(a.) Serving to initiate; inceptive; initiatory; introductory; preliminary.
(n.) An introductory step or movement; an act which originates or begins.
(n.) The right or power to introduce a new measure or course of action, as in legislation; as, the initiative in respect to revenue bills is in the House of Representatives.
Example Sentences:
(1) He added: "There is a rigorous review process of applications submitted by the executive branch, spearheaded initially by five judicial branch lawyers who are national security experts and then by the judges, to ensure that the court's authorizations comport with what the applicable statutes authorize."
(2) In January 2011, the Nobel peace prize laureate was admitted to a Johannesburg hospital for what officials initially described as tests but what turned out to be an acute respiratory infection .
(3) Apparently, the irradiation with visible light of a low intensity creates an additional proton gradient and thus stimulates a new replication and division cycle in the population of cells whose membranes do not have delta pH necessary for the initiation of these processes.
(4) Treatment termination due to lack of efficacy or combined insufficient therapeutic response and toxicity proved to be influenced by the initial disease activity and by the rank order of prescription.
(5) Needle acupuncture did, however, increase the pain threshold compared with the initial value (alpha = 0.1%).
(6) Sixteen patients in whom schizophrenia was initially diagnosed and who were treated with fluphenazine enanthate or decanoate developed severe depression for a short period after the injection.
(7) Other haematological parameters remained normal, with the exception of the absolute number of lymphocytes, which initially fell sharply but soon returned to, and even exceeded, control levels.
(8) Errors in the initial direction of response were fewer in binocular viewing in comparison with monocular viewing.
(9) The results also indicate that small lesions initially noted only on CT scans of the chest in children with Wilms' tumor frequently represent metastatic tumor.
(10) An initial complex-soma inflection was observed on the rising phase of the action potential of some cells.
(11) In the past 6 years 26 patients underwent operation for recurrent duodenal ulcer after what was considered to be an "adequate" initial operation.
(12) Plain radiographs should be the initial screening modality for a suspected foreign body.
(13) In the 153 women to whom iron supplements were given during pregnancy, the initial fall in haemoglobin concentration was less, was arrested by 28 weeks gestation and then rose to a level equivalent to the booking level.
(14) The degree of increase in Meth responsiveness elicited by the initial provocation is a major factor in determining the airway response to a subsequent HS challenge.
(15) At low concentrations of TFIC there is a more or less direct relationship between the amount of the factor and the number of initiated complexes formed.
(16) During the 1st h after induction of the sporulation process, the rate of protein synthesis increased to two times the initial value.
(17) Benefits increase with an individual's initial cholesterol level and decrease with the age at which an intervention is initiated.
(18) Charge data from the target hospital showed a statistically significant reduction in laboratory charges per patient in the quarter following program initiation (P = 0.02) and no evidence for change in a group of five comparison hospitals.
(19) The most pronounced changes occurred during the initial hours of nutrient and energy deprivation.
(20) Damage to this innervation is often initiated by childbirth, but appears to progress during a period of many years so that the functional disorder usually presents in middle life.
(n.) The place from which a thing projects, or starts forth.
(n.) That which is projected or designed; something intended or devised; a scheme; a design; a plan.
(n.) An idle scheme; an impracticable design; as, a man given to projects.
(v. t.) To throw or cast forward; to shoot forth.
(v. t.) To cast forward or revolve in the mind; to contrive; to devise; to scheme; as, to project a plan.
(v. t.) To draw or exhibit, as the form of anything; to delineate; as, to project a sphere, a map, an ellipse, and the like; -- sometimes with on, upon, into, etc.; as, to project a line or point upon a plane. See Projection, 4.
(v. i.) To shoot forward; to extend beyond something else; to be prominent; to jut; as, the cornice projects; branches project from the tree.
(v. i.) To form a project; to scheme.
Example Sentences:
(1) The omission of Crossrail 2 from the Conservative manifesto , in which other infrastructure projects were listed, was the clearest sign yet that there is little appetite in a Theresa May government for another London-based scheme.
(2) Recent data collected by the Games Outcomes Project and shared on the website Gamasutra backs up the view that crunch compounds these problems rather than solving them.
(3) Another interested party, the University of Miami, had been in talks with the Beckham group over the potential for a shared stadium project.
(4) But when they decided to get married, "finding the clothes became my project," says Melanie.
(5) The idea that 80% of an engineer's time is spent on the day job and 20% pursuing a personal project is a mathematician's solution to innovation, Brin says.
(6) The country has no offshore wind farms, though a number of projects are in the research phase to determine their profitability.
(7) Results in May 89 emphasizes: the relevance and urgency of the prevention of AIDS in secondary schools; the importance of the institutional aspect for the continuity of the project; the involvement of the pupils and the trainers for the processus; the feasibility of an intervention using only local resources.
(8) Projection obliquity resulted in consistent underestimation of DPR angle.
(9) Project grants to selected State and local agencies amounted to about $.8 billion.
(10) Thus, our results indicate that calbindin-D28k is a useful marker for the projection system from the matrix compartment and that its expression is modified in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy and striatal degeneration.
(11) Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that these blebs were devoid of organelles and microvilli; scanning electron microscopy revealed that the blebs were highly wrinkled and more numerous than were the projections observed in tissue from animals treated with testosterone alone, or in tissue from unoperated controls.
(12) But not only did it post a larger loss than expected, Amazon also projected 7% to 18% revenue growth over the busiest shopping period of the year, a far cry from the 20%-plus pace that had convinced investors to overlook its persistent lack of profit in the past.
(13) The high participation percentage also shows that the prerequisite of screening, namely, a positive attitude on the part of the population, was as well fulfilled in the present project.
(14) The present study was done in order to document the ability of the eighth cranial nerve of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) to regenerate, the anatomic characteristics of the regenerated fibers, and the specificity of projections from individual endorgan branches of the nerve.
(15) 14 rats were studied for the nigro-reticular projection.
(16) The Pakistan government, led as usual by a general, was anxious to project the army's role as bringers of order to a country that was sliding quickly towards civil war.
(17) The axons of A5, RPoOl and RaD neurons exhibit no lateral predominance in their spinal projections.
(18) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
(19) It was an artwork that fired the imaginations of 2 million visitors who played with, were provoked by and plunged themselves into the curious atmosphere of The Weather Project , with its swirling mist and gigantic mirrors that covered the hall's ceiling.
(20) In addition to terminating at the brachial segments, they had one to three collaterals to the upper cervical cord (C3-C4), where the propriospinal neurons projecting to forelimb motoneurons are located.