(n.) A figure of speech in which the expression is an evident exaggeration of the meaning intended to be conveyed, or by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are; a statement exaggerated fancifully, through excitement, or for effect.
Example Sentences:
(1) These two types of transfer functions are appropriate to explain the transition to anaerobic metabolism (anaerobic threshold), with a hyperbolic transfer characteristic representing a graded transition; and a sigmoid transfer characteristic representing an abrupt transition.
(2) Yesterday's flight may not quite have been one small step for man, but the hyperbole and the sense of history weighed heavily on those involved.
(3) For a union that, in less than 25 years, has had to cope with the end of the cold war, the expansion from 12 to 28 members, the struggle to create a single currency and, most recently, the eurozone crisis, such a claim risks accusations of hyperbole.
(4) Furthermore, illustrations of the types of transfer characteristics observed in different individuals and different training regimens can be obtained, including both hyperbolic (Michaelis-Menten) and sigmoid transfer characteristics.
(5) Oyster adductor phosphofructokinase displays hyperbolic saturation kinetics with respect to all substrates (fructose 6-phosphate, ATP, and Mg2+) at either pH 7.9 OR PH 6.8.
(6) In it he translated Trump’s coarse ramblings into charming straight talk and came up with the phrase “truthful hyperbole”, which captures brilliantly an approach to business and politics in which everything is the greatest, the most beautiful.
(7) Sitting at the table today, Archie is doing his best to look the part – in time-honoured hip-hop style, there is an inspirational motto tattooed on his forearm in flowing script – and he and Foster have an impressive line in managerial hyperbole: "We believe that whatever record label we work for, we can change that label for the better because we understand what kids want to listen to."
(8) The plot is still hyperbolic in the presence of La3+, which inhibits Ca2+ transport competitively.
(9) -The H-3-testosterone concentration was varied from 0.17-100 times 10-8 M. Plotting the resulting 5-alpha-reduction products as a function of testosterone concentration a hyperbolic pattern of enzyme kinetics ensued.
(10) A similar hyperbolic decrease in stoichiometry was observed with vesicles containing 10 or 20% PS when the calcium concentration was increased from 0.4 to 10 mM.
(11) The antiport activity measured in this way shows a hyperbolic dependence on external Na+ or Li+ concentration when the external pH (pHo) is 7.2 or higher.
(12) It is shown to increase hyperbolically with the time elapsed since the nerve section.
(13) The 48-year-old Dubliner has since played down that outburst as the youthful hyperbole of a pilot at Aer Lingus in the early 1980s.
(14) When [Ca2+]i is increased, Ica is reduced disproportionately, but the effect is not hyperbolic.
(15) A well-defined hyperbolic relationship was found between the two variables indicating that the physiologic level of plasma renin concentration depends on the state of sodium balance.
(16) The dependence of DMF upon oxygen concentration in the mixture was approximated by a hyperbolic function similar to the dependence of the radiomodifying effect of circulatory hypoxia caused by radioprotective agents of the indolylalkylamine series.
(17) The Bayesian solution to the Behrens-Fisher problem of normal distributions with differing variances was an acceptable compromise after the data had been transformed by the inverse hyperbolic sine method applicable to negative binomials.
(18) Several reporter genes with estrogen response elements upstream of the herpes thymidine kinase promoter showed hyperbolic saturation kinetics with increasing ER.
(19) In the presence of histidine a change from hyperbolic to sigmoidal kinetics is observed.
(20) Binding to enterocytes isolated from both normal and chronically hypoxic mice showed a hyperbolic dependence on medium Fe(III) concentration, consistent with a single class of binding sites.
(n.) The act of understating, or the condition of being understated; that which is understated; a statement below the truth.
Example Sentences:
(1) RBS chief executive Ross McEwan apologised to consumers: “To say I’m angry would be an understatement.
(2) To say that the loss of BB King is devastating to the blues community is an understatement.
(3) With understatement, he added: "I don't feel comfortable."
(4) Heaton’s recollections are heavy on understatement.
(5) Since that strangely undeserved result in Madrid last November, PSG have gone on a run that makes convincing seem like an understatement.
(6) With some understatement, Thompson said: "We've weathered a series of lively storms and been through some trying as well as some very successful times together.
(7) In light of the opening episode, that seems like an understatement.
(8) That the act outraged public decency is an understatement.
(9) Unfortunately, we had to lower the number of people,” he says, in something of an understatement, adding that he used redeployment and natural turnover as much as possible.
(10) He starts by discussing the economic climate – saying that eurozone economic growth remains "weak" (an understatement), with fears over the crisis weighing on confidence and sentiment.
(11) Furthermore, perhaps calling Corbyn a “harsh critic” is an understatement in light of some of his statements.
(12) Courtesy the estate of Richard Hamilton That Hamilton was anti-capitalist is an understatement.
(13) That is an understatement because the expectations were high.
(14) To say that the 170-year history of the Co-op Group is complicated would be a howling understatement.
(15) Late-night tales: how a new crop of TV hosts is reinventing an old format Read more First, to say it’s a “hit” is an understatement – it’s a phenomenon.
(16) And to say Fifa has been dismayed by this burst of democratic dissent is an understatement.
(17) It will be difficult to keep them all happy.” That might be the understatement of the year.
(18) Volunteer complaints panel To say the public has little faith in the Independent Police Complaints Commission would be an understatement.
(19) With the organisation reeling from a string of corruption allegations against 10 of the 24-man executive committee, Jérôme Valcke , Fifa's secretary general, admitted with grim understatement that Fifa's reputation is: "Not at its highest."
(20) Fits like a brick To say that it is unclear quite how Beats and Apple would fit is be an understatement.