What's the difference between hot and iota?



  • () of Hight
  • () imp. & p. p. of Hote.
  • (superl.) Having much sensible heat; exciting the feeling of warmth in a great degree; very warm; -- opposed to cold, and exceeding warm in degree; as, a hot stove; hot water or air.
  • (superl.) Characterized by heat, ardor, or animation; easily excited; firely; vehement; passionate; violent; eager.
  • (superl.) Lustful; lewd; lecherous.
  • (superl.) Acrid; biting; pungent; as, hot as mustard.
  • () of Hote
  • () of Hote

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In the bars of Antwerp and the cafes of Bruges, the talk is less of Christmas markets and hot chocolate than of the rising cost of financing a national debt which stands at 100% of annual national income.
  • (2) The analgesic activity of morphine was assessed by the hot-plate technique in the offspring of female CFE rats that had received morphine twice daily on days 5 to 12 of pregnancy.
  • (3) The data indicate that hot flashes may start much earlier and continue far longer than is commonly recognized by physicians or acknowledged in textbooks of gynecology.
  • (4) The phage is also thermostable in water of the hot spring from which this phage was isolated.
  • (5) In short term clinical studies, the beneficial effects of transdermal estradiol on plasma gonadotrophins, maturation of the vaginal epithelium, metabolic parameters of bone resorption and menopausal symptoms (hot flushes, sleep disturbance, genitourinary discomfort and mood alteration) appear to be comparable to those of oral and subcutaneous estrogens, while the undesirable effects of oral estrogens on hepatic metabolism are avoided.
  • (6) "The government should be doing all it can to put the UK at the forefront of this energy revolution not blowing hot and cold on the issue.
  • (7) It took years of prep work to make this sort of Übermensch thing socially acceptable, let alone hot – lots of “legalize it!” and “you are economic supermen!” appeals to the balled-and-entitled toddler-fists of the sociopathic libertechian madding crowd to really get mechanized mass-death neo-fascism taken mainstream .
  • (8) To test the hypothesis that EAA agonists are involved in transmission of nociceptive information in the spinal cord, we tested the effect of various opioid, sigma and phencyclidine compounds on the action of NMDA in the tail-flick, hot-plate and biting and scratching nociceptive tests.
  • (9) Antinociception was studied by measuring tail-flick response to hot (55 degrees C) water.
  • (10) We had hoped to be back in by now but there was a problem with the hot water.
  • (11) The expansion comes hot on the heels of another year of stellar growth in which Primark edged closer to overtaking high street stalwart M&S in sales and profits.
  • (12) A grassed roof, solar panels to provide hot water, a small lake to catch rainwater which is then recycled, timber cladding for insulation ... even the pitch and floodlights are "deliberately positioned below the level of the surrounding terrain in order to reduce noise and light pollution for the neighbouring population".
  • (13) The influence of hot and dry climate and nutritional status on dry eye incidence is discussed.
  • (14) Spoon over the dressing and eat immediately, while the tomatoes are still hot and the bread is crisp.
  • (15) "The rise in those who are self-employed is good news, but the reality is that those who have turned to freelance work in order to pull themselves out of unemployment and those who have decided to work for themselves face a challenging tax maze that could land them in hot water should they get it wrong," says Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants.
  • (16) Writhing response was more influenced after systemic administration of drugs while hot plate latencies was not.
  • (17) Illness was also significantly associated with eating lightly cooked eggs (unmatched p = 0.02), but not soft boiled eggs, and precooked hot chicken (matched p = 0.006).
  • (18) Gamma spectra were measured and activities of the detected isotopes were analyzed for 206 high-activity particles (hot particles, HPs) found in northeastern Poland after the Chernobyl accident.
  • (19) A hot spot in the lung emboli was visualized in two cases.
  • (20) Every time we have a negotiation, the bidding process (for the project) slows and postpones things.” Water quality has become a hot-button issue as the Olympics draw closer with little sign of progress in cleaning up the fetid bay, as well as the lagoon system in western Rio that hugs the sites of the Olympic park, the very heart of the games.



