(1) The IL-8 isolated from each of these cell types is a mixture of two IL-8 polypeptides, one consisting of 72 amino acids (herein called [ser-IL-8]72) and the other 77 amino acids (an N-terminal extended form herein called [ala-IL-8]77).
(2) Several aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are herein shown to catalyze the AMP----ADP and ADP----ATP exchange reactions (in the absence of tRNAs) by utilizing a transfer of the gamma-phosphate of ATP to reactive AMP and ADP intermediates that are probably the mixed anhydrides of the nucleotide and the corresponding amino acid.
(3) The antibiotic mixture, utilized herein, was more effective in suppressing bacteria contained in samples from patients than a medium containing cycloheximide and chloramphenicol.
(4) The mechanisms responsible for the stimulation of insulin release from the pancreatic beta-cell by hypoglycemic sulfonylureas are reviewed herein.
(5) Alternatively, the data presented herein strongly suggest that diets containing conventional quantities of fat, in which saturated fat is replaced by unsaturated fat and dietary cholesterol reduced, would result in the desired reductions to total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations without the adverse effects of increased postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations, increased fasting and postprandial total and very-low-density lipoprotein triglyceride concentrations, and decreased fasting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.
(6) The technique described herein provides a rapid and accurate means for deriving flow-volume and time domain indices from a volume-time spirogram.
(7) Affinity constants, binding kinetics and serum concentrations of hSHBG from individuals having a 4-band pattern were similar to those obtained in individuals with a 2-band pattern, thus suggesting that the mechanism responsible for the generation of polymorphic variants of hSHBG reported herein did not involve the steroid binding site of the molecule.
(8) We describe herein, a new unstable mutant of the vestigial locus, isolated from a French natural population.
(9) The results obtained by our laboratory using the optimized assay described herein demonstrate that this test can play an important role in the evaluation of an infertile man.
(10) A new case of this lesion, whose acrosyringeal differentiation was underlined by an immunohistological study using antibodies to keratin and involucrin, is reported herein.
(11) Alterations in the status of hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase components, such as those described herein, may be biochemical mechanism(s) by which adipose tissue shows a decreased lipolytic response during recovery from lactation.
(12) The committee developed positions on seven of these and these positions are presented herein.
(13) Herein, we demonstrate that B10.S (H-2s) and B10 (H-2b) H-2 congenic strains recognize distinct T-cell sites within the p120-140 (a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 120-140 of HBcAg) sequence defined by p120-131 and p129-140, respectively.
(14) Thirteen malignant diseases were identified in 12 of the 23 patients reported herein.
(15) The aim herein was to use 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the effects of bilirubin on brain energy metabolism in vitro under conditions of normoxia and hypoxia.
(16) Based on the similarities of its domains with various binding elements of other proteins, we suggest that the large fibroblast proteoglycan, herein referred to as versican, may function in cell recognition, possibly by connecting extracellular matrix components and cell surface glycoproteins.
(17) Described herein is a simple, efficient, inexpensive, reproducible, and safe procedure using Peldri II, a proprietary fluorocarbon compound that is solid at room temperature and a liquid above 25 degrees C, as a sublimation dehydrant for processing specimens for SEM.
(18) The technique described herein differs from previously described techniques in the operation upon the donor.
(19) We report herein that one such subpopulation has a high affinity for the human insulin receptor.
(20) The State of California Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Centers (ADDTC) herein propose criteria for the diagnosis of ischemic vascular dementia (IVD).
(n.) The act of satisfying, or the state of being satisfied; gratification of desire; contentment in possession and enjoyment; repose of mind resulting from compliance with its desires or demands.
(n.) Settlement of a claim, due, or demand; payment; indemnification; adequate compensation.
(n.) That which satisfies or gratifies; atonement.
Example Sentences:
(1) Results indicate that energy had not returned to patients' satisfaction in 37% of the cases.
(2) For enrolled nurses an increase in "Intrinsic Job Satisfaction" was less well maintained and no differences were found over time on "Patient Focus".
(3) Although there was already satisfaction in the development of dementia-friendly pharmacies and Pride in Practice, a new standard of excellence in healthcare for gay, lesbian and bisexual patients, the biggest achievement so far was the bringing together of a strategic partnership of 37 NHS, local government and social organisations.
(4) A subgroup of 40 patients was asked to complete a brief survey on medical care information and satisfaction.
(5) Regression analysis revealed a highly positive relationship between work performed and overall job satisfaction for both groups, although the work variable contributed more to multiskilled practitioners' overall satisfaction.
(6) Autonomy, sense of accomplishment and time spent in patient care ranked as the top three factors contributing to job satisfaction.
(7) Martin O’Neill spoke of his satisfaction at the Republic of Ireland’s score draw in the first leg of their Euro 2016 play-off against Bosnia-Herzegovina – and of his relief that the match was not abandoned despite the dense fog that descended in the second half and threatened to turn the game into a farce.
(8) The content and design of the treatment obviously had a positive influence on patient satisfaction.
(9) Access to general practitioners was found to be the most important determinant of global satisfaction.
(10) Seventy-two per cent of the 226 respondents had used the service, 23% more than four times, and 94% indicated satisfaction at having such a service available, with only 1% expressing dissatisfaction.
(11) Transfer of nonprofessional tasks out of nursing and reduction of tension arising from reduced responsibility of nurses for coordinating activities with ancillary departments are possible explanations for the positive relation between the presence of SUM and professional nurses' satisfaction.
(12) Psychological risk factors predicted donor candidates' decisions to participate and their compliance but were not predictive (within the group that completed a cycle) of donor satisfaction as follow-up or recipient pregnancy.
(13) A total of 54 family caregivers of elderly dementia patients completed interviews and questionnaires assessing the severity of patient impairment and caregiving stressors; caregiver appraisals, coping responses, and social support and activity; and caregiver outcomes, including depression, life satisfaction, and self-rated health.
(14) The analysis of four surveys on elder people shows that health, income, social integration, knowledge about aging, plans for retirement, good ecological conditions, life satisfaction, and a low age seem to be general resources.
(15) Although there continue to be methodologic problems in outcome evaluation research of multidisciplinary treatment of sexual dysfunction, follow-up studies generally indicate improvements in sexual functioning, satisfaction, and self-esteem.
(16) Encouragement is a powerful nursing strategy, increasing both nursing effectiveness and feelings of job satisfaction.
(17) At the interview those with conventional ileostomies expressed better preoperative comprehension of the procedure and more satisfaction about its life-saving nature; nevertheless, they experienced more negative emotional reactions, such as bitterness, after the operation.
(18) 's Life Satisfaction Index A (LSIA) is a widely used instrument for measuring subjective well-being among elderly adults, and the generalizability of its structure in different cultural contexts should be established [1].
(19) Over the years he has been through 20 Ofsted inspections, with all the anxiety – and sometimes satisfaction – that entails.
(20) The leadership of 212 chapters of an organization called Mothers Against Drunk Driving was surveyed to obtain data on chapter emphasis, satisfaction, future involvement and perception of most effective countermeasures.