(superl.) Not easily penetrated, cut, or separated into parts; not yielding to pressure; firm; solid; compact; -- applied to material bodies, and opposed to soft; as, hard wood; hard flesh; a hard apple.
(superl.) Difficult, mentally or judicially; not easily apprehended, decided, or resolved; as a hard problem.
(superl.) Difficult to accomplish; full of obstacles; laborious; fatiguing; arduous; as, a hard task; a disease hard to cure.
(superl.) Difficult to resist or control; powerful.
(superl.) Difficult to bear or endure; not easy to put up with or consent to; hence, severe; rigorous; oppressive; distressing; unjust; grasping; as, a hard lot; hard times; hard fare; a hard winter; hard conditions or terms.
(superl.) Difficult to please or influence; stern; unyielding; obdurate; unsympathetic; unfeeling; cruel; as, a hard master; a hard heart; hard words; a hard character.
(superl.) Not easy or agreeable to the taste; stiff; rigid; ungraceful; repelling; as, a hard style.
(superl.) Rough; acid; sour, as liquors; as, hard cider.
(superl.) Abrupt or explosive in utterance; not aspirated, sibilated, or pronounced with a gradual change of the organs from one position to another; -- said of certain consonants, as c in came, and g in go, as distinguished from the same letters in center, general, etc.
(superl.) Wanting softness or smoothness of utterance; harsh; as, a hard tone.
(superl.) Rigid in the drawing or distribution of the figures; formal; lacking grace of composition.
(superl.) Having disagreeable and abrupt contrasts in the coloring or light and shade.
(adv.) With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; earnestly.
(adv.) With difficulty; as, the vehicle moves hard.
(adv.) Uneasily; vexatiously; slowly.
(adv.) So as to raise difficulties.
(adv.) With tension or strain of the powers; violently; with force; tempestuously; vehemently; vigorously; energetically; as, to press, to blow, to rain hard; hence, rapidly; as, to run hard.
(adv.) Close or near.
(v. t.) To harden; to make hard.
(n.) A ford or passage across a river or swamp.
Example Sentences:
(1) Lucy and Ed will combine coverage of hard and breaking news with a commitment to investigative journalism, which their track record so clearly demonstrates”.
(2) Sierra Leone is one of the three West Africa nations hit hard by an Ebola epidemic this year.
(3) Topical and systemic antibiotic therapy is common in dermatology, yet it is hard to find a rationale for a particular route in some diseases.
(4) Given Australia’s number one position as the worst carbon emitter per capita among major western nations it seems hardly surprising that islanders from Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and other small island developing states have been turning to Australia with growing exasperation demanding the country demonstrate an appropriate response and responsibility.
(5) They had learned through hard experience what Frederick Douglass once taught -- that freedom is not given, it must be won, through struggle and discipline, persistence and faith.
(6) In 60 rhesus monkeys with experimental renovascular malignant arterial hypertension (25 one-kidney and 35 two-kidney model animals), we studied the so-called 'hard exudates' or white retinal deposits in detail (by ophthalmoscopy, and stereoscopic color fundus photography and fluorescein fundus angiography, on long-term follow-up).
(7) It is a moment to be grateful for what remains of Labour's hard left: an amendment to scrap the cap was at least tabled by John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn but stood no chance.
(8) She stopped working only when the pain made it hard for her to get to work.
(9) He was reclusive, I know that, and he was often given a hard time for it.
(10) This defeat, though, is hardly a good calling card for the main job.
(11) Since this test is easily performed and hardly stresses the patient, it should routinely be the initial one for the diagnosis of renal osteopathy.
(12) Never become so enamored of your own smarts that you stop signing up for life’s hard classes.
(13) But I don't wish to be too hard on the judge for not taking that view.
(14) Our campaign has been going for some time and each step in our progress has been hard won, by campaigners paid and volunteer alike.
