(n.) The state of being infeasible; impracticability.
Example Sentences:
(1) Contrary to the claims of some commentators, such as Steve Vladeck , it is impossible to argue reasonably that the memo imposed a requirement of "infeasibility of capture" on Obama's assassination power.
(2) Traditional methods for computing linkage likelihoods can be infeasible for data that involve considerable inbreeding and missing information, characteristics of large pedigrees affected by rare recessive diseases.
(3) For some procedures or diagnoses, however, such mortality savings are either medically infeasible because of the emergency nature of the problem or logistically impossible because of the extent of regionalization implied.
(4) The mountain is haughty and proud, an enormous glacier fills the valley in front and in the foreground – giving scale to the scene and a sense of infeasibility to the task facing the men inside them – is a little collection of tents.
(5) Large consumer copayments and insurer utilization controls, once deemed politically infeasible, have become commonplace.
(6) Existing approaches for obtaining these estimates are problematic, complicated by time-varying data or infeasible data requirements, and may result in biased estimators.
(7) Because of this, it is computationally infeasible to consider the energetics of all conformations available to a nucleic acid without the use of simplifications.
(8) The idea that assassinations will be used only where capture is "infeasible" is a political choice, not a legal principle.
(9) It is suggested that yeast extract supports the transport of the nucleoids into the lateral branches, which otherwise is often infeasible.
(10) Out of the good grace of his heart, or due to political expedience, Obama may decide to exercise this power only where he claims capture is infeasible, but there is no coherent legal reason that this power would be confined that way.
(11) Preliminary results indicate that the specification of a Minimum Basic Data Set as the basis of a shared record system is infeasible and undesirable.
(12) Exact probability calculations are often infeasible on large complex pedigrees.
(13) We experienced a 74-year-old female with thyroid carcinoma invading the trachea, for whom radical resection was infeasible.
(14) Beyond a certain point the scale of the cuts becomes politically, economically and technologically infeasible.
(15) Extraovular prostaglandin may therefore be of particular value in inducing abortion in patients who are in the early midtrimester of pregnancy, i.e., when intra-amniotic instillation is technically infeasible.
(16) It recommended that “after very careful consideration and taking all the circumstances into account that little could have been done to avert what happened, other than by introducing a security regime that would have been so severe that it would have rendered the programme infeasible”.
(17) If the president has the power to kill anyone he claims is an "enemy combatant" in this "war", including a US citizen, then there is no way to limit this power to situations where capture is infeasible.
(18) Previous retrograde endoscopic procedures were incomplete or infeasible in all patients.
(19) Those factors make it impossible or infeasible to convert the alcohol concentration of breath or urine to the simultaneous blood alcohol concentration with forensically acceptable certainty, especially under per se or absolute alcohol concentration laws.
(20) Although the regression predicts that increasing the number of residency programs in an underserved state should be associated with an increase the number of anesthesiologists, such a policy may be infeasible dur to pending federal health manpower legislation unless matched by decreasing a greater number of programs in relatively oversupplied states.
Example Sentences:
(1) In some kinds of fractures when securing of fragments in a plaster dressing was unfeasible, then the use of delayed metallic osteosynthesis is indicated.
(2) These days no one watches PTV and seizing several TV networks is unfeasible.
(3) In such cases, evaluation of a new treatment in less common cancers or in a specified strata become unfeasible.
(4) The measurement of our mental and emotional states at work is advancing rapidly at the moment,” he says, “and businesses are increasingly aware of the financial costs that stress, depression and anxiety saddle them with.” Rather than removing the source of stress, whether that’s unfeasible workloads, poor management or low morale, some employers encourage their staff to meditate: a quick fix that’s much cheaper, at least in the short term.
(5) While I has been shown to protect sheep, its short duration of action makes it economically unfeasible.
(6) This procedure offers a means to structurally compare the proteins of multicomponent systems when purification of each component to homogeneity is unfeasible.
(7) From 1 August, subsidies for schemes larger than 50kW will be slashed, meaning that Ovesco must install the panels within the next few months or face an unfeasibly low rate of return.
(8) It seems unfeasible to increase resectability of central lung carcinoma by extending surgery.
(9) The reduced forecast comes after many observers had said that the 9m sales predicted earlier this year by management for the Wii U was unfeasible following its comparatively small sales of 3.45m in its first year in 2012.
(10) Wes Morgan’s last goal had come in a 3-0 win over Newcastle last May in that unfeasible late charge to Premier League safety.
(11) Meanwhile, Dom (no relation) starts planning his own venture, a piri-piri chicken restaurant (drool), then goes cruising in a bath house where he meets Scott Bakula – hot off his Emmy-nominated performance in HBO's Liberace biopic, Behind the Candelabra , and looking unfeasibly buff for a 59-year-old.
(12) In some cases of extensive palatal defects surgical closure may be regarded as unfeasible, and the condition treated with an obturator prosthesis.
(13) The rights and needs listed include: "health", under attack from cuts and privatisation: "the prevention of crime and disorder" both of which, said Dr Wilkinson, will likely rise precipitately in step with increasing inequality and deprivation: "The economic wellbeing of the country" and the "protection of the rights and freedoms of others" – both endangered by current policies, such as the assault on public services and the prevailing economic insanity, which sees more and more current and future taxpayers' money poured into the same black hole often to protect the already unfeasibly wealthy.
(14) Therefore, prosthetic valve replacement has been unfeasible in cases in which the diameter of the aortic valve ring is smaller than this size.
(15) The follow-up of our results is to be confined to the last ten cases; all efforts to evaluate the outcome of 17 joints having been operated on previously unfortunately have proved to be unfeasible.
(16) In a concrete room backstage at the Palau Sant Jordi arena in Barcelona, I am midway though a post-show interview with Arcade Fire's unfeasibly tall, quietly charismatic lead singer, Win Butler, when the door opens and his bandmate, Richard Reed Parry, enters.
(17) Thus, the simultaneous cytogenetic and immunocytochemical characterization of solid tumor cells appears unfeasible.
(18) Radioisotope scintigraphy is a more simple, physiological and practically safe method of investigation, and the former should be recommended for estimating the degree of tumors vascularization, the state of brain circulation and also in cases when angiography proves to be unfeasible.
(19) As a clear-cut-though perhaps technically unfeasible-test of the energy switch hypothesis, we imagine a quantum injector, a hypothetical source of flashing light which delivers a single quantum to every photosynthetic unit with each flash.
(20) Induced circulatory arrest is a technique used to provide a period of operative stability in a variety of surgical procedures that might otherwise be technically unfeasible.