(1) Proenkephalin A-related immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were detected in the central gray, reticular formation, nucleus raphes, trapezoid body, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis and medialis, nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi, and in the nucleus tractus solitarii.
(2) It's typically sober and elegant, and Cotillard excels in a nervy, vulnerable role.
(3) His recent play was about a young man exploring his eastern European Jewish heritage – "narcissism dressed up as history" is how Eisenberg dismisses this personal interest of his – and he has specialised in playing nervy, nerdy characters.
(4) Leaders who are particularly nervy end up rearranging the Whitehall furniture to try to keep everyone happy – removing energy from trade and industry, or science from education, to create new fiefdoms; or adding such responsibilities back in to try to convince ministers disgruntled at not being shuffled up that they are instead being promoted through the expansion of their empire.
(5) While Auden and Britten are much grander characters than, say, Maggie Smith's nervy vicar's wife in Bed Among the Lentils or Thora Hird's Doris in A Cream Cracker Under the Settee trying to stave off the care home, they share the same disappointments – loneliness, self-doubt, age.
(6) Both the medullary Mauthner neurons and the cerebellar Purkinje cells were only weakly immunoreactive for FMRFamide, while a group of intensely FMRFi rhombencephalic perikarya, presumably the nucleus motorius nervi vagi, occurred subependymally next to the fourth ventricle.
(7) Thickening of the affected nerve was found in the acute phase of neuritis nervi optici, trauma, optic nerve tumors and in papilloedema due to raised orbital or intracranial pressure.
(8) (Cook is sounding more confident than in the past; he can be a nervy speaker.)
(9) At the level of the obex, nerve terminations were identified in the nucleus tractus solitarius, nucleus motorius dorsalis nervi vagi and the nucleus nervi hypoglossi.
(10) These are as follows: (1) non-noradrenergic neurons in the Sc area, (2) nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis and nucleus reticularis parvocellularis, (3) group 1 (of Meessen and Olszewski), (4) a cell group extending to the ventrolateral region of the reticular formation of the pons, (5) nucleus ambiguug, (6) nucleus nervi facialis.
(11) Mechanisms of regeneration of nervi vagi efferents and normalization of the stomach activity are discussed.
(12) In 20.9% this artery originates from the ulnar artery proximally to the Hamulus ossis hamati and joins the Ramus profundus nervi ulnaris to reach the depth of the palma manus.
(13) Apart from fibroblasts, the outer layer of the epineurium contains mast cells and vasa nervorum as well as myelinated nervi nervorum.
(14) The examination was based on the anatomical fixed papilla nervi optici, which appears in the visual field as the blind spot.
(15) The nervi pelvini contained about 4000 myelinated nerve fibres, the nervi rectales inferiores and perineales 1700 and the nervus hypogastricus 2000 fibres.
(16) GABA-T-intensive neurons were found to be rich in the following hindbrain structures: inferior colliculus, nuclei of the raphe system, nuclei parabrachialis dorsalis and ventralis, nucleus cuneiformis, nucleus vestibularis medialis, nucleus tractus spinalis nervi trigemini, nucleus vagus, nucleus cochlearis, nucleus reticularis lateralis, nucleus ambiguus, nucleus cuneatus lateralis, inferior olive, and reticular formation of the pons and medulla.
(17) While the nervi corporis cardiaci I (NCCI) originate from the protocerebrum of the brain, the NCCII seem to take their origin in the tritocerebrum in common with another nerve named earlier as the tegumentary nerve.
(18) City's Mancini, following a series of nervy, half-hearted predecessors less suited to the strange, monumental and messy task of creating a football team in opposition to the extortionate Reds, and remaking history – which Ferguson understood with his own particular combative cunning – has this purpose too, this instinctive perception of how to succeed by channelling uptight regional mentality as well as introducing fresh, resourceful outside skills.
(19) In pithed rats, stimulation of the Nervi accelerantes caused tachycardia, which was diminished considerably by clonidine.
(20) FMRF-IR perikarya were found in the periventricular hypothalamus, mesencephalic laminar nucleus, nucleus nervi terminalis and retina (presumed amacrine cells), and along the olfactory nerves.