(a.) Containing sensible moisture; damp; moist; as, a humidair or atmosphere; somewhat wet or watery; as, humid earth; consisting of water or vapor.
Example Sentences:
(1) at -35 degrees C and as long as 10 hours at -5 degrees C. However, C. bovis died within 72-96 hours in muscles of cattle carcasses subjected to the activity of the temperatures minus 18-19 degrees C at a relative humidity of 86-90% under conditions of an industrial cold storage plant.
(2) Temperature, relative humidity, and air movement around the package can influence the permeability of the film.
(3) Infrared linear dichroism investigations indicate that the alternating poly[d(A-T)]-poly[d(A-T)], enzymatically synthesized, adopts a lower humidity a well-expressed A* form in which stability is relatively small,i.e., restricted to limited relative humidity.
(4) The influence of salt mixtures consisting of Ca(H2PO4)2, trace elements, CaSO4, CaCO3, Na2CO3, NaCl and K2SO4 in different combinations on the nitrifying power, evolution of carbon dioxide and the total number of bacteria was studied in arid soils (sandy and alluvial) and semi-humid ones (chernozem and rendzina).
(5) We assessed the longitudinal distribution of intra-airway heat and water exchanges and their effects on airway wall temperature by directly measuring respiratory fluctuations in airstream temperature and humidity, as well as airway wall temperature, at multiple sites along the airways of endotracheally intubated dogs.
(6) The structural transitions B leads to A and B leads to C measured as a function of relative humidities were not affected by formation of complexes with both basic polypeptides.
(7) The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of ageing on textiles (17.5 months), air temperature (25-45 degrees C) and relative air humidity (RH) (45-85%) on the CH2O release rate from 6 kinds of drapers and furniture coverings.
(8) In the absence of other factors known to influence sectioning properties, high environmental relative humidity is shown to yield poorly embedded tissue.
(9) At 10% humidity the half-life-time was only 55 min.
(10) The effects of a number of drugs, potassium and calcium ions, and air humidity on mucociliary function were studied in isolated preparations of rats bronchial tree.
(11) Minimum relative humidity and maximum and minimum temperatures on day of evening sample were associated with 1.6 to 5.6% of variability within lactation (range for two breeds) of milk and milk constituent yields and 1.1 to 16.5% of constituent percentages.
(12) The correlation analysis applied showed that the parameters most markedly influencing the grain concentration of most taxa were the temperature and humidity.
(13) A difference density map obtained from data on purple membrane films at 15% relative humidity in 2H2O, and the same sample after complete drying in vacuum, revealed that about eight of these protons belong to four water molecules.
(14) The facility presents uniform fields under controlled temperature and humidity.
(15) Humidity has been postulated as a primary determinant of particle charge during aerosol generation.
(16) At high humidities up to 98%, an increase in bacteria cannot be detected.
(17) Successful colonization and invasion of experimentally inoculated feathers required addition of moisture and elevation of relative humidity within the cultures.
(18) These samples were collected from atmospheres of either analyte generated at 35 degrees-40 degrees C and 80%-90% relative humidity to simulate an exhaled breath sample matrix.
(19) It has been established that the structure of the hormone includes a set of regular helical forms which varies considerably with the humidity and dielectric constant of the medium.
(20) The presence of Daubentonia in southern Madagascar does not demonstrate that this region was markedly more humid or densely forested in the recent past.
Example Sentences:
(1) I can see you use humour as a defence mechanism, so in return I could just tell you that if he's massively rich or famous and you've decided you'll put up with it to please him, you'll eventually discover it's not worth it.
(2) He captivated me, but not just because of his intellect; it was for his wisdom, his psychological insights and his sense of humour that I will always remember our dinners together.
(3) It’s useless if we try and fight with them through force, so we try and fight with them through humour.” “There is a saying that laughing is the best form of medicine.
(4) This study shows that aqueous humour examination for toxoplasma antibodies is a valuable diagnostic tool in a selected group of posterior uveitis patients.
(5) The concentrations of several post mortem aqueous humour chemical constituents were compared with ante mortem serum chemical values in the horse.
(6) The cAMP level in aqueous humour also decreased, with an increase in cGMP level increased.
(7) How she would have enjoyed meeting up with people she hadn’t seen for years, and looking back with humour and affection.
(8) The prose rhythm and colloquial diction here work against exaggeration, but allow for humour.
(9) "In terms of targeting there are similarities [with Dave], it has continued to deliver outstanding numbers but it relies on a lot of UK specific humour.
(10) When we had a morning practice session, and some players were a bit sluggish, he would call them out to the middle of the pitch and shout: ‘Dilly-ding, dilly-dong!’ When I read this story about Leicester, I just started laughing because all those funny moments with him came rushing back into my head.” That Ranieri has a sense of humour is hardly new information.
(11) The popularity of "whom" humour tells us two things about the distinction between "who" and "whom".
(12) It was hypothesized that the body-symptoms are correlated to humour.
(13) They’re peculiarly British but the appeal of the humour and the ever-present message that good people always win is absolutely global.” “These films are a part of British culture and to be carrying on the legacy of [original Carry On writers] Norman Hudis and Talbot Rothwell is a thrill and a responsibility,” said Dawson.
(14) These findings, together with the morphological similarities between the rat and primate aqueous humour outflow pathways, particularly the presence of a single canal of Schlemm, suggest that the rat may be a valuable model for future studies of the normal and abnormal mechanisms of aqueous drainage.
(15) "It is not a likeable work," ran one unfavourable review, "containing little humour or tenderness or modesty.
(16) The only time I see him in even vague bad humour is when a wardrobe assistant tries to neaten a dancer's hair.
(17) Sometimes people think that I ... am surprising in that I laugh and use my sense of humour within my work.
(18) Yet, ultimately, the film honours Dengler's good humour, his resilience, his overwhelming desire to live; after describing the many horrendous tortures the Viet Cong inflicted on him, he shrugs and says: "They were always thinking up new things to do to me!"
(19) Whole-body autoradiography in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after oral and intravenous administration of 3H-labelled aflatoxin B1 showed labelling of several extrahepatic tissues, such as the uveal melanin and the vitreous humour of the eyes, the trunk and head kidney, the olfactory rosettes and the pyloric caecae.
(20) And while Altmejd presents sexual scenes of cartoonish horror and disgust, Lucas's art has embraced lavatorial humour, abjection, self-denigration, the pithy sculptural one-liner and the obscene gesture.