(n.) The quality of being insolent; pride or haughtiness manifested in contemptuous and overbearing treatment of others; arrogant contempt; brutal impudence.
(n.) Insolent conduct or treatment; insult.
(v. t.) To insult.
Example Sentences:
(1) 50 runners with exertion induced injuries of the lower extremity were provided with appropriate running shoe insoles.
(2) And a woman in front of me said: “They are calling for Fox.” I didn’t know which booth to go to, then suddenly there was a man in front of me, heaving with weaponry, standing with his legs apart yelling: “No, not there, here!” I apologised politely and said I’d been buried in my book and he said: “What do you expect me to do, stand here while you finish it?” – very loudly and with shocking insolence.
(3) Subjects used these insoles during dance class for 15 weeks.
(4) Based on clinical and biomechanical peculiarities of foot, in the institute have been developed insertable orthopaedic devices for mass-produced footwear for mentioned pathology: corrective device with unloading element and curative insole.
(5) Young people now may hardly know her, and it is hard today to conjure up the sexiness, the daring, the insolence of some women on screen in the 50s when the Production Code still prevailed.
(6) The author discusses the use of accommodative weight-dispersing insoles as an alternative to surgical excision for the treatment of such lesions.
(7) Controlled rigidity is provided by the incorporation of a spring steel shank between the sponge insole and the hard wearing plastic sole.
(8) I was told it was a contractual requirement, despite there being no mention of either the strike system or the obligation to sell insoles within the contract itself.
(9) Therefore running shoe insoles can eliminate peak forces by exactly placing supporting elements.
(10) Treat with orthotic insoles or look at upping your shoe size.
(11) This paper describes a study of the effectiveness of commercially available shock absorbing insoles when used in four different pairs of shoes during normal walking.
(12) Insoles will be available to turn any existing shoes into smartshoes.
(13) A new method was developed for the quality testing of shoes, insoles and sport shoes.
(14) The purposes of this study were: 1) to compare the impact forces in running using running shoes with conventional insoles to the impact forces using running shoes with four different viscoelastic insoles, 2) to discuss possible effects of the viscoelastic insoles on lower leg kinematics, and 3) to explain the force and kinematic results using a mechanical model.
(15) A full account is given of (a) Wilhelm Werneck's therapeutic coagulations (1835): rupturing of cataract by focussed light (sun, phosphorus); (b) Maximilian Adolf Langenbeck's "insolation" of corneal, pupillary and retinal lesions and of traumatic cataract (1859); (c) Vinzenz Czerny's coagulation experiments on the retina of various animals (1867, 1882).
(16) Vertical foot bearing pressure was decreased by an average of 18% by wearing shoes padded with a Professional Protective Technology insole and the decrease was greater in patients with higher foot pressure.
(17) About a third of dancers fitted with viscoelastic insoles and a tenth of placebo insert wearers found that the insoles made their shoes too tight to be comfortable.
(18) Without physical exercise and direct insolation death usually occurred later (on the average of 5-9 days) from acute renal and renal-hepatic failure.
(19) The mechanism of the static effects of the wedged insole for the medial osteoarthritic knee was studied in ten women.
(20) The most important finding was that an elastic polymer insole with good shock absorbency properties did not prevent stress reactions of bone during a 12-week period of vigorous physical training.
(n.) The state or quality of being lazy.
Example Sentences:
(1) The "lazy-T" technique consists of a surgical horizontal and vertical shortening of the involved portion of the lower eyelid.
(2) In February last year the BBC was forced to apologise to the Mexican ambassador after a joke made by the three presenters that the nation's cars were like the people "lazy, feckless, flatulent, overweight, leaning against a fence asleep looking at a cactus with a blanket with a hole in the middle on as a coat".
(3) Extensive research among the Afghan National Army – 68 focus groups – and US military personnel alike concluded: "One group sees the other as a bunch of violent, reckless, intrusive, arrogant, self-serving profane, infidel bullies hiding behind high technology; and the other group [the US soldiers] generally views the former as a bunch of cowardly, incompetent, obtuse, thieving, complacent, lazy, pot-smoking, treacherous, and murderous radicals.
(4) But Shukrallah says groups like Dostour are weak not through laziness but because they were not allowed to develop under Mubarak and his predecessors.
(5) Simon Parker, a senior lecturer at the University of York, told the New Statesman that, during the recent dispute over lecturers' pay, his mobile phone number was posted on Facebook, with the instruction to students to give him a call if they felt they had been "fucked over" by the "lazy bastards in the AUT".
(6) For every drop shot that was loose, lazy and tossed away a point, there was another that smacked of insouciant brilliance.
(7) All Cavendishes are lazy by nature, and my entire life has been a battle against indolence.
(8) The logic is transitive and not direct: by “inner cities” Ryan meant black; by describing black men as not “learning” the “value and culture of work” – and since Charles Murray has called poor people “lazy” – Ryan was saying black men were lazy.
(9) Even more pointedly, he attacked the common Republican philosophical refuge of the doctrine of unintended consequences, or, as he put it, “We can’t do anything because we don’t yet know everything.” “The bullshitters have gotten pretty lazy,” he said, and the previous six hours of debate coverage on Fox News could have told you as much.
(10) I see evidence for this every week when I hear otherwise bright and articulate students justify their political opinions with vague, lazy arguments.
(11) In his book Fight the Power , Chuck rails against everything from Hollywood to the sports industry for portraying blacks as 'watermelon stealin', chicken eatin', knee knockin', eye poppin' lazy, crazy, dancin', submissive, Toms.
(12) Hate the smoking ban, HS2, Brussels, travellers, burqas, regulation, tax, Boris, debt, windfarms, quangos, foreign aid, crime, Abu Qatada, Muslims, tuition fees, lazy people, asylum seekers, the hunting ban?
(13) Perpetuating the myth that DLA prevents disabled people from working just stirs the assertion that disabled people are lazy scroungers, when the truth is that they would like nothing more than to work and contribute like everyone else.
(14) Their MPs tend to spend years chipping away at their seats before they win, getting under the skin of places in a way other parties don't, and once elected tend not to get lazy or complacent.
(15) David Miliband's heartache at leadership loss revealed in new Hillary Clinton emails Read more Longtime Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal also wrote a number of memos to the secretary of state on American politics, including one describing the current Speaker of the House, John Boehner, as “louche, alcoholic [and] lazy” while predicting that Mitt Romney would run for president on a ticket with former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour, whom he compared to Dick Cheney.
(16) This weather pushes players to be a bit lazy, to lose a bit of tension, a bit of sharpness, after that you pass slow, you do not react to the second balls, the time goes on and on, then when you wake up, it is half-time.
(17) David Ruffley, a Conservative MP on the Treasury select committee, said other risk-taking bankers and lazy regulators should also be examined.
(18) John Byrom, a lazy, self-indulgent 18th-century versifier, had three black hedgehogs on his coat of arms.
(19) Such curiosity is not a big ask, and demanding such rigorous thinking from tutors seems a much more effective way of getting diverse students into top universities than creating a mythical list of "better" subjects, writing them into the league tables and thereby sanctioning the lazy dismissal of anyone who does not fit the mould.
(20) (And the tech, if I wasn’t as lazy, could help me get better at cooking.)