(n.) A slip of silk, paper, parchment, etc., affixed to anything, usually by an inscription, the contents, ownership, destination, etc.; as, the label of a bottle or a package.
(n.) A slip of ribbon, parchment, etc., attached to a document to hold the appended seal; also, the seal.
(n.) A writing annexed by way of addition, as a codicil added to a will.
(n.) A barrulet, or, rarely, a bendlet, with pendants, or points, usually three, especially used as a mark of cadency to distinguish an eldest or only son while his father is still living.
(n.) A brass rule with sights, formerly used, in connection with a circumferentor, to take altitudes.
(n.) The name now generally given to the projecting molding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediaeval architecture. It always has a /quare form, as in the illustration.
(n.) In mediaeval art, the representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription.
(v. t.) To affix a label to; to mark with a name, etc.; as, to label a bottle or a package.
(v. t.) To affix in or on a label.
Example Sentences:
(1) It was tested for recovery and separation from other selenium moieties present in urine using both in vivo-labeled rat urine and human urine spiked with unlabeled TMSe.
(2) Within the outflow tract wall, the labelled cells were enmeshed by strands of alcian blue-stained extracellular matrix.
(3) Competition with the labelled 10B12 MAb for binding to the purified antigen was demonstrated in sera of tumor-bearing and immune rats.
(4) Simplicity, high capacity, low cost and label stability, combined with relatively high clinical sensitivity make the method suitable for cost effective screening of large numbers of samples.
(5) Following central retinal artery ligation, infarction of the retinal ganglion cells was reflected by a 97 per cent reduction in the radioactively labeled protein within the optic nerve.
(6) Estimations of the degree of incorporation of 14C from the radioactive labeled carbohydrate into the glycerol and fatty acid moieties were carried out.
(7) In addition autoradiography was performed to localize labelled cells in the inner ear.
(8) When the data correlating DHT with protein synthesis using both labelling techniques were combined, the curves were parallel and a strong correlation was noted between DHT and protein synthesis over a wide range of values (P less than 0.001).
(9) Photoirradiation of F1 in the presence of the analog leads to inactivation depending linearly on the incorporation of label.
(10) Significant amounts of 35S-labeled material were lost during the alkali treatment.
(11) In all groups, there was a fall in labeling index with time reflecting increasing tumor size.
(12) In the measurement, enzyme-labeled and unlabeled antigens (Ag* and Ag) were allowed to compete in binding to the antibody (Ab) under conditions where Ag* much less than Ab much less than Ag.
(13) This mAb inhibited monocyte binding of both soluble FITC-labeled IgA and IgA-coated E, whereas it did not inhibit IgG binding.
(14) Autoradiographic studies with tritiated thymidine showed that both epithelial and mesenchymal tumor cells were labeled.
(15) However, when conjugated to an antigen-bearing cell, a "non-antigen bearing" cell was labeled near the cell interaction area.
(16) In oleate-labeled particles, besides phosphatidic acid the product of PLD action radioactivity was also detected in diglyceride as a result of resident phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, which hydrolyzed the phosphatidic acid.
(17) Intracellular localization of the labeled substance in the tumor tissue was examined autohistoradiographically.
(18) It could be demonstrated by radioimmune precipitation of virus labeled with[35S]methionine that all three polypeptides are specific for hog cholera virions.
(19) The labeling index of the treated groups was significantly reduced when compared to that of control group in both tumors.
(20) After absorption of labeled glucose, two pools of trehalose are found in dormant spores, one of which is extractable without breaking the spores, and the other, only after the spores are disintegrated.
(n.) See Lamella.
Example Sentences:
(1) Chloroquine induced large cytoplasmic vacuoles, whereas the other drugs (quinacrine, 4,4'-diethylaminoethoxyhexestrol, chlorphentermine, iprindole, 1-chloro-amitriptyline, clomipramine) caused formation of lamellated or crystalloid inclusions as usually seen in drug-induced lipidosis.
(2) Ultrastructural examination of selected sections of the lumbosacral nerves, revealed lesions characterized by reduced neurofilaments and neurotubules, and irregular lamellated axoplasmic dense bodies in all animals receiving lead.
(3) In the mouse, Meissner corpuscles, glomerular corpuscles, and Merkel cell nerve endings were seen in every palatine ruga, though the first antemolar ruga also contained simple and atypical lamellated corpuscles.
(4) Follicular mucinosis is not synonymous with alopecia mucinosa but is analogous to other histologic reaction patterns of cutaneous epithelium such as epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, focal acantholytic dyskeratosis, and cornoid lamellation.
(5) Simultaneously with iron uptake, mitochondria differentiate to lamellated bodies and, successively, expansions rise for ferruginous compounds and G polypeptides gathering, followed by prehemosome vesicles formation, which condense and change to prohemosomes that afterwards evolve to hemosomes.
(6) Lamellated osmiophilic bodies are intracellular organelles in which pulmonary surfactant is stored prior to secretion.
(7) Lamellated corpuscles were found histologically in the skin of the receptive field of RA units and identified as Krause's corpuscle of cylindrical type by their superficial location in the cutaneous tissue and their structure revealed by electron microscopy.
(8) In the scleral spur, the apical part of the muscle fiber bundle showed a very thin lamellated layer and terminated between the stromal tissue of the scleral spur indicating a strong interconnection with stromal tissue by a muscle-tendon junctional structure basically similar to the muscle-tendon junction in the striated muscle.
(9) These structures include nerve endings contiguous with K-cells, partially exposed terminal axons, preterminal and terminal axons protruding into the vessel lumina, and lamellated receptors.
(10) Three types of lamellated corpuscles (a simple corpuscle; a coiled, simple corpuscle; and a Meissner-like corpuscle), and a unique, organized, bush-like assembly of free nerve terminals were identified.
(11) Rene Meulensteen is still hopeful of securing Lewis Holtby on loan from Tottenham Hotspur, and are talking with his former club, Manchester United, over taking Ryan Tunnicliffe and Lamell Cole on deals until the end of the season.
(12) Both uninuclear cells and multinuclear tubes contained numerous lysosomes, myelin figures and lamellated bodies as well as electronlucent or content-filled vacuoles and cisternae of variable size, sometimes reminding the sarcoplasmic reticulum in early stages of its development.
(13) Three of three patients who had toxic reactions, and two of five patients without toxic reactions had lamellated inclusion bodies by electron microscopy.
(14) The endothelium was generally surrounded by lamellated basal laminae that were compactly invested in the neoplastic cells.
(15) The concentration of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, polysomes, lipid droplets, dense bodies (lysosomes), lamellated and multivesicular bodies increases.
(16) Differentiation of alveolar epithelium into types I and II pneumonocytes occurred at this stage and lamellated osmiophilic inclusion bodies were present in type II cells for the first time.
(17) Three types of nerve endings were found: free nerve endings (FNE), Ruffini-like endings and lamellated corpuscles.
(18) In addition to the lamellated bodies, multiple lattice-like tubular myelin figures were abundant in the alveoli of the normal rat lung.
(19) The eye consists of about 3600-3700 ommatidia, each containing a dioptric apparatus formed by a lamellated corneal lens and a eucone-type crystalline cone.
(20) The organization of the caecal epithelium conforms with that of blood-feeding polyopisthocotyleans, with two components: lamellated cells responsible for intracellular digestion interspersed with elements of a non-lamellated connecting syncytium.