What's the difference between humpy and lumpy?



  • (a.) Full of humps or bunches; covered with protuberances; humped.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A spectrum of ultrastructural features, from the typical "humpy bumpy" subepithelial deposits to the apparent disappearance of the deposits within the epithelial cells, is presented.
  • (2) Similar, but much milder, spinal cord lesions were found in apparently unaffected sheep from the same group as the sheep affected with humpy back on 2 properties.
  • (3) Within just a few hours, I was high up in the heathery hills, granite outcrops and peat-coloured streams of the humpy Wicklow mountains.
  • (4) A more severe hind limb incoordination with more extensive degeneration of the white matter of the spinal cord, medulla and cerebellum was seen in a case of humpy back of two years duration.
  • (5) Humpy back, a disease of Merino sheep in western Queesland, occurs during mustering for shearing.
  • (6) The humpy surface of commercially manufactured teeth was levelled by grinding, using the abrasion test machine itself, which resulted in two little plain surfaces.



  • (superl.) Full of lumps, or small compact masses.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) By analogy with the comparable glands of the yellow-bellied toad and the grass frog, these are called the toxic, lumpy, mucous, callous, and small glands.
  • (2) The indications for mammography were a palpable mass in 454 (44.7%), findings at routine screening in 237 (23.3%), lumpiness in 29 (14.9%), unilateral nipple discharge in seven (3.5%), localized breast tenderness in six (5.1%), adenopathy in three (1.9%), diffuse tenderness in two (2.9%), bilateral nipple discharge in two (1.5%), and miscellaneous in four (2.2%).
  • (3) While cost of living pressures were easing in other parts of the family budget, the pain of these big lumpy bills was acute and remembered.
  • (4) These sera were tested for antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease, bovine herpes virus types 1 and 2, lumpy skin disease, bovine viral diarrhoea, Akabane, bovine ephemeral fever, bluetongue, enzootic bovine leucosis, African horse sickness and African swine fever viruses and Brucella abortus based on the expected species susceptibility.
  • (5) Here lies Baby Addie,” he told us, gesturing to a lumpy patch of earth carpeted in the dry pine needles which scented the air.
  • (6) Decisions about delivery programs to improve health status are characterized by indivisibilities or "lumpiness," interdependencies between case types with varying health output, high fixed costs, administrative constraints, and qualitative quity and political considerations.
  • (7) C3 and IgA deposits were granular, resembling mesangial deposits, while IgM deposits were lumpy, similar to IgM deposits in sclerotic and hyalinized glomeruli.
  • (8) Virulent Yersinia pestis was grown on heart infusion blood agar and examined by scanning electron microscopy, exposing the fraction 1 envelope antigen on cell surfaces as a lumpy coating that spilled into the surrounding milieu.
  • (9) By SEM, the external surfaces of the basement membranes were covered by immune complexes that appeared as a network of "lumpy-bumpy" deposits.
  • (10) Photograph: Eamonn Mccabe for the Guardian When she was a child living in a Tudor cottage in rural Cheshire, the walls were lumpy, and badly painted, wattle and daub.
  • (11) The interstitial immune complexes were granular to lumpy in appearance and formed at the basal area of the follicular cells in intimate association with the follicular basement membrane.
  • (12) Successful protection against lumpy jaw disease in a colony of captive wallabies (Macropus eugenii) was induced by vaccination with a commercial ovine footrot vaccine.
  • (13) She had a nodular, lumpy-bumpy, cauliflower-like asymmetric edema of the nerve head, which suggested direct optic nerve head invasion with foreign tissue.
  • (14) Clinical findings and lysosomal enzymes (LYE) in eight lumpy skin diseases (LSD) cows and same number of healthy ones were reported in Tal-El Baker village and Tal Alkabir centre, Ismailia province, Egypt.
  • (15) Protozoan - infections, herpes virus infections, gastroenteritis of unknown etiology and especially the occurrence of the so called "lumpy-jaw" turned out to be of special importance.
  • (16) A 57-year-old patient presented on the omentum an encapsulated, lumpy tumoral formation, 9 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm, with whitish-grey and hemorrhagic cystic zones.
  • (17) Frequently the silhouette of nerve-cell bodies was distorted; irregular surfaces and lumpinesses had replaced the otherwise smooth contour of many granule and pyramidal cells.
  • (18) At laparoscopy, the liver was grossly enlarged and had a lumpy appearance, but again there were no signs of a tumor.
  • (19) Of these, in the male the lumpy glands represent less than 10%, while the toxic, mucous and small glands each account for 30%.
  • (20) Only an exclusive cadre of women can pull off a Herve Leger bandage dress on the red carpet without looking like a lumpy frosting tube, and it would seem that Lululemon ascribes to the same goal in the yoga studio.

Words possibly related to "humpy"