

  • (n.) An impalpable powder.
  • (n.) The fluid essence or pure spirit obtained by distillation.
  • (n.) Pure spirit of wine; pure or highly rectified spirit (called also ethyl alcohol); the spirituous or intoxicating element of fermented or distilled liquors, or more loosely a liquid containing it in considerable quantity. It is extracted by simple distillation from various vegetable juices and infusions of a saccharine nature, which have undergone vinous fermentation.
  • (n.) A class of compounds analogous to vinic alcohol in constitution. Chemically speaking, they are hydroxides of certain organic radicals; as, the radical ethyl forms common or ethyl alcohol (C2H5.OH); methyl forms methyl alcohol (CH3.OH) or wood spirit; amyl forms amyl alcohol (C5H11.OH) or fusel oil, etc.

Compare alcohol with other words:

alcohol vs. base

alcohol vs. heroin

alcohol vs. heroine

alcohol vs. tobacco

alcohol vs. ether

alcohol vs. dronkelewe

alcohol vs. cicutoxin

alcohol vs. underproof

alcohol vs. turmerol

alcohol vs. salol

alcohol vs. stillage

alcohol vs. overproof

alcohol vs. saligenin

alcohol vs. nephalism

alcohol vs. ebriosity

alcohol vs. winebibber

alcohol vs. intoxicant

alcohol vs. cannabis

alcohol vs. burmese

alcohol vs. bavarian

alcohol vs. mix

alcohol vs. algebraic

alcohol vs. phenol

alcohol vs. mobile

alcohol vs. morphine

alcohol vs. holder

alcohol vs. hydrocarbon

alcohol vs. cat

alcohol vs. ring

alcohol vs. correspond

alcohol vs. pet

acid vs. alcohol

alcohol vs. declination

alcohol vs. tippling

alcohol vs. tetrol

alcohol vs. etherification

alcohol vs. alcoholization

alcohol vs. alcoholometric

alcohol vs. teetotalism

alcohol vs. spirituous

alcohol vs. alcoholometry

alcohol vs. boozy

alcohol vs. alcoholized

alcohol vs. alcoholize

alban vs. alcohol

alcohol vs. ebrious

alcohol vs. spiked

alcohol vs. bootlegger

alcohol vs. vinometer

alcohol vs. alcoholometer

alcohol vs. mannitol

alcohol vs. alcoholate

alcohol vs. saponification

alcohol vs. shooter

alcohol vs. similar

alcohol vs. cathead

alcohol vs. bond

alcohol vs. multiplication

alcohol vs. bibulous

alcohol vs. dipsomania

alcohol vs. zymome

alcohol vs. menthol

alcohol vs. dipsomaniac

alcohol vs. befuddle

alcohol vs. cirrhosis

alcohol vs. congener

alcohol vs. dependency

alcohol vs. lacquer

alcohol vs. collodion

alcohol vs. pioneer

alcohol vs. ferment

alcohol vs. vinegar

alcohol vs. dop

alcohol vs. binge

alcohol vs. glycerol

alcohol vs. carousal

alcohol vs. inebriated

alcohol vs. denature

alcohol vs. ester

alcohol vs. flask

alcohol vs. sober

alcohol vs. lethal

alcohol vs. triple

alcohol vs. tosspot

alcohol vs. virgin

alcohol vs. proof

alcohol vs. vice

alcohol vs. alcoholism

alcohol vs. alcoholic

alcohol vs. sugar

alcohol vs. fermentation

alcohol vs. beverage

alcohol vs. intoxicating

alcohol vs. hydroxyl

alcohol vs. organic

alcohol vs. class

alcohol vs. toast

alcohol vs. content

alcohol vs. sauce

alcohol vs. delicate

alcohol vs. spirit

alcohol vs. lounge

alcohol vs. high

alcohol vs. clean

alcohol vs. bottle

alcohol vs. pledge

alcohol vs. straight

alcohol vs. drunken

alcohol vs. drunk

alcohol vs. cut

alcohol vs. bent

alcohol vs. teetotal

alcohol vs. finger

alcohol vs. wax

alcohol vs. drink

alcohol vs. dude

alcohol vs. water

alcohol vs. catmint

alcohol vs. indenture

alcohol vs. nep

alcohol vs. cement