What's the difference between hand and handiwork?



  • (n.) That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in man and monkeys, and the corresponding part in many other animals; manus; paw. See Manus.
  • (n.) That which resembles, or to some extent performs the office of, a human hand
  • (n.) A limb of certain animals, as the foot of a hawk, or any one of the four extremities of a monkey.
  • (n.) An index or pointer on a dial; as, the hour or minute hand of a clock.
  • (n.) A measure equal to a hand's breadth, -- four inches; a palm. Chiefly used in measuring the height of horses.
  • (n.) Side; part; direction, either right or left.
  • (n.) Power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity.
  • (n.) Actual performance; deed; act; workmanship; agency; hence, manner of performance.
  • (n.) An agent; a servant, or laborer; a workman, trained or competent for special service or duty; a performer more or less skillful; as, a deck hand; a farm hand; an old hand at speaking.
  • (n.) Handwriting; style of penmanship; as, a good, bad or running hand. Hence, a signature.
  • (n.) Personal possession; ownership; hence, control; direction; management; -- usually in the plural.
  • (n.) Agency in transmission from one person to another; as, to buy at first hand, that is, from the producer, or when new; at second hand, that is, when no longer in the producer's hand, or when not new.
  • (n.) Rate; price.
  • (n.) That which is, or may be, held in a hand at once
  • (n.) The quota of cards received from the dealer.
  • (n.) A bundle of tobacco leaves tied together.
  • (n.) The small part of a gunstock near the lock, which is grasped by the hand in taking aim.
  • (v. t.) To give, pass, or transmit with the hand; as, he handed them the letter.
  • (v. t.) To lead, guide, or assist with the hand; to conduct; as, to hand a lady into a carriage.
  • (v. t.) To manage; as, I hand my oar.
  • (v. t.) To seize; to lay hands on.
  • (v. t.) To pledge by the hand; to handfast.
  • (v. t.) To furl; -- said of a sail.
  • (v. i.) To cooperate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) HSV I infection of the hand classically occurs in children with herpetic stomatitis and in health care workers infected during patient care delivery.
  • (2) On the other hand, the LAP level, identical in preterms and SDB, is lower than in full-term infants but higher than in adults.
  • (3) On the other hand, human IL-9, which is a homologue to murine P40, was cloned from a cDNA library prepared with mRNA isolated from PHA-induced T-cell line (C5MJ2).
  • (4) We sought additional evidence for an inverse relationship between functional CTL-target cell affinity on the one hand, and susceptibility of the CTL-mediated killing to inhibition by alpha LFA-1 and alpha Lyt-2,3 monoclonal antibodies on the other hand.
  • (5) Handing Greater Manchester’s £6bn health and social care budget over to the city’s combined authority is the most exciting experiment in local government and the health service in decades – but the risks are huge.
  • (6) Then a handful of organisers took a major bet on the power of people – calling for the largest climate change mobilisation in history to kick-start political momentum.
  • (7) On the other hand, after exposure to BrdUrd, neuron specific enolase decreased in NB-1 and SK-N-DZ and increased in GOTO.
  • (8) Theresa May signals support for UK-EU membership deal Read more Faull’s fix, largely accepted by Britain, also ties the hands of national governments.
  • (9) The NORPLANT-2 rod system on the other hand consists of only 2 rods.
  • (10) Symptomatic improvement was obtained in 14 of the 15 hands, and sensory-evoked response improved in 13 hands.
  • (11) Michael James, 52, from Tower Hamlets Three days after telling his landlord that the flat upstairs was a deathtrap, Michael James was handed an eviction notice.
  • (12) Patrice Evra Evra Handed a five-match international ban for his part in the France squad’s mutiny against Raymond Domenech at the 2010 World Cup, it took Evra almost a year to force his way back in.
  • (13) DI James Faulkner of Great Manchester police said: “The men and women working in the factory have told us that they were subjected to physical and verbal assaults at the hands of their employers and forced to work more than 80-hours before ending up with around £25 for their week’s work.
  • (14) On the other hand, the majority of gynecologic patients with pelvic infections are young and healthy.
  • (15) The pons, on the other hand, has a bioelectrical activity of its own during PS, i.e., the ponto-geniculo-occipital spikes (PGO).
  • (16) One-nation prime ministers like Cameron found the libertarians useful for voting against taxation; inconvenient when they got too loud about heavy-handed government.
  • (17) On the other hand, the limbic after-discharges to the hippocampal or amygdaloid stimulation were enhanced by Z. mioga as well as chlorpromazin, but they were inhibited by diazepam.
  • (18) On the other hand, as a cross-reference experiment, we developed a paper work test to do in the same way as on the VDT.
  • (19) It is entirely proper for serving judges to set out the arguments in high-profile cases to help public understanding of the legal issues, as long as it is done in an even-handed way.
  • (20) In a separate exclusive interview , Alexis Tsipras, the increasingly powerful 37-year-old Greek politician now regarded by many as holding the future of the euro in his hands, told the Guardian that he was determined "to stop the experiment" with austerity policies imposed by Germany.



