What's the difference between heavy and humid?



  • (a.) Having the heaves.
  • (superl.) Heaved or lifted with labor; not light; weighty; ponderous; as, a heavy stone; hence, sometimes, large in extent, quantity, or effects; as, a heavy fall of rain or snow; a heavy failure; heavy business transactions, etc.; often implying strength; as, a heavy barrier; also, difficult to move; as, a heavy draught.
  • (superl.) Not easy to bear; burdensome; oppressive; hard to endure or accomplish; hence, grievous, afflictive; as, heavy yokes, expenses, undertakings, trials, news, etc.
  • (superl.) Laden with that which is weighty; encumbered; burdened; bowed down, either with an actual burden, or with care, grief, pain, disappointment.
  • (superl.) Slow; sluggish; inactive; or lifeless, dull, inanimate, stupid; as, a heavy gait, looks, manners, style, and the like; a heavy writer or book.
  • (superl.) Strong; violent; forcible; as, a heavy sea, storm, cannonade, and the like.
  • (superl.) Loud; deep; -- said of sound; as, heavy thunder.
  • (superl.) Dark with clouds, or ready to rain; gloomy; -- said of the sky.
  • (superl.) Impeding motion; cloggy; clayey; -- said of earth; as, a heavy road, soil, and the like.
  • (superl.) Not raised or made light; as, heavy bread.
  • (superl.) Not agreeable to, or suitable for, the stomach; not easily digested; -- said of food.
  • (superl.) Having much body or strength; -- said of wines, or other liquors.
  • (superl.) With child; pregnant.
  • (adv.) Heavily; -- sometimes used in composition; as, heavy-laden.
  • (v. t.) To make heavy.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We were instantly refused entrance by the heavies at the door.
  • (2) With the exception of PMMA and PTFE, all plastics leave a very heavy tar- and soot deposit after burning.
  • (3) One-nation prime ministers like Cameron found the libertarians useful for voting against taxation; inconvenient when they got too loud about heavy-handed government.
  • (4) The prevalence was also higher in medium and heavy smokers.
  • (5) These results indicate that the inhibition of CarAc by heavy metals occurs by binding of the sulfhydryl on the enzyme by the metals.
  • (6) The biggest single source of air pollution is coal-fired power stations and China, with its large population and heavy reliance on coal power, provides $2.3tn of the annual subsidies.
  • (7) The combined evidence from immunoglobulin light chain staining and the analysis of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement indicated that the lesions in most patients represented polyclonal proliferations that gave rise to clonal subpopulations.
  • (8) Variations in light chain composition, particularly fast and slow myosin light chain 1, appeared to occur independently of the variations in heavy chain composition, suggesting that some myosin molecules consist of mixtures of slow- and fast-type subunits.
  • (9) In general, enzyme activity was strongly reduced by heavy metal inorganic cations; less strongly by organometallic cations, some anions, and certain pesticides; and weakly inhibited by light metal cations and organometallic and organic compounds.
  • (10) But the condition of edifices such as B30 and B38 - and all the other "legacy" structures built at Sellafield decades ago - suggest Britain might end up paying a heavy price for this new commitment to nuclear energy.
  • (11) By applying this method to rat cardiac whole muscle, high-molecular weight proteins, such as myosin heavy chains, are focused on the first-dimensional gels and, in addition, minor components are resolved on the second-dimensional gels, without loss during equilibration with detergent.
  • (12) To identify cells of different myogenic lineages, myotubes were analyzed for content of fast and slow classes of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting using specific monoclonal antibodies.
  • (13) Horses in heavy training may require more energy than they can consume on a conventional diet.
  • (14) As yet the observations demonstrate that workers exposed in their occupation to heavy metals (cadmium, lead, metalic mercury) and organic solvents should be subjected to special control for detection of renal changes.
  • (15) Heavy death losses (59%) occurred in adult Mystromys 3--14 days after muscle biopsies were taken from their rear legs.
  • (16) A comparative analysis of the structure and reactivity of the recombinant monoclonal antibodies showed that the light and heavy Ig-specific chains could form the reactive antibodies when the chains were present in different paratopes of Ig molecules.