(15) I am rooting hard for you.” Ronald Reagan simply told his former vice-president Bush: “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.” By 10.30am Michelle Obama and Melania Trump will join the outgoing and incoming presidents in a presidential limousine to drive to the Capitol.
(16) All the same, it's hard to approach the school, which charges nearly £28,000 for boarders and nearly £19,000 for day girls and is sometimes called "the girls' Eton", without a few prejudices.
(17) Governmental officials as well as medical scientists in Taiwan have worked hard in recent years to develop and to implement various measures, such as prenatal diagnosis and neonatal screening, to lower the incidence of hereditary diseases and mental retardation in the population.
(18) Cooper, who was briefly a social worker in Los Angeles, also suggests working hard to build a rapport with colleagues in hotdesking situations.
(19) Critics of wind power peddle the same old myths about investment in new energy sources adding to families' fuel bills , preferring to pick a fight with people concerned about the environment, than stand up to vested interests in the energy industry, for the hard-pressed families and pensioners being ripped off by the energy giants.
(20) The spirit is great here, the players work very hard, we kept the belief when we were in third place and now we are here.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Puzzle
Example Sentences:
(1) More evil than Clocky , the alarm clock that rolls away when you reach out to silence it, or the Puzzle Alarm , which makes you complete a simple puzzle before it'll go quiet, the Money Shredding Alarm Clock methodically destroys your cash unless you rouse yourself.
(2) Our data and the model developed to interpret them in terms of fluctuations provide an explanation of the puzzling sharp reduction of water order near the chain-ordering phase transition.
(3) And David Ngog was a pointless signing too – one which puzzled us all.
(4) That's so far from how my mind works that I find it puzzling.
(5) This latest one continued developer Revolution Software’s run, sending you on the hunt for a stolen painting with puzzles and a well-worked storyline to hold your attention.
(6) Unexplained physical distress, when associated with alexithymia, becomes a diagnostic puzzle leading to prolonged investigation, ineffective treatment, and psychiatric referral.
(7) This scheme is used to rationalize previously puzzling data about the enzyme mechanism.
(8) With wearable computing just around the corner cracking integration with you, and indeed the organic-body, is critical for Apple and a final piece in the puzzle.
(9) Leanne Bowden, a mother of three on her way home on the school run, looks puzzled by the inquiry.
(10) The treatment of obesity remains a puzzling challenge because long-term maintenance of weight loss--one of the most suitable goals--is rarely achieved with conventional methods.
(11) It includes a reference to Banks's puzzling repeated insistence in media interviews that he "did not come up the river in a cabbage boat".
(12) In his letter responding to the resignation, the prime minister calls himself “puzzled and disappointed”.
(13) A persistent puzzle in our understanding of hemostasis has been the absence of hemorrhagic symptoms in the majority of patients with Hageman trait, the hereditary deficiency of Hageman factor (factor XII).
(14) "What was popular then was the puzzle: such qualities as psychological truth or even atmospheric location were secondary to it.
(15) A more pronounced decrease was produced by subjects working on puzzles than those working on mental calculation and by subjects working on easy tasks than those working on difficult tasks when the easy preceded the difficult ones.
(16) "We find it puzzling that the Department of Health would want a group that is opposed to abortion and provides no sexual health services on its sexual health forum."
(17) This MA lag of at least 2 years is consistent with the MA lag previously found on strategic games and puzzles.
(18) The boys attempted to solve two different sets of 10 find-a-word puzzles, one set following exposure to solvable puzzles, and one set following exposure to insolvable puzzles.
(19) That’s where blaming government failure fits into his ideological jigsaw puzzle.
(20) Some hypotheses about the cause of schizophrenia are based on the puzzling tendency for mental illness to affect the same sex when two close relatives become psychiatrically ill. Sex-concordance rates were examined in 71 schizophrenic probands, who had at least one first-degree relative suffering from the same disorder, in order to test this tendency in a population of recently admitted patients.