  • (n.) Work done by the hands; hence, any work done personally.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In fact McCracken points to problems that others don't seem to, such as: Samsung may have barely mentioned Android at its Galaxy S4 launch event, but there's plenty of evidence of Google's handiwork in the S4, and at times, the handset's joint authorship results in competing features, overlapping functionality and a general sense of redundancy.
  • (2) Photos of my handiwork are out there in Facebook and Twitter-land, being shared, retweeted, liked and favoured.
  • (3) KH: Surveying his handiwork he reflected once again on the futility of existence and how long it had been since he’d had a decent bag of chips.
  • (4) Some of them made up to $15,000 per year from their handiwork.
  • (5) In damning email correspondence made public last week, Christie's aides and political appointees merely congratulated one another on their handiwork.
  • (6) The current drop is probably the handiwork of human beings."
  • (7) It was beautifully done, she said, by someone who would never have expected his handiwork to be visible.
  • (8) Most of the progressive tax rises to come in over the next couple years, says the IFS, are Labour's handiwork.
  • (9) Consider God’s handiwork: who can make straight, what He hath made crooked?” These words, from Ecclesiastes, pose a pertinent question.
  • (10) The near 900 shareholders at the meeting provided as good a sample as any of M&S's shoppers with Earl's handiwork getting mixed reports.
  • (11) The spreadsheet wizards duly looked upon Mr Darling's handiwork and pronounced it... adequate.
  • (12) A father and his young son, careful not to step on his handiwork, play catch nearby.
  • (13) When Naftali asked about them, Amir said they were the handiwork of his brother, Hagai, and bragged about his technical skills.
  • (14) Optimization of the activity of assistants, their skilled handiwork, and the skill in teaching and learning surgery in the interest of a sick person are dwelt on.
  • (15) The extraordinary vessels are the handiwork of early modern humans, who used stone tools to prepare and finish the containers around 14,700 years ago after the last ice age.
  • (16) According to the local paper, El Heraldo de Aragón , the damage inflicted on the mural in the church of the Santuario de la Misericordia is being investigated by experts, but the artist's descendants are said to be unhappy that an individual decided to take the restoration job into her own hands and fear her handiwork is irreversible.
  • (17) In that incident, the killers used machetes or other sharp instruments, their grotesque handiwork betraying the cruelty and ritualism of MS-13, or the Mara Salvatrucha, a neighbourhood street gang with its roots in El Salvador’s civil war of the 80s and 90s.
  • (18) Daly and the rest of us had to wait 22 years to hear and see his handiwork, however, because contractual disputes delayed release of the film – which won an Oscar.
  • (19) India’s defence minister, Arun Jaitley, said the incident was “the handiwork of a neighbouring nation”.
  • (20) Patrick Cockburn, author of a recent book on Isis, reports that a recent video claiming to show a beheading by the jihadist group was in fact not their handiwork at all: it was shot in Mexico, an execution by the Zetas.

Words possibly related to "handiwork"