  • (17) Mononucleosomes obtained from labeled cells were fractionated by rate zonal sedimentation through a sucrose gradient in heavy water (Senshu et al.
  • (18) Previous epitope mapping studies of human factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitor antibodies with heavy chain specificity localized epitopes to the amino-terminal half of the FVIII A2 domain.
  • (19) The ABI figures revealed that the best annuity for someone who is a heavy smoker and has severely impaired health was at Prudential, which paid out 46% more than the worst, from Friends Life.
  • (20) The parasites were highly aggregated within the study community, with most people harbouring low burdens while a few individuals harboured very heavy burdens.



  • (a.) Containing sensible moisture; damp; moist; as, a humidair or atmosphere; somewhat wet or watery; as, humid earth; consisting of water or vapor.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) at -35 degrees C and as long as 10 hours at -5 degrees C. However, C. bovis died within 72-96 hours in muscles of cattle carcasses subjected to the activity of the temperatures minus 18-19 degrees C at a relative humidity of 86-90% under conditions of an industrial cold storage plant.
  • (2) Temperature, relative humidity, and air movement around the package can influence the permeability of the film.
  • (3) Infrared linear dichroism investigations indicate that the alternating poly[d(A-T)]-poly[d(A-T)], enzymatically synthesized, adopts a lower humidity a well-expressed A* form in which stability is relatively small,i.e., restricted to limited relative humidity.
  • (4) The influence of salt mixtures consisting of Ca(H2PO4)2, trace elements, CaSO4, CaCO3, Na2CO3, NaCl and K2SO4 in different combinations on the nitrifying power, evolution of carbon dioxide and the total number of bacteria was studied in arid soils (sandy and alluvial) and semi-humid ones (chernozem and rendzina).
  • (5) We assessed the longitudinal distribution of intra-airway heat and water exchanges and their effects on airway wall temperature by directly measuring respiratory fluctuations in airstream temperature and humidity, as well as airway wall temperature, at multiple sites along the airways of endotracheally intubated dogs.
  • (6) The structural transitions B leads to A and B leads to C measured as a function of relative humidities were not affected by formation of complexes with both basic polypeptides.
  • (7) The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of ageing on textiles (17.5 months), air temperature (25-45 degrees C) and relative air humidity (RH) (45-85%) on the CH2O release rate from 6 kinds of drapers and furniture coverings.
  • (8) In the absence of other factors known to influence sectioning properties, high environmental relative humidity is shown to yield poorly embedded tissue.
  • (9) At 10% humidity the half-life-time was only 55 min.
  • (10) The effects of a number of drugs, potassium and calcium ions, and air humidity on mucociliary function were studied in isolated preparations of rats bronchial tree.
  • (11) Minimum relative humidity and maximum and minimum temperatures on day of evening sample were associated with 1.6 to 5.6% of variability within lactation (range for two breeds) of milk and milk constituent yields and 1.1 to 16.5% of constituent percentages.
  • (12) The correlation analysis applied showed that the parameters most markedly influencing the grain concentration of most taxa were the temperature and humidity.
  • (13) A difference density map obtained from data on purple membrane films at 15% relative humidity in 2H2O, and the same sample after complete drying in vacuum, revealed that about eight of these protons belong to four water molecules.
  • (14) The facility presents uniform fields under controlled temperature and humidity.
  • (15) Humidity has been postulated as a primary determinant of particle charge during aerosol generation.
  • (16) At high humidities up to 98%, an increase in bacteria cannot be detected.
  • (17) Successful colonization and invasion of experimentally inoculated feathers required addition of moisture and elevation of relative humidity within the cultures.
  • (18) These samples were collected from atmospheres of either analyte generated at 35 degrees-40 degrees C and 80%-90% relative humidity to simulate an exhaled breath sample matrix.
  • (19) It has been established that the structure of the hormone includes a set of regular helical forms which varies considerably with the humidity and dielectric constant of the medium.
  • (20) The presence of Daubentonia in southern Madagascar does not demonstrate that this region was markedly more humid or densely forested in the recent past.