What's the difference between indulgence and provide?



  • (n.) The act of indulging or humoring; the quality of being indulgent; forbearance of restrain or control.
  • (n.) An indulgent act; favor granted; gratification.
  • (n.) Remission of the temporal punishment due to sins, after the guilt of sin has been remitted by sincere repentance; absolution from the censures and public penances of the church. It is a payment of the debt of justice to God by the application of the merits of Christ and his saints to the contrite soul through the church. It is therefore believed to diminish or destroy for sins the punishment of purgatory.
  • (v. t.) To grant an indulgence to.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Byrne's Nursie had the same indefatigable garrulousness, the same sense that she knew all the worst things about her charge – Miranda Richardson's bibulous Queen Elizabeth – so Gloriana and the rest had to indulge her.
  • (2) The lender will also have to take a 5% hit, to ensure it does not indulge in offering risky loans.
  • (3) So should we indulge our nut cravings or will that just add inches to the waist?
  • (4) I believe that both Nan and I had such a strong marriage that it was possible.” And she was prepared to indulge his experiments?
  • (5) Keith Richards , after all, used to indulge in speedballs of cocaine and heroin with such regularity that he cheerily referred to the toxic cocktail as "the breakfast of champions".
  • (6) He confessed to over-indulgence in this pleasure at some stages of his life, and to the recreational use of drugs.
  • (7) When election strategists brought in to pour over Ghani’s speeches told him to swear off coffee on rally days to strengthen his voice, he gave up one of his very few indulgences immediately.
  • (8) Early opportunities to indulge his skill for making unctuousness compelling came in the roles of a school snitch in the Al Pacino vehicle Scent of a Woman (1992), for which Hoffman auditioned five times.
  • (9) The chaddi [underwear] symbolises vulgarity, something Muthalik's men indulged in when they molested the girls in Mangalore, and pink adds shock value.
  • (10) This was the logic that initially led the coalition to reject Heathrow expansion, so why is it now, indulged if not quite supported by the opposition, drifting inexorably towards a new runway in the south-east?
  • (11) This is a character deliriously doomed to repetitive self-indulgence.
  • (12) They cut taxes on corporate Britain while indulging in entirely destructive gimmicks such as scrapping the 10p tax rate.
  • (13) However, it seems that other types of viruses (e.g., tobamoviruses, tombusviruses) do not indulge in regular gene exchange and that common gene pools, distinct from each other, do not occur.
  • (14) John Byrom, a lazy, self-indulgent 18th-century versifier, had three black hedgehogs on his coat of arms.
  • (15) There were also significantly elevated risks associated with occasional indulgence in these four habits.
  • (16) Her main project is new girl Tai (the late Brittany Murphy) who arrives at school as a clumsy, unconfident "ugly duckling" ripe for making over – allowing the film to indulge in that wonderful 80s teen movie trope: the dressing up montage.
  • (17) It was another popular choice at a closing night ceremony indulgently received by the Cannes crowd.
  • (18) This is not about benevolent indulgence but achievement of genuine equality in support and contribution.
  • (19) This idea is quite contrary to the traditional view that the ancient Maya were a contemplative people, who did not indulge in ritual ecstasy.
  • (20) Smith responded by saying he would not “indulge in gossip”.



  • (v. t.) To look out for in advance; to procure beforehand; to get, collect, or make ready for future use; to prepare.
  • (v. t.) To supply; to afford; to contribute.
  • (v. t.) To furnish; to supply; -- formerly followed by of, now by with.
  • (v. t.) To establish as a previous condition; to stipulate; as, the contract provides that the work be well done.
  • (v. t.) To foresee.
  • (v. t.) To appoint to an ecclesiastical benefice before it is vacant. See Provisor.
  • (v. i.) To procure supplies or means in advance; to take measures beforehand in view of an expected or a possible future need, especially a danger or an evil; -- followed by against or for; as, to provide against the inclemency of the weather; to provide for the education of a child.
  • (v. i.) To stipulate previously; to condition; as, the agreement provides for an early completion of the work.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This selective review emphasizes advances in neurochemistry which provide a context for current and future research on neurological and psychiatric disorders encountered in clinical practice.
  • (2) Unfortunately, due to confidentiality clauses that have been imposed on us by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, we are unable to provide our full names and … titles … However, we believe the evidence that will be submitted will validate the statements that we are making in this submission.” The submission detailed specific allegations – including names and dates – of sexual abuse of child detainees, violence and bullying of children, suicide attempts by children and medical neglect.
  • (3) Parents of subjects at the experimental school were visited at home by a community health worker who provided individualized information on dental services and preventive strategies.
  • (4) Consensual but rationally weak criteria devised to extract inferences of causality from such results confirm the generic inadequacy of epidemiology in this area, and are unable to provide definitive scientific support to the perceived mandate for public health action.
  • (5) The procedure used in our laboratory was not able to provide accurate determination of the concentrations of these binding forms.
  • (6) It also provides mechanical support for the collateral ligaments during valgus or varus stress of the knee.
  • (7) More research and a national policy to provide optimal nutrition for all pregnant women, including the adolescent, are needed.
  • (8) The present results provide no evidence for a clear morphological substrate for electrotonic transmission in the somatic efferent portion of the primate oculomotor nucleus.
  • (9) Together these observations suggest that cytotactin is an endogenous cell surface modulatory protein and provide a possible mechanism whereby cytotactin may contribute to pattern formation during development, regeneration, tumorigenesis, and wound healing.
  • (10) In this review, we demonstrate that serum creatinine does not provide an adequate estimate of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and contrary to recent teachings, that the slope of the reciprocal of serum creatinine vs time does not permit an accurate assessment of the rate of progression of renal disease.
  • (11) The manufacturers, British Aerospace describe it as a "single-seat, radar equipped, lightweight, multi-role combat aircraft, providing comprehensive air defence and ground attack capability".
  • (12) As important providers of health care education, nurses need to be fully informed of the research findings relevant to effective interventions designed to motivate health-related behavior change.
  • (13) We want to be sure that the country that’s providing all the infrastructure and support to the business is the one that reaps the reward by being able to collect the tax,” he said.
  • (14) Antral G cells increase in states of achlorhydria in man and animals provided atrophic antral gastritis is absent.
  • (15) Our experience indicates that lateral rhinotomy is a safe, repeatable and cosmetically sound procedure that provides and excellent surgical approach to the nasal cavity and sinuses.
  • (16) Determination of the primary structure for factor V has provided the basis for examination of structure-function relationships.
  • (17) Ofcom will conduct research, such as mystery shopping, to assess the transparency of contractual information given to customers by providers at the point of sale".
  • (18) Providers used the tests significantly more often to evaluate patients with cancer risk factors or for new patients.
  • (19) These results provide evidence that trait selection can change gonadotrophin receptor concentration and the dynamics of hormone secretion during the oestrous cycle of the mouse.
  • (20) Midtrimester abortion by the dilatation and evacuation (D&E) method has generated controversy among health care providers; many authorities insist that this procedure should be performed only by a small group of experts.