  • (n.) The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (/) corresponding with the English i.
  • (n.) A very small quantity or degree; a jot; a particle.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The relationship with the classical formula R = iota rho sigma G is explained with a Taylor expansion about a zero value of the correlation factor.
  • (2) "Had Obama even an iota of ethics and morality, he should have postponed or shelved his trip," it said.
  • (3) Our previous studies (Pattison, S. E., and Dunn, M. F. (1975), Biochemistry 14, 2733) have shown that the reaction of divalent metal ion chelators with the 140 000 mol wt mouse submaxillary nerve growth factor protein (7S NGF) activates the iota-subunit esteropeptidase activity ca.
  • (4) Point two: within that “rest of the world” (and the way her eyes follow you as the queue inches past the promotional stand for the loose-leaf stuff) resides every iota of the woman’s cod-inclusive, folksy megalomania.
  • (5) It was found that all iota-globulins were catabolized in a similar fashion, and that the type of carrier erythrocytes (isologous or heterologous) had no influence on catabolism.
  • (6) C. perfringens iota toxin ADP-ribosylated all actin isoforms tested, whereas C. botulinum C2 toxin did not modify alpha-skeletal muscle actin or alpha-cardiac muscle actin.
  • (7) Iota toxin ADP-ribosylated actin in the G-A complex from human platelets as effectively as skeletal muscle actin.
  • (8) Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin, Clostridium perfringens iota toxin, and Clostridium spiroforme toxin ADP-ribosylate actin monomers.
  • (9) The iota toxin of Clostridium perfringens type E is a guinea pig dermonecrotic, mouse lethal toxin which cross-reacts with the iota-like toxin of Clostridium spiroforme.
  • (10) It is suggested, therefore, that complexes of mu and the 'surrogate' light chains omega and iota play a role in this process.
  • (11) These improved analytical methods have been applied successfully to kappa-, iota-, and lambda-carrageenans, as well as some agars.
  • (12) This finding suggests that C. perfringens iota ADP-ribosylates the same amino acid in skeletal muscle and non-muscle actin as does C. botulinum C2 toxin in non-muscle actin.
  • (13) Mononuclear phagocytes harvested from peritoneal cavities of mice injected intraperitoneally 24 h previously with iota carrageenan were invariably vacuolated or lysed.
  • (14) Each protein component of the toxin, iota a (ia) or iota b (ib), appeared as a single band by gradient or sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and yielded a single immunoprecipitin arc by crossed immunoelectrophoresis with homologous antiserum.
  • (15) When pure isolates of C. spiroforme were administered to two normal healthy rabbits, the rabbits developed identical disease and shed both the organism and the iota-toxin.
  • (16) The data suggest that iota toxin is a representative of a novel class of ADP-ribosylating toxins.
  • (17) The substrate specificities of the actin-ADP-ribosylating toxins, Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin and Clostridium perfringens iota toxin were studied by using five different preparations of actin isoforms: alpha-skeletal muscle actin, alpha-cardiac muscle actin, gizzard gamma-smooth muscle actin, spleen beta- and gamma-cytoplasmic actin, and aortic smooth muscle actin containing alpha- and gamma-smooth muscle actin isoforms.
  • (18) We have examined rabbit lymphocytes from several tissue sources for membrane immunoglobulins with anti-antiserum for alpha, mu and iota heavy chains, as well as with an antiserum specific for a rabbit thymus lymphocyte antigen (RTLA).
  • (19) The Sa cross-reacted immunologically with either the light chain of C. perfringens E iota toxin or the ADP-ribosyl transferase from C. difficile 196 strain.
  • (20) Characterization of a membrane-IgM-negative variant cell line derived from the murine B-cell line 38C-13 revealed the absence of light chains and the presence of polypeptides with an apparent molecular size of 18 kDa and 14 kDa, previously denoted omega and iota and characteristic of pre-B cells.

Words possibly related to "hot"