(n.) A measure of yarn; for linen, 300 yards; for cotton, 120 yards; a lay.
(n.) A set of warp threads carried by a loop of the heddle.
(n.) A meadow or sward land; a grassy field.
Example Sentences:
(1) Furthermore, 75% of cases of intestinal metaplasia in gastric mucosa and 30% of tubular adenomas, 50% of villous adenomas and 70% of tubulovillous adenomas in the colon co-expressed Lea and Leb antigens.
(2) The Lea mRNAs belong to only two related groups of commonly regulated mRNAs.
(3) Immunoreactive neurons and terminals are scattered throughout all layers of LEA.
(4) Each of the Lea gene families probably contains two active homeologous genes (alloalleles), one in each of cotton's two subgenomes.
(5) Total cellular proteins from the livers of 4-, 16- and 52-week-old hepatitis- and hepatoma-predisposed Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats were compared to those from the livers of the corresponding control rats [Long-Evans Agouti (LEA) rats] by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.
(6) In adenocarcinoma, Lea was expressed most remarkably.
(7) The frequencies of A, B, O, Lea, Jsa and K found in the children with severe malaria were similar to those previously reported for healthy adults in this population.
(8) This report provides detailed data on the expression of Lea and Leb in normal and neoplastic urothelium.
(9) UEA I showed a high affinity for the Lea glycolipid which has an alpha 1-4 linked fucose but not for the glycolipids with alpha 1-3 or alpha 1-2 linked fucose.
(10) To assess the immunomodulating effect of allergen entrapped in liposomes, Swiss strain mice (made IgE responders) were injected with either free allergen or liposome-entrapped allergen (LEA) and their immune response was measured in terms of specific IgG and specific IgE levels.
(11) The patients of the Lewis blood group phenotype of Lea (23%) had higher serum CA19-9, CA-50, and sialyl SSEA-1 than those of Leb (67%) and Le(-) (10%).
(12) and with lower affinity to the Lea blood group antigen itself.
(13) I have to say I think Iran are the poorest team I've seen so far – Nigeria were dreadful in that game but you got the sense that at leas they were a half-decent team playing badly.
(14) Since the Lewis substances show great structural similarity to the ABH blood group substances we compared the vWf concentration in individuals with and without the Lea antigen on the red cell surface.
(15) In addition, a minor component having the thin-layer chromatographic mobility of a ceramide nonasaccharide, which was reactive to anti-Lea antibody, was detected.
(16) The LEA had a sensitivity of 19%, a specificity of 86.7%, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 42.3% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 67.6% in the prediction of a positive amniotic fluid culture (prevalence of positive cultures = 33.9%).
(17) This report summarizes an analysis of the incidence of LEAs during 1988 among Washington residents with and without diabetes.
(18) Thin-layer chromatography immunostaining of neutral glycolipids extracted from SLC cells reveals a 43-9F-reactive glycolipid whose carbohydrate structure, as determined by fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry, is identical with that of an Lea-active pentaglycosylceramide described previously: Gal beta 1-3[Fuc alpha 1-4]-GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-Cer.
(19) Thus, in the normal colon, the absence of monosialosyl Lea (CA 19-9) in the presence of disialosyl Lea suggests that an alpha 2,6 sialyltransferase is active, which results in the masking of CA 19-9 antigen expression.
(20) The red blood cells of the group A infant of a group O central African Negro woman of the Zezuru tribe with anti-Lea and anti-JSb in her serum were found to be strongly agglutinated by a commerical antiglobulin reagent six days after birth.
(n.) The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree (Thea, / Camellia, Chinensis). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some other countries.
(n.) A decoction or infusion of tea leaves in boiling water; as, tea is a common beverage.
(n.) Any infusion or decoction, especially when made of the dried leaves of plants; as, sage tea; chamomile tea; catnip tea.
(n.) The evening meal, at which tea is usually served; supper.
(v. i.) To take or drink tea.
Example Sentences:
(1) The outward currents are sensitive to TEA and their reversal potentials differ.
(2) As prolongation of the action potential by TEA facilitates preferentially the hormone release evoked by low (ineffective) frequencies, it is suggested that a frequency-dependent broadening of action potentials which reportedly occurs on neurosecretory neurones may play an important role in the frequency-dependent facilitation of hormone release from the rat neurohypophysis.
(3) In contrast, the fast block by internal TEA+ appeared virtually independent of voltage.
(4) In conclusion, block of inhibitory innervation, and induction of electrical slow waves as a control mechanism for phasic contractile activity, seems to require blockade of an aminacrine- but not TEA-sensitive potassium conductance.
(5) And it means the Foreign Office dealing with those in the Middle East and North Africa who are on the side of democracy and human rights, not sitting down to tea with torturers.
(6) The Tea Party movement has turned climate denial into a litmus test of conservative credentials – and that has made climate change one of the most sharp divisions between Obama and Romney.
(7) The addition of chlorhexidine and saliva increased staining when used with tea.
(8) Results with the model strengthen the hypothesis that tetraethylammonium (TEA) acts on both the maximum potassium conductance (gK) and the mechanism of sodium conductance inactivation (Tauh) to lengthen the action potential as observed on the Ranvier node (fig.
(9) Sources said that when Mitchell toured the Commons tea rooms on Wednesday and Thursday, he was taken aback by the opposition to him staying put, despite Cameron's support.
(10) The Vitter amendment is popular with the Tea Party, which takes it to be an accountability measure.
(11) You literally never see that at political rallies, though obviously at Tea Party ones they are there all the time."
(12) The acidosis-saving property of TEA is favorable for the ischemic heart.
(13) The council offered him a tea urn | Frances Ryan Read more Government attempts to decrease the disproportionately high levels of unemployment among disabled people have had little impact, the report notes, while notorious “fit-for-work” tests were riven with flaws.
(14) 8.04pm BST First challenge for the remaining seven is the tea loaf.
(15) While you can buy commercial formulations, I have always found that tap water, a cup of strong black tea, and some lemon juice provide enough nutrients for a lovely fermentation.
(16) Up-and-coming Tea Party favourite Ted Cruz issued a similar statementon Friday after the wave of disclosures, saying he would work with "colleagues in the Senate who share my concerns to ensure that we have all the facts about these surveillance programs".
(17) Litvinenko died aged 43 after drinking tea laced with radioactive polonium-210 at a meeting with two Russian men at the Millennium hotel in Grosvenor Square, London, in November 2006.
(18) The Norwegian researchers looked at all the sources of caffeine ingested by the pregnant women, including coffee, tea and fizzy drinks, along with cakes and desserts containing cocoa (which has lots of caffeine).
(19) Currents through both the voltage-activated potassium channels, IK,V, and the calcium-activated potassium channels, IK,Ca, can be blocked by the membrane-impermeant K channel blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA).
(20) Replacement of sodium by tetraethylammonium (TEA) did not reduce the slow inward tail current, nor change its reversal potential.