(3d pers. sing. pres.) of Last, to endure, contracted from lasteth.
(a.) Being after all the others, similarly classed or considered, in time, place, or order of succession; following all the rest; final; hindmost; farthest; as, the last year of a century; the last man in a line of soldiers; the last page in a book; his last chance.
(a.) Next before the present; as, I saw him last week.
(a.) Supreme; highest in degree; utmost.
(a.) Lowest in rank or degree; as, the last prize.
(a.) Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition; most unlikely; having least fitness; as, he is the last person to be accused of theft.
(a.) At a time or on an occasion which is the latest of all those spoken of or which have occurred; the last time; as, I saw him last in New York.
(a.) In conclusion; finally.
(a.) At a time next preceding the present time.
(v. i.) To continue in time; to endure; to remain in existence.
(v. i.) To endure use, or continue in existence, without impairment or exhaustion; as, this cloth lasts better than that; the fuel will last through the winter.
(v. i.) A wooden block shaped like the human foot, on which boots and shoes are formed.
(v. t.) To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last; as, to last a boot.
(n.) A load; a heavy burden; hence, a certain weight or measure, generally estimated at 4,000 lbs., but varying for different articles and in different countries. In England, a last of codfish, white herrings, meal, or ashes, is twelve barrels; a last of corn, ten quarters, or eighty bushels, in some parts of England, twenty-one quarters; of gunpowder, twenty-four barrels, each containing 100 lbs; of red herrings, twenty cades, or 20,000; of hides, twelve dozen; of leather, twenty dickers; of pitch and tar, fourteen barrels; of wool, twelve sacks; of flax or feathers, 1,700 lbs.
(n.) The burden of a ship; a cargo.
Example Sentences:
(1) These data indicate a steady improvement in laboratory performance over the last 10 years.
(2) City badly missed Yaya Touré, on international duty at the Africa Cup of Nations, and have not won a league match since last April when he has been missing.
(3) Future Brown have connections in the fashion industry, last year soundtracking a surreal film for the brand Telfar.
(4) "This is the third event in the last few days following An-26 and SU-25 planes being brought down.
(5) Peripheral vascular surgery has become an increasingly common mode of treatment in non-university, community hospitals in Sweden during the last decade.
(6) Michael Schumacher’s manager hopes F1 champion ‘will be here again one day’ Read more Last year, Red Bull were frustrated by Mercedes, Ferrari and Honda as they desperately looked for a new engine supplier.
(7) In each study, all subjects underwent four replications (over two days) of one of the six permutations of the three experimental conditions; each condition lasted 5 min.
(8) Mike Ashley told Lee Charnley that maybe he could talk with me last week but I said: ‘Listen, we cannot say too much so I think it’s better if we wait.’ The message Mike Ashley is sending is quite positive, but it was better to talk after we play Tottenham.” Benítez will ask Ashley for written assurances over his transfer budget, control of transfers and other spheres of club autonomy, but can also reassure the owner that the prospect of managing in the second tier holds few fears for him.
(9) All the patients told about a comfortable feeling of warmth after each treatment lasting for one two days.
(10) It comes in defiant journalism, like the story televised last week of a gardener in Aleppo who was killed by bombs while tending his roses and his son, who helped him, orphaned.
(11) TR was classified as follows: severe (massive systolic opacification and persistence of the microbubbles in the IVC for at least 20 seconds); moderate (moderate systolic opacification lasting less than 20 seconds); mild (slight systolic opacification lasting less than 10 seconds); insignificant TR (sporadic appearance of the contrast medium into the IVC).
(12) I would immediately look askance at anyone who lacks the last and possesses the first.
(13) David Cameron last night hit out at his fellow world leaders after the G8 dropped the promise to meet the historic aid commitments made at Gleneagles in 2005 from this year's summit communique.
(14) A new propaganda video by Islamic State featuring the British photojournalist John Cantlie, in which he says it is the “last film in this series”, has appeared online.
(15) Maternal diabetes and antihistamine use during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy were associated with significantly higher rates of retrolental fibroplasia, whereas toxemia was associated with lower rates.
(16) A review is presented concerning the development of new neuroimaging techniques in the last decade which have improved the diagnostic exploration of patients with spinal cord injuries, including studies of possible sequelae.
(17) The discussion on topics like post-schooling and rehabilitation of motorists has intensified the contacts between advocates of traffic law and traffic psychologists in the last years.
