endocrine-like granules and were not associated with nerves or basement membranes.
(7) Electron microscopic immunohistochemistry revealed histamine-immunostaining in granules in a small number of nerve fibers and varicosities.
(8) Results of detailed studies on tissue reactions to Cysticercus bovis in the heart of cattle, together with a comparison of findings in animals with spontaneous and experimental infection, and an evaluation of tissue reactions in relation to the location, morphology and morphogenesis of C. bovis provided evidence for the fact that in general, the response of the heart to the presence of C. bovis was an inflammatory reaction characterized by the origin of a pseudoepithelial border and a zone of granulation tissue.
(9) The presence of a previously unreported dipeptide transport mechanism within blood leukocytes and the selective enrichment of the granule enzyme, DPPI, within cytotoxic effector cells of lymphoid or myeloid lineage appear to afford a unique mechanism for the targeting of immunotherapeutic reagents composed of simple dipeptide esters or amides.
(10) The volume density of glycogen granules in hepatocytes was highest 4 hr after the secretory granules of B cells showed the lowest value.
(11) A new technique to obliterate the mastoid volume or to reduce an old cavity by means of hydroxyapatite granulate is presented.
(12) The data suggest that proinsulin, normally processed in secretory granules and released via the regulated pathway, may also be processed, albeit less efficiently, by the constitutive pathway conversion machinery.
(13) In telecost fishes, the corpuscles of Stannius contain Bowie-stainable granules and a renin-like pressor substance.
(14) Electron microscopy revealed a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, an enlarged Golgi apparatus and many highly electron-dense secretory granules resembling those of Clara cells.
(15) The study confirms that secretin influences pancreatic protein secretion and indicates in addition, that pharmacologic doses of the hormone, have the capacity to block acinar cell zymogen granule release.
(16) Immunoreactions of LTR which were seen in specific granules of neutrophils and monocytes attached to the endothelial cell surface may indicate the onset of endothelial cell damage.
(17) The capacity of granule-cell networks to separate overlapping patterns of activity on their inputs is adequate, with spatial variability in the secretion at synapses, but is improved if there is also temporal variability in the stochastic secretion at individual synapses, although this is at the expense of reliability in the network.
(18) These results suggest that bPAG is probably synthesized by trophoblast binucleate cells and stored in granules prior to delivery into the maternal circulation after cell migration.
(19) CAM, especially CD11c, were also detected in cytoplasmic granules by immunostaining in IL2-activated NK cells.
(20) The outstanding morphologic feature of cortical cells exposed to microunit ACTH concentrations for 40 min was the abundance of electron-dense granules (0.2-0.4 mum).
(n.) The foam, or troth (top yeast), or the sediment (bottom yeast), of beer or other in fermentation, which contains the yeast plant or its spores, and under certain conditions produces fermentation in saccharine or farinaceous substances; a preparation used for raising dough for bread or cakes, and making it light and puffy; barm; ferment.
(n.) Spume, or foam, of water.
(n.) A form of fungus which grows as indvidual rounded cells, rather than in a mycelium, and reproduces by budding; esp. members of the orders Endomycetales and Moniliales. Some fungi may grow both as a yeast or as a mycelium, depending on the conditions of growth.
Example Sentences:
(1) The data on mapping the episomal plasmid integration sites in yeast chromosomes I, III, IV, V, VII, XV are presented.
(2) The amino-terminal region of a 70 kDa mitochondrial outer membrane protein of yeast and the presequence of cytochrome c1, an inner membrane protein exposed to the intermembrane space, are thought to be responsible for localizing the proteins in their final destinations after synthesis in the cytosol.
(3) It has 61% homology with tRNA(Leu)(anticodon m5CAA) and 63% homology with tRNA(Leu)(anticodon UAG), the two other known yeast tRNAs(Leu).
(4) The yeasts amounts used did not protect the test animals from the kidney infiltration with lipids and cholesterol; 12 g of yeasts per 100 g of the ration promoted elevation of sialic acid content in the blood plasma.
(5) Sequence specific binding of protein extracts from 13 different yeast species to three oligonucleotide probes and two points mutants derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA binding proteins were tested using mobility shift assays.
(6) Recently, we have designed a series of simplified artificial signal sequences and have shown that a proline residue in the signal sequence plays an important role in the secretion of human lysozyme in yeast, presumably by altering the conformation of the signal sequence [Yamamoto, Y., Taniyama, Y., & Kikuchi, M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 2728-2732].
(7) Using polyclonal antibodies raised against yeast p34cdc2, we have detected a 36 kd immunoactive polypeptide in macronuclei which binds to Suc1 (p13)-coated beads and closely follows H1 kinase activity.
(8) The fifth plasmid contains sequences which are repeated in the yeast genome, but it is not known whether any or all of the ribosomal protein gene on this clone contains repetitive DNA.
(9) The behaviour of the enzyme from Candida utilis and from Baker's yeast on columns of these and of Blue Sepharose CL-6B was examined, together with the behaviour of the contaminating enzyme, ribulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase (EC
(10) The most striking homology was to yeast SEC7 in the central domain of the gene (57% identical over 466 bp) and also the protein level (42% identical amino acids; 39% conserved amino acids).
(11) Dialyzed crude enzyme extracts from yeast cells were found to destroy diacetyl in a manner quite similar to that of diacetyl reductase from Aerobacter aerogenes, and both the bacterial and the yeast extracts were stimulated significantly by the addition of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).
(12) D-Mannitol has not so far been known as a major product of sugar metabolism by yeasts.
(13) A multiprotein complex that specifically recognizes cellular origins of DNA replication has been identified and purified from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
(14) When these sequences were fused to the N terminus of yeast cytochrome oxidase subunit IV lacking its own presequence, they directed the attached subunit IV to its correct intramitochondrial location in vivo.
(15) Escherichia coli tRNAAsp possessing a modified G residue, the Q base, at the first position of the anticodon, showed a weaker self-association than yeast tRNAAsp but its complex with E. coli tRNAVal was found to be only 1.5 times less stable than that between yeast tRNAAsp and E. coli tRNAVal.
(16) Growth of C. albicans in the presence of AGE affected the yeast lipid in a number of ways: the total lipid content was decreased; garlic-grown yeasts had a higher level of phosphatidylserines and a lower level of phosphatidylcholines; in addition to free sterols and sterol esters, C. albicans accumulated esterified steryl glycosides; the concentration of palmitic acid (16:0) and oleic acid (18:1) increased and that of linoleic acid (18:2) and linolenic acid (18:3) decreased.
(17) The antibiotic was effective against Gram-positive bacteria, fungi and yeasts, and prolonged the life span of mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma.
(18) Genes of the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are densely clustered on 16 linear chromosomes.
(19) The strong homology of mammalian L27' to yeast L29 suggests a function which has been conserved throughout evolution, and thus L27' may also be involved in peptidyl transferase activity.
(20) Plasma- and yeast-derived vaccines have been compared in several studies and their immunological properties were found to be similar, including the persistence of antibodies induced by either type of vaccine.