(n.) One who inherits, or is entitled to succeed to the possession of, any property after the death of its owner; one on whom the law bestows the title or property of another at the death of the latter.
(n.) One who receives any endowment from an ancestor or relation; as, the heir of one's reputation or virtues.
(v. t.) To inherit; to succeed to.
Example Sentences:
(1) Antoine Comte, a lawyer for the Schloss heirs, said all the family wanted was the return of the painting.
(2) Diana of the sapphire eyes was rated more perfect than Botticelli's Venus and attracted Bryan Guinness, heir to the brewing fortune, as soon as she was out in society.
(3) They are most commonly described as conduct disordered and hyperactive, appear heir to a variety of deficits in verbal and abstract cognition, and perform more poorly in the academic environment.
(4) Another example is the death in 1817 of Princess Charlotte, in childbirth, which led to the scramble of George III's aging sons to marry and beget an heir to the throne.
(5) Museveni, who has held power for nearly three decades, has never said he sees his son as his political heir.
(6) Throughout his career he has continued to champion Crane, seeing him as the direct heir to Walt Whitman – Whitman being "not just the most American of poets but American poetry proper, our apotropaic champion against European culture" – and slayer of neo-Christian adversaries such as "the clerical TS Eliot" and the old New Critics, who were and are anathema to Bloom, unresting defender of the Romantic tradition.
(7) Her parents, Apiruj and Wanthanee Suwadee, were found guilty of violating Article 112 of Thailand’s criminal code which says anyone who “defames, insults or threatens the king, the queen, the heir-apparent or the regent” will be punished with up to 15 years in prison.
(8) The anointed heir, Xi Jinping , commanded less attention than former general secretary Jiang Zemin, seated next to current leader Hu Jintao.
(9) The two reformists Mr Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have sought to portray themselves as the true heirs of the Islamic revolution's spiritual leader, the late Ayatollah Khomeini, but this tactic has since worn thin and Khomeini's successor Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has stepped up his drive to paint Mousavi and Karroubi as western-run heretics.
(10) Welsh, but London-based, Jones's real offence to leftwingers - heirs to Nye Bevan - was to be a Blairite, "parachuted" into Blaenau Gwent.
(11) Revelations about Charles' power of consent come amid continued concern that the heir to the throne may be overstepping his constitutional role by lobbying ministers directly and through his charities on pet concerns such as traditional architecture and the environment.
(12) In the past, they were mostly wealthy British citizens seeking to hold their money outside the UK to avoid income tax and capital gains tax on their earnings, and to pass their wealth to heirs without inheritance tax.
(13) The spectacular ascent that saw him grace the cover of Newsweek as Asian of the Year and become the heir apparent of then prime minister Mahathir Mohamad was met with an equally spectacular crash in 1998, when the two fell out and Anwar was imprisoned for six years on corruption and sodomy charges, claims he repeatedly dismissed as politically motivated.
(14) The American heirs of a German-Jewish family have launched an unprecedented partnership with German state institutions to try to recover a vast art collection stolen by the Nazis.
(15) For seven years, the government has been fighting to prevent the disclosure of the letters – dubbed "black spider memos" because of the heir's handwriting.
(16) Tim Loughton, a Sussex MP, said it would be a "nonsense" to stop the heir to the throne talking to ministers as he had always come across as "well briefed and knowledgeable" in their meetings.
(17) But both Kennedy and Marks are now dead and Mossa said they had been unable to establish an obvious heir.
(18) Carter and the former leaders of Finland, Norway and Ireland were hoping for talks with Kim Jong-il and his son and heir apparent, Kim Jong-un.
(19) The gene termed heir-1 was localized to the neuroblastoma consensus deletion at 1p36.2-p36.12.
(20) Since Evans’ original request to see Charles’s letters, the government tightened up the Freedom of Information Act to provide an “absolute exemption” on all requests relating to the Queen and the heir to the throne.
(n.) Alt. of Wear
Example Sentences:
(1) Weir soon has to hack away a cross from Bodmer which would otherwise have found Govou in the box.
(2) The truth is, though, that Weir does not seem to favour one race over any other.
(3) Conflicting guidelines for excisions about the alar base led us to develop calibrated alar base excision, a modification of Weir's approach.
(4) With a 10th of Weir's workforce based in the rest of Britain, the EU's pension rules would mean the firm would need to pay off the company pension scheme's £60m deficit far more quickly or break the UK scheme up; both would mean extra costs.
(5) But then Weir has won the London Marathon six times and beat Hug by a single second in the 2012 race.
(6) Others may argue, as former US Olympic skater Johnny Weir has, that what they define as “politics” shouldn’t enter into the equation of whether a country is fit to host the Games.
(7) As Fiona Weir, chief executive of single parents charity Gingerbread, said today: "We fear that many parents will be pressured by their ex and by the new charges to stay out of the new system, and instead will enter into a private arrangement that offers no guarantee of regular, reliable income for their children."
(8) Weir, who had been regarded as a candidate to replace former boss Eric Daniels, and Kane are potentially entitled to around £1.7m and £1.6m each.
(9) Other important Stevenson titles: Treasure Island (1883); The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886); A Child's Garden of Verses (1886); The Weir of Hermiston (1896, posthumous).
(10) A similar spirit was invested in several stand-out movie roles: as an unconventional but inspirational English teacher in Peter Weir's Dead Poet's Society (1989); a homeless hobo and sort of holy fool in The Fisher King (1991), directed by Terry Gilliam; and a good-humoured therapist, for which he won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, in Gus Van Sant's Good Will Hunting (1997).
(11) Today the Environment Agency estimates that 70% of London's 600km river network is concreted, covered over, interrupted by weirs or otherwise modified.
(12) Fiona Weir, chief executive, said: "A family having a second child could be over £1,200 worse off this year.
(13) The covariance of inbred relatives from a population in linkage and identity equilibrium in the presence of dominance and epistasis is formulated using a similar procedure to that which B. S. Weir and C. C. Cockerham used to derive a general expression for the genotypic variance.
(14) Analysts at UBS said Weir was "one of the most attractively positioned mining equipment businesses" with a strong after sales market and improving outlook for orders in 2014.
(15) You know,' says Weir, 'it all gets very annoying, being misunderstood.'
(16) The weir consists of longitudinal external (small) and internal (large) ribs containing cross-striated microfilaments and connected by a membrane.
(17) Philip Landau is an employment lawyer at Landau Zeffertt Weir
(18) Amy Weir, the chair of the board, said she believed there should be a debate on the pros and cons of mandatory reporting under which those responsible for the care of children should be obliged to pass on concerns about abuse to the police or other authorities.
(19) Although finding himself in general agreement with Weir, Murray disagrees with the latter's acceptance of very limited active euthanasia, and believes that more attention could have been paid to the social contexts of moral beliefs and to the political aspects of the debate over newborn care.
(20) The weir consists of interdigitating ribs all of which form one circle, i.e.