What's the difference between hint and tip?



  • (v. t.) To bring to mind by a slight mention or remote allusion; to suggest in an indirect manner; as, to hint a suspicion.
  • (v. i.) To make an indirect reference, suggestion, or allusion; to allude vaguely to something.
  • (n.) A remote allusion; slight mention; intimation; insinuation; a suggestion or reminder, without a full declaration or explanation; also, an occasion or motive.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The tunes weren't quite as easy and lush as they had been, and hints of dissonance crept in.
  • (2) "Hints that the license fee payer will be hit are the closest the Tories come to explaining how they intend to pay for this."
  • (3) There is never any chink in her composure – any hint of tension – and while I can't imagine what it must feel like to be so at ease with one's world, I don't think she is faking it.
  • (4) Following a first-half surrender, they performed appreciably better in the second period with little cameos hinting at better days to come – eventually.
  • (5) #IfTheyGunnedMeDown tackled the way in which people of colour, especially men, are represented in the media (hint: usually as thuggish and criminal).
  • (6) In addition, practical hints on other means of retention are offered, with the emphasis on nuisance-free and easy application.
  • (7) Henry had hinted during a recent interview with French newspaper L’Equipe he could be interested in a future coaching role with the Gunners, and Wenger insisted on Tuesday that Henry’s return is a certainty when asked about a reunion with the former France striker.
  • (8) | Amy Lawrence Read more Sampdoria have already expressed their interest in bringing Balotelli back to the league where he has represented both Internazionale and Milan, and now Bologna’s director of sport, Pantaleo Corvino, has hinted at a loan deal.
  • (9) The slogan will be unveiled at a rally in Warwick tomorrow, but Alexander gave no hint of Gordon Brown calling an election before 6 May, emphasising the need for a slow reappraisal of Labour to take root.
  • (10) While Chinese media have not spelt out Zhou's woes explicitly, the hints have grown more blatant by the month, with some identifying him via his family relationships.
  • (11) Governor Mark Carney once hinted that a UK rate rise might be on the horizon.
  • (12) In a speech focused on national security, Liam Fox , who is trailing his fellow Tory leadership candidates in terms of support from MPs, hinted that he had doubts that a candidate without significant experience could handle the job.
  • (13) It would have been unprecedented for a large bloc such as the Freedom Caucus to have voted against the party’s choice of nominee, as they had hinted they might do with Webster.
  • (14) Furthermore it was possible to confirm the postoperative space of time needed until restoration of an undisturbed bladder function as a relatively reliable prognostic hint to the expected success of the operation.
  • (15) I got a hint of the price she has paid for her ambidextrous approach to cultural identify after her last interview was published, when a shocking number of British Pakistani men got in touch to denounce her as a shameful infidel.
  • (16) This is no time for partisan politics | Simon Jenkins Read more Downing Street has also hinted that the 1% cap on public sector pay increases could be lifted in the autumn budget, after a growing number of Tory MPs aired their concerns about the policy continuing.
  • (17) He has remained mostly out of sight since his defeat, but recently, while stopping short of any explicit pledge of a comeback, he and his entourage have dropped heavy hints that he may return to the frontline of French politics to "save" the country.
  • (18) It's set in Tokyo, presumably for the Nakatomi connection, and Trebilcook hinted on Twitter that we might see some old faces again.
  • (19) In an article for the Sunday Times, Cameron hinted that other nations in Europe – many of them dependent on Russian gas – are less willing to consider sanctions that could hit their own economies.
  • (20) There has been nothing explicit to confirm as much, but the hints have been there.



  • (n.) The point or extremity of anything; a pointed or somewhat sharply rounded end; the end; as, the tip of the finger; the tip of a spear.
  • (n.) An end piece or part; a piece, as a cap, nozzle, ferrule, or point, applied to the extreme end of anything; as, a tip for an umbrella, a shoe, a gas burner, etc.
