What's the difference between infinitive and supine?



  • (n.) Unlimited; not bounded or restricted; undefined.
  • (n.) An infinitive form of the verb; a verb in the infinitive mood; the infinitive mood.
  • (adv.) In the manner of an infinitive mood.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Communicating sustainability is a subtle attempt at doing good Read more And yet, in environmental terms it is infinitely preferable to prevent waste altogether, rather than recycle it.
  • (2) After 14 days of storage the reduction factors were infinite, 30 and 5, respectively.
  • (3) The culture pattern presented by the primary cultures did not appreciably change after passaging in vitro for periods of up to 2 years, even after infinite cell lines were established.
  • (4) At infinite dilution both steroids are well resolved, the trans isomer being eluted before the cis isomer.
  • (5) However, the maximal lysis of target cells at an infinite number of effectors was significantly less for normal compared with leukaemic targets.
  • (6) But the character – compounded of piercing sanity and existential despair, infinite hesitation and impulsive action, self-laceration and observant irony – is so multi-faceted, it is bound to coincide at some point with an actor’s particular gifts.
  • (7) In this (proliferative) model small doses of weakly antigenic tumors grow infinitely large (i.e.
  • (8) The aim was to create an infinite number of ways in which the story could be read – though Pears emphasised that Arcadia was not an interactive novel.
  • (9) We have found that the frequency of the allele which favours recombination increases in finite populations, and decreases slightly in infinite populations.
  • (10) I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ as your personal saviour.
  • (11) Les Misérables is a game with destiny: it dramatises the gap between the imperfections of human judgments, and the perfect patterns of the infinite.
  • (12) The theoretical function described coherences between recording sites of small separation for linear, non-dispersive, dissipative waves moving on an infinite homogeneous plane medium, and driven by spatio-temporally noisy inputs.
  • (13) The changes in the integral of the extracellular action potentials (EAPs) generated by an infinite homogeneous fibre in an infinite homogeneous and isotropic volume conductor were studied at different radial distances (yo) from the fibre axis, depending on the propagation velocity (v), duration (Tin) and asymmetry of the intracellular action potential (IAP).
  • (14) The Macdonald-Dietz model for superinfection in malaria is a time-dependent infinite-server queue.
  • (15) The deterministic model (assuming infinite population size and random mating) predictions of the final gene frequency were exceeded only if there was reproductive compensation.
  • (16) Differential pencil beam (DPB) is defined as the dose distribution relative to the position of the first collision, per unit collision density, for a monoenergetic pencil beam of photons in an infinite homogeneous medium of unit density.
  • (17) Using fundamental concepts of hydrodynamics in porous media, we have rederived the Lumpkin-DèJardin-Zimm (LDZ) model for the gel electrophoresis of reptating, infinitely long, worm-like chains, such as DNA.
  • (18) Arthur Koestler in The Act of Creation expresses it thus: "From the Pythagoreans onward, through the Renaissance to our times, the oceanic feeling, the sense of participation in the mystery of the infinite, was the principal inspiration of the wingèd and flat-footed creature, the scientist."
  • (19) Pressure-volume curves from nine ferrets (including the above six) revealed almost infinitely compliant chest walls so that lung and total respiratory system curves were essentially the same.
  • (20) An orderly process of dealing with asylum claims at the earliest point would be infinitely preferable to desperate families laying siege to central European railway stations, risking their lives clinging on to vehicles at Calais or suffocating in vehicles transporting them across borders.



  • (a.) Lying on the back, or with the face upward; -- opposed to prone.
  • (a.) Leaning backward, or inclining with exposure to the sun; sloping; inclined.
  • (a.) Negligent; heedless; indolent; listless.
  • (n.) A verbal noun; or (according to C.F.Becker), a case of the infinitive mood ending in -um and -u, that in -um being sometimes called the former supine, and that in -u the latter supine.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Subjects then rested supine until 10.00 h when blood was again taken, and blood pressure recorded.
  • (2) The adaptive filter processor was tested for retrospective identification of artifacts in 20 male volunteers who performed the following specific movements between epochs of quiet, supine breathing: raising arms and legs (slowly, quickly, once, and several times), sitting up, breathing deeply and rapidly, and rolling from a supine to a lateral decubitus position.
  • (3) Gross deformity, point tenderness and decrease in supination and pronation movements of the forearm were the best predictors of bony injury.
  • (4) At the end of the baseline period, supine diastolic blood pressure (SuDBP) was 105-140 mm Hg on hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) 25 mg once daily and placebo t.i.d.
  • (5) To determine if computed tomography (CT) can accurately measure lung volume, we compared lung gas volume measured by helium dilution with the equivalent volume calculated from CT total lung volume and density in 13 supine dogs.
  • (6) The inverse relation between PGE2 and NE for the difference in hormone concentrations between supine and sitting (r=-0.44, p less than 0.05) may be explained by an inhibitory effect of PGE2 on renal NE release, earlier observed in experiments in vitro.
  • (7) A significant effect for pirenzepine was seen for episodes greater than 5 min (t = 2.61, P = 0.023) and a trend towards significance was seen for total (upright and supine positions combined) percent time of reflux (t = 2.13, P = 0.055).
  • (8) Nine patients were admitted to the hospital, placed on a diet containing 150 mEq sodium, and studied for periods of 4 hours, on different days, in the following conditions: (1) supine position, (2) upright posture (UP), (3) UP after 10 mg domperidone, intravenously in bolus, and (4) UP after 3 days of domperidone, 30 mg orally.
  • (9) In 25 patients we evaluated the efficacy of the prone position to counter these technical difficulties and found that the prone position offers visualization superior to the supine, especially in obese and uncooperative patients and those with abundant bowel gas.
  • (10) One hundred and twenty blood pressure measurements were taken from each subject with two different instruments (one on each arm) in a 2 (supine or standing position) X 2 (left or right arm) X 3 (three different sets of pairwise instrument comparisons) X 5 (five one-minute interval measurements per phase) factorial design.
  • (11) Supine and erect blood pressure (sphygmomanometer) measurements and side effects were noted at the same times.
  • (12) A positive linear correlation was obtained between increase in plasma osmolality and plasma ANP in the supine but not in the seated hypertonic saline infusion.
  • (13) Arterial blood gas tensions were measured in the supine position 15 minutes after administration of the tetracaine solution and 15 minutes after turning patients to the knee-chest position.
  • (14) Whole body tilt from supine to 45 degrees head-up was associated with increased heart rate and an insignificant rise in MABP in both groups, although a rise in plasma AVP occurred in control subjects only.
  • (15) Asymmetrical gait pattern with mild gait disturbance was found more often in infants lying in supine than in prone.
  • (16) changes in supine BP at 3 months compared with baseline were -15.7 (3.6) mmHg systolic and -13.9 (2.7) mmHg diastolic in the ketanserin group and -26.6 (7.9) mmHg systolic and -15.2 (2.7) mmHg diastolic in the metoprolol group.
  • (17) Near maximal supine exercise for 10 min on a bicycle ergometer caused a small increase in plasma renin activity during exertion with a much larger increase during recovery which reached a peak between 10-20 min.
  • (18) Seven healthy volunteers were exposed to head-down tilt at -15 degrees for 5 h. Before and after exposure they exercised on a bicycle ergometer in the supine and seated positions.
  • (19) Fifteen normal volunteers were scanned transversely in the supine position before and after intravenous administration of glucagon (1 mg) and oral administration of water.
  • (20) The data were compared with data on 500 patients scanned only when supine.