(n.) Oblique course or means; dishonest practices; indirectness.
Example Sentences:
(1) Thus, human bronchial epithelial cells can express the IL-8 gene, with expression in response to the inflammatory mediator TNF regulated mainly at the transcriptional level, and with elements within the 5'-flanking region of the gene that are directly or indirectly modulated by the TNF signal.
(2) The sensitivity of an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test (screening test) for the detection of antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV) was examined by using 128 serum specimens and quaternary aminoethyl (QAE)-Sephadex A50 column chromatography to separate IgM from IgG class antibodies.
(3) In the present study, the expression of type IV collagen associated with the basal membrane (BM) was studied histochemically (indirect immunoperoxidase-antiperoxidase) in cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) lesions (diagnosed using in situ DNA hybridization) of different grades.
(4) Noradrenaline (NA) was released from sympathetic nerve endings in the tissue by electrical stimulation of the mesenteric nerves or by the indirect sympathomimetic agent tyramine.
(5) The base materials caused more pulpal inflammation than the control material, Kalzinol, although by an indirect mechanism.
(6) They were visualized by indirect immunoperoxidase techniques.
(7) Because of these different direct and indirect actions, a sudden cessation of sinus node activity or sudden AV block may result in the diseased heart in a prolonged and even fatal cardiac standstill, especially if the tolerance to ischemia of other organs (notably the brain) is decreased.
(8) More needs to be known about the direct and indirect modulation of cytokine production by cyclosporin A in connective tissues, in order to understand its potential value in clinical disorders.
(9) Possible explanations of the clinical gains include 1) psychological encouragement, 2) improvements of mechanical efficiency, 3) restoration of cardiovascular fitness, thus breaking a vicous circle of dyspnoea, inactivity and worsening dyspnoea, 4) strengthening of the body musculature, thus reducing the proportion of anaerobic work, 5) biochemical adaptations reducing glycolysis in the active tissues, and 6) indirect responses to such factors as group support, with advice on smoking habits, breathing patterns and bronchial hygiene.
(10) Indirect methods to evaluate left ventricular function included the use of the Swan-Ganz catheter for pulmonary capillary wedge pressure measurement, systolic time intervals, and cardiac output.
(11) Third, an indirect activation of protein kinase C may occur via an increase in the rate of phosphoinositide breakdown.
(12) A highly significant correlation was observed between neutralization of indirect hemolysis and neutralization of lethal activity.
(13) By indirect immunofluorescence one antibody population can be shown to react with modified red cells.
(14) The aim of this study was clarify the physiopathological mechanisms underlying atrial pauses as well as to evaluate the sensitivity of sinoatrial conduction time (SACT) directly measured on SNE and of SACT estimated with the indirect Strauss method with respect to the detection of SSS.
(15) MHC expression was assessed in a radiolabeled mAb binding assay and by indirect immunoperoxidase staining of tissue sections.
(16) Detection of the noncarboxylated forms allows an indirect and specific measure of the vitamin K deficiency found in early, classic, and late hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (HDN), malabsorption syndromes, and drug related (warfarin, anticonvulsants, and antibiotics) states.
(17) Our data suggest that verapamil affects lymphocyte beta-receptors in vitro and with long-term administration regulates lymphocyte beta-receptor function either directly or indirectly via a reduction in plasma catecholamine levels.
(18) Doctors, who once treated human body as an entity, are so specialized that none seems to know any more that the head bone is still indirectly connected to the great toe.
(19) Serology represents the primary method, using the techniques of complement fixation, indirect immunofluorescence, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
(20) By its actions, this musculature effects many phases of dentistry, directly or indirectly; and orthodontics is affected most of all.
(a.) On the left hand, or the side of the left hand; left; -- opposed to dexter, or right.
(a.) Unlucky; inauspicious; disastrous; injurious; evil; -- the left being usually regarded as the unlucky side; as, sinister influences.
(a.) Wrong, as springing from indirection or obliquity; perverse; dishonest; corrupt; as, sinister aims.
(a.) Indicative of lurking evil or harm; boding covert danger; as, a sinister countenance.
Example Sentences:
(1) The committee's findings include that the attacks were not extensively planned by the perpetrators; the intelligence community did a good job of warning about the risk of an attack but a bad job of summarizing the attack when it happened; the state department screwed up by not beefing up security at the mission; nobody blocked any military response; and that the Obama administration was slow to produce a paper trail but was generally not a sinister actor in the episode.
(2) He should not try to play political games with the darkest and most sinister chapter of Europe’s history.
(3) The American actor played sinister rookie methylamine chemist Todd Alquist in the final season of Breaking Bad.
(4) Camille O'Sullivan In 2007, the sinister, humorous gem Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea spread like wildfire just after its opening, and you had to kill to get a ticket.
(5) Wenger had complained of a sinister media plot to brainwash Arsenal's home fans, as though they were easily led and swing in the breeze, but it all was sweetness and light as Aaron Ramsey continued his early season swagger.
(6) The Chinese government is depicted as benevolent, while the US government manages to be both sinister and useless – typified by the black-clad CIA operatives, one of whom gets beaten up by a Chinese character.
(7) The results showed a very good distribution of 100% or 90% in the bronchi principals dexter and sinister.
(8) The Velvet Underground’s sinisterly thrilling, entirely unapologetic musical portraits of New York’s gay, drug-taking demimonde must have seemed overwhelming to a British suburban kid in the late 60s.
(9) The latest film sees Bond travel from Mexico to the Sahara desert, Italy and the Austrian Alps in pursuit of SPECTRE – an acronym for Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion – the sinister organisation intent on world domination.
(10) Sinister individuals in lab coats "advising" from behind the scenes?
(11) "But this can be taken out of my hands in a number of sinister ways."
(12) The police had handed control of the investigation to Paul Britton, a grandstanding and, in my view, faintly sinister, psychologist.
(13) The stories range from the subtly sinister to the outrageously gothic.
(14) Other more sinister forces have tried to tap into the widespread hostility towards the banking system.
(15) Rumours abound that Trump has had some link to Putin’s sinister finances.
(16) This is especially so where its occasional presentation as polypoid lesions of the lower respiratory tract may mimic other more sinister lesions and lead to unwarranted invasive procedures by the unsuspecting clinician.
(17) It would be possible to write off the Swartz prosecution (as some have done) as the action of a politically ambitious attorney general, but actually it fits a much more sinister pattern.
(18) In retrospect, the movement was not just horrific but often ludicrous in its paranoia: the most "sinister" aspect of one supposed conspiracy, notes the book Mao's Last Revolution , was that even some of its core members appeared unaware of its existence.
(19) I don’t know how well thought-through they have been with it.” “You have a medical issue at your home, you call police, you don’t expect it to to be recorded on video forever, and for somebody to come and request [it] and be used against you in some sinister way,” said Gibbons, about the recordings potentially being public record.
(20) EL: The first psychiatrist I saw subscribed very much to the same view as my friend and the GP – that my voice (and bear in mind, it's still only a single voice at this time) was a sinister harbinger of something much more serious.