  • (n.) A piece of stiffened lining pasted on the inside of a hat crown.
  • (n.) A thin, boarded brush made of camel's hair, used by gilders in lifting gold leaf.
  • (n.) Rubbish thrown from a quarry.
  • (v. t.) To form a point upon; to cover the tip, top, or end of; as, to tip anything with gold or silver.
  • (v. t.) To strike slightly; to tap.
  • (v. t.) To bestow a gift, or douceur, upon; to give a present to; as, to tip a servant.
  • (v. t.) To lower one end of, or to throw upon the end; to tilt; as, to tip a cask; to tip a cart.
  • (v. i.) To fall on, or incline to, one side.
  • (n.) A light touch or blow; a tap.
  • (n.) A gift; a douceur; a fee.
  • (n.) A hint, or secret intimation, as to the chances in a horse race, or the like.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This study examined both the effect of variations in optical fiber tip and in light wavelength on laser-induced hyperthermia in rat brain.
  • (2) Sickle and normal discocytes both showed membrane elasticity with reversion to original cell shape following release of the cell from its aspirated position at the pipette tip.
  • (3) The complication might have been prevented by measurements of U and I, reflecting changes in impedance or by measurements of catheter tip temperature (T).
  • (4) But what about phenomena such as table tipping and Ouija boards?
  • (5) The relationship between technique of obtaining Papanicolaou smears, presence of endocervical cells, and rate of cervical neoplasia was studied by comparing an endocervical and ectocervical nylon brush (Bayne brush), Ayre spatula plus endocervical brush, and spatula plus cotton-tipped swab in a randomized, prospective trial involving 11,061 patients.
  • (6) Eight electrodes of different size and tip characteristics were evaluated at different temperatures and time settings, both in vitro and in vivo.
  • (7) Neither was the intra-VMH infusion of MA effective if: (i) the rats were not primed with estrogen; (ii) the tips of the cannulae were outside the VMH; or (iii) it was preceded by an intra-VMH infusion of the alpha 1b-antagonist, chloroethylclonidine (CEC).
  • (8) "We know that a country has tipped when local-to-local connections outnumber local to foreign," he added.
  • (9) An inner cannula containing PGE2 or PGF2alpha at its tip was inserted into the previously implanted outer cannula.
  • (10) The linear flow accelerator failed to prevent, but did delay, catheter tip recoil in proportion to the prolongation of contrast medium injection time.
  • (11) The inter-connecting linkage system develops postnatally, and the 'tip-linkages' are already found in one-week-old mice, suggesting that the critical organization of the micromechanics of the stereocilia matures rapidly during the postnatal period.
  • (12) A new simplified technique for evaluating the internal pudendal artery and the penile vessels is described using a new catheter configuration with a very short 90 degrees-angled tip.
  • (13) Tipping petrol on a fire isn’t going to get the heat out of it,” he told ABC radio.
  • (14) When used in snail neurones such electrodes gave very similar pHi values to those recorded simultaneously by recessed-tip glass micro-electrodes.
  • (15) This study demonstrates the limitations of the Q-Tip test and reconfirms the need for more sensitive and specific urodynamic investigations of the incontinent woman.
  • (16) Following orthodontic treatment the canine's incisal edge occlusion demonstrates the tip and torque present in the appliance that was used.
  • (17) After 4 weeks of in vivo growth, extensive growth of arborizing ducts was apparent in recombinants composed of urogenital sinus mesenchyme and a single adult prostatic ductal tip.
  • (18) Conversely, serum starvation decreased TIP levels within 1 hr.
  • (19) He unleashes a scorching drive from about 18 yards, which Joe Hart tips wide via his right post.
  • (20) One patient harbored a basilar trunk aneurysm, 1 an aneurysm of the proximal posterior cerebral artery, 3 an aneurysm of the superior cerebellar artery, and 10 an aneurysm at the basilar tip.