(1) CNS excitation and seizures, manifestations of organochlorine intoxication, can occur following ingestion or inappropriate application of the 1 per cent topical formulation of lindane used to treat scabies and lice.
(2) Twelve days after the first treatment the second treatment was carried out and the presence of head lice was examined for the evaluation of treatment effect.
(3) Subjects were inspected for evidence of live lice and eggs at 24 hours and 3 to 4 weeks after application of treatment.
(4) Over 60 forms of parasites were found out as follows: three species of blood parasites, 12 species of Coccidia, 8 species of cestodes, 12 species of nematodes, one species of Acanthocephalus, three species of chigger mites, 15 species of gamasid mites, 6 species of ixodid ticks, fleas and lice.
(5) Each group was exposed to 6 sheep with moderate to heavy infestations of lice.
(6) As these subjects were free of live lice infestation at previous follow-up visits it was highly probable that these were cases of re-infestation from another source.
(7) After postcuing, subjects sometimes report lane or lice, instead of the requested word line.
(8) Mortality with control solutions varied between 4 and 16% for both lice and eggs.
(9) Boys with medium length hair and girls with short hair showed the highest incidence of lice infestation.
(10) While we know today that lice do not discriminate between clean and dirty hair, parents and professionals react very negatively to the condition, and this feeling is transferred to children as indicated by their drawings.
(11) In summary, head lice can be readily infected with R. prowazeki and disseminate virulent R. prowazeki organisms in their feces.
(12) Groups of sheep infested with strains of Bovicola (Damalinia) ovis were obtained from flocks either with a history of failure to control lice with synthetic pyrethroid (SP) pour-on insecticides, or from farms where SP compounds were not used.
(13) The results indicate that both products are effective in the treatment of head lice infection and that the phenothrin shampoo would be a useful addition to the insecticides currently employed.
(14) The host specificity of the group is reviewed, including features of the natural history of lice and their hosts that may have influenced the evolution of host-parasite associations.
(15) If a practical method of applying the insecticide to the tip of wool can be developed, then this technique should provide an effective means of eradicating lice in sheep with long wool.
(16) They included the analyses of two nursing cows and their two newborn pups, three 2-month-old pups, and the sucking lice inhabiting these animals, Antarctophthirus callorhini and Proechinophthirus fluctus.
(17) Evaluation of the intervention program revealed a significant success in reducing head lice infestation that was not influenced by variation in socioeconomic status or place of residence.
(18) Between Days 5 and 9, 13 head lice were dead or moribund and all of them were positive by IF for R. prowazeki.
(19) of whom 2 patients (16.7%) gave positive skin reactions to lice extracts.
(20) Living lice and eggs were found in 19% of 2643 children examined in Israel.
(pl. ) of Lira
Example Sentences:
(1) Animals exposed to chronic toluene inhalation also presented higher values of latency in both LIRE and LE when compared to non-exposed to toluene (controls) of the same age.
(2) In 1983 the load per machine was 400 patients and the cost per patient was 1 milion lire.
(3) As far as the latter is concerned a daily cost reduction of 70000-16000 lire is foreseeable.
(4) The mean cost was 48,000 lire in the manual, and 200,000 lire in the mechanical group.
(5) Adult rats both exposed to chronic toluene inhalation and non-exposed showed higher values of LIRE and LE with respect young rats.
(6) Convertibility risk This refers to the risk that you will buy bonds denominated in euros but could ultimately be paid back in lire or drachma (or deutschmarks) if the country taking out the debt leaves the eurozone before the end of the bond's life.
(7) It's such a fantastic figure that it can't be met in any currency unless they are expecting Turkish lire or [old] Italian money, which is a million-note job."
(8) every lira spent on vaccination has resulted in a direct saving of 12.98 lire with respect to cases prevented and the cost of their treatment and patient rehabilitation.
(9) The expenses for the amortization of the cost of the bunker, for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, for the employed staff and for the electric power respectively, represent the 22%, 5%, 43% and 2% of the total management cost (395 milions lire per year).
(10) « Voici venir votre rayon de soleil », peut-on lire sur une pancarte à l’entrée de la première centrale solaire d’envergure en Afrique de l’Est.
(11) After his appearance on La Ruota della Fortuna , Renzi went home with 48m lire (about £20,000) in his pocket.
(12) The average purchase cost of an accelerator was 1113 milions lire and the amortization cost is 111 milions lire per year.
(13) Latency of initial response to escape (LIRE) and latency of escape (LE) were measured in seconds.
(14) A new study of Keynes’s attempts to make money out of movements in the pound against five major currencies of his day – the dollar, French franc, German mark, Italian lire and Dutch guilder – comes to a stark conclusion.