(1) Recent research conducted by independent investigators concerning the relationship between crime and narcotic (primarily heroin) addiction has revealed a remarkable degree of consistency of findings across studies.
(2) The typology developed in two previous surveys of illicit heroin products is applicable to many of the samples studied in this work, although significant changes have occurred in the chemical profile of illicit heroin products from certain geographical regions.
(3) A procedure for detection and quantification of urinary 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM), a metabolite of heroin, is described.
(4) We have investigated the presence of fragments of the HIV genome with a new nucleic acid amplification technique (PCR or polymerase chain reaction) in lymphocytes from 33 seronegative couples with anti-HIV antibodies, most of which were heroin addicts.
(5) The Amazonian super heroine was dropped from the role less than two months later.
(6) Of 242 north Italian heroin addicts, 24 (9.9%) were HBsAg positive.
(7) Both heroin and alcohol addicts were characterized by a high frequency and magnitude of life change.
(8) But why did a pregnant heroin addict, or Nadia and the mother who put her into care, want to appear?
(9) Rates of past-year heroin abuse or dependence and heroin-related overdose deaths in the United States, 2002–2013.
(10) From Stranraer to Stornaway there is a fair chance every primary school child in the country will catch a glimpse of their heroine's gold medal at some stage, like it or not.
(11) Newborn infants delivered from mothers addicted to heroin often develop a deprivation syndrome.
(12) The results suggest that withdrawal-induced arousal may not be entirely eliminated by the heroin substitute, methadone.
(13) The efficiency of the volatilization of heroin using this procedure was studied under laboratory conditions using thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography and high pressure liquid chromatography.
(14) The first one is a renal adenocarcinoma in a heroin-abuser patient, of a type we have only found mentioned in the literature in 4 other cases.
(15) Another officer grabbing Mann by the collar and threatening his family – to arrest his wife’s “black ass” and ensure he would not see his young son grow up, Mann recalled in an interview – if he did not snitch on a heroin dealer.
(16) Plasma ACTH, cortisol, and cyclic-AMP levels of eleven heroin addicts were dertermined before and after treatment with a fast detoxification procedure using acupuncture and electrical stimulation (AES) together with the administration of limited doses of naloxone.
(17) Ian Livingstone is not all that keen on being photographed near the life-sized model of Lara Croft in his study – even though he was largely responsible for launching her on the world nearly 20 years ago, and the heroine of the Tomb Raider video games, comics and films helped to make his fortune.
(18) India is presently facing the problem of increased trafficking in drugs; heroin and hashish are supplied to the west through the subcontinent.
(19) The results suggest that heroin and PCP induce alterations in the septohippocampal cholinergic innervations and in related behavioral performance.
(20) A flawed heroine of the anti-apartheid struggle, she is unlikely to keep a low profile in the coming days or to bite her lip if she believes Mandela's memory is being betrayed.
(n.) The inspissated juice of the Papaver somniferum, or white poppy.
Example Sentences:
(1) The only entirely original stage work from this period was the spectacular one-man show Needles And Opium in 1991, which intermingled stories of love and addiction from the lives of Jean Cocteau and Miles Davis with an account of the meltdown of one of Lepage's own long-term relationships.
(2) Social changes going on in the society were reflected in choice of substance forms by younger people as compared to their elders (e.g., cigarettes vs pipes or cigars, heroin vs opium, manufactured vs village-produced alcohol).
(3) American frustrations burst into the open in October 2009 when serving and retired officials told the New York Times Karzai was a key player in Afghanistan's illegal opium trade, which helps fund the Taliban insurgency, while on the CIA payroll.
(4) A transformation of the corrupt economy could take up to two decades, and opium production is likely to climb beyond 2013's worrying levels before it falls again, said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, outgoing head of the UN office on drugs and crime in Afghanistan .
(5) Athletic elitism, the glorification of the human body, has succeeded religion as Marx's opium of the people.
(6) Cannabis and opium use has been in Nepal for centuries and in the past they did not pose much of a problem.
(7) In Henley, he encountered with interest the bookshop-owning lesbians who had taken opium with Cocteau, and a prim, elderly lady who had, in her youth, urinated regularly upon pioneering sexologist Havelock Ellis.
(8) But the ACMD research clearly found that the majority of people were not “parked” on opium substitution treatment for long periods of time, with only 10-15% receiving treatment for more than five years.
(9) With lots of water and fertile land, Sangin is perfect for growing the poppies currently being harvested for their opium sap.
(10) Subjects with a positive family history of opium use had an earlier age of onset than the subjects without a family history of opium use.
(11) Two ethnic groups in Laos were compared: the Hmong (or Meo), a tribal group with access to opium in their homes; and the Lao, a peasant people with more limited access, usually in opium dens.
(12) The time-course of changes in vegetative tests was studied in 47 men suffering from stage II opium dependence.
(13) Fifty-six addicted "world travelers" were studied at a treatment facility for opium addicts in Laos.
(14) Cash crops have diversified and replaced the former opium fields; the economy is moving away from a subsistence and cash economy to a mostly cash economy.
(15) They may well also be driving the Taliban effort in Helmand, since control of the opium-rich province would hand a major political advantage to whichever leader achieved it.
(16) Naltrexone blocked opioid-induced euphoria and decreased the craving for opium, but it did not inhibit drug usage.
(17) These studies contribute to the evidence that different cytochrome P-450-dependent mono-oxygenase systems are involved in the O- and N-dealkylation of opium alkaloids.
(18) Opium poppy latex contains a group of laticifer-specific, low-molecular-weight polypeptides called major latex proteins (MLPs).
(19) Communities raising opium poppy as a cash crop had highest crude rates of addiction (7.0-9.8 addicts per 100 people).
(20) The British prosecuted two opium wars in the cause of freedom to export and sell the produce of the East India Company's Bengal factories.