(18) Though the 54-year-old designer made brief returns to the limelight after his fall from grace, designing a one-off collection for Oscar de la Renta last year , his appointment at Margiela marks a more permanent comeback.
(19) In a Bloomberg article last week, for example, one Stanford student compared women who get raped to unlocked bicycles : ‘Do I deserve to have my bike stolen if I leave it unlocked on the quad?’ [Chris] Herries, 22, said.
(20) Mary's grief, which lasts for about the first half of the two-hour premiere special, is the finest work of the series so far by Michelle Dockery.
(v. i.) To stand firm; to be fixed and unmoved; to stay; to continue steadfastly; especially, to continue fixed in a course of conduct against opposing motives; to persevere; -- sometimes conveying an unfavorable notion, as of doggedness or obstinacy.
Example Sentences:
(1) Without medication atypical ventricular tachycardia develops, in the author's opinion, most probably when bradycardia has persisted for a prolonged period.
(2) If the method was taken into routine use in a diagnostic laboratory, the persistence of reverse passive haemagglutination reactions would enable grouping results to be checked for quality control purposes.
(3) We considered the days of the disease and the persistence of symptoms since the admission as peculiar parameters between the two groups.
(4) The remaining case had a calibre persistent submucosal artery within the caecum that was found incidentally in a resection specimen.
(5) The difference in HDL and HDL2 cholesterol concentrations between the MI+ and MI- groups or between the MI+ and CHD- groups persisted after adjustment by analysis of covariance for the effect of physical activity, alcohol intake, obesity, duration of diabetes, and glycemic control.
(6) Since the advance and return of sperm inside the tubes could facilitate the interaction of sperm with secretions participating in its maturation, the persistent infertility after vasectomy could be related to the contractile alteration that follows the excessive tubal distention.
(7) An experimental Anaplasma marginale infection was induced in a splenectomized mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) which persisted subclinically at least 376 days as detected by subinoculation into susceptible cattle.
(8) TR was classified as follows: severe (massive systolic opacification and persistence of the microbubbles in the IVC for at least 20 seconds); moderate (moderate systolic opacification lasting less than 20 seconds); mild (slight systolic opacification lasting less than 10 seconds); insignificant TR (sporadic appearance of the contrast medium into the IVC).
(9) They had learned through hard experience what Frederick Douglass once taught -- that freedom is not given, it must be won, through struggle and discipline, persistence and faith.
(10) Short incubations with heparin (5 min) caused a release of the enzyme into the media, while longer incubations caused a 2-8-fold increase in net lipoprotein lipase secretion which was maximal after 2-16 h depending on cell type, and persisted for 24 h. The effect of heparin was dose-dependent and specific (it was not duplicated by other glycosaminoglycans).
(11) The first patient, an 82-year-old woman, developed a WPW syndrome suggesting posterior right ventricular preexcitation, a pattern which persisted for four months until her death.
(12) But not only did it post a larger loss than expected, Amazon also projected 7% to 18% revenue growth over the busiest shopping period of the year, a far cry from the 20%-plus pace that had convinced investors to overlook its persistent lack of profit in the past.
(13) Channel activation persists through the process of platelet isolation and washing and is manifested in higher measured values of [Ca2+]cyt and [Ca2+]dt in the "resting state."
(14) Gastro-intestinal surgery is only indicated if haemorrhage persists after a period of observation.
(15) Psychiatric morbidity is further increased when adjuvant chemotherapy is used and when treatment results in persistent arm pain and swelling.
(16) A newborn presenting with persistent umbilical stump bleeding should be screened for factor XIII deficiency when routine coagulation tests prove normal.
(17) This competence persists over the eight measurement points.
(18) To investigate the possibility that an abnormality of gastric emptying exists in duodenal ulcer and to determine if such an abnormality persists after ulcer healing, scintigraphic gastric emptying measurements were undertaken in 16 duodenal ulcer patients before, during, and after therapy with cimetidine; in 12 patients with pernicious anemia, and in 12 control subjects.
(19) Thus it appears that a portion of the adaptation to prolonged and intense endurance training that is responsible for the higher lactate threshold in the trained state persists for a long time (greater than 85 days) after training is stopped.
(20) persisted and was more abnormal in 23% of the cases including specific tracings in 37%.