What's the difference between likely and possibly?



  • (a.) Worthy of belief; probable; credible; as, a likely story.
  • (a.) Having probability; having or giving reason to expect; -- followed by the infinitive; as, it is likely to rain.
  • (a.) Similar; like; alike.
  • (a.) Such as suits; good-looking; pleasing; agreeable; handsome.
  • (a.) Having such qualities as make success probable; well adapted to the place; promising; as, a likely young man; a likely servant.
  • (adv.) In all probability; probably.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The effect of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on growth of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines was studied.
  • (2) It was found that the skeletal muscle enzyme of the chick embryo is independent of the presence of creatine and consequently is another constitutive enzyme like the creatine kinase of the early embryonic chick heart.
  • (3) The rash presented either as a pityriasis rosea-like picture which appeared about three to six months after the onset of treatment in patients taking low doses, or alternatively, as lichenoid plaques which appeared three to six months after commencement of medication in patients taking high doses.
  • (4) The influence of the various concepts for the induction of lateral structure formation in lipid membranes on integral functional units like ionophores is demonstrated by analysing the single channel current fluctuations of gramicidin in bimolecular lipid membranes.
  • (5) We also show that proliferation of primary amnion cells is not dependent on a high c-fos expression, suggesting that the function of c-fos is more likely to be associated with other cellular functions in the differentiated amnion cell.
  • (6) Comparison of wild type and the mutant parD promoter sequences indicated that three short repeats are likely involved in the negative regulation of this promoter.
  • (7) The data indicate that ebselen is likely to be useful in the therapy of inflammatory conditions in which reactive oxygen species, such as peroxides, play an aetiological role.
  • (8) Although solely nociresponsive neurons are clearly likely to fill a role in the processing and signalling of pain in the conscious central nervous system, the way in which such useful specificity could be conveyed by multireceptive neurons is difficult to appreciate.
  • (9) Nulliparous women were also more likely to discontinue the condom because of pregnancy, as were non-Protestants and the Australian-born.
  • (10) Thus adrenaline, via pre- and post-junctional adrenoceptors, may contribute to enhanced vascular smooth muscle contraction, which most likely is sensitized by the elevated intracellular calcium concentration.
  • (11) That means deciding what job they’d like to have and outlining the steps they’ll need to take to achieve it.
  • (12) It is likely that trunk mobility is necessary to maintain integrity of SI joint and that absence of such mobility compromises SI joint structure in many paraplegics.
  • (13) I remember talking to an investment banker about what it felt like in the City before the closure of Lehman Brothers.
  • (14) As players, we want what's right, and we feel like no one in his family should be able to own the team.” The NBA has also said that Shelly Sterling should not remain as owner.
  • (15) Such was the mystique surrounding Rumsfeld's standing that an aide sought to clarify that he didn't stand all the time, like a horse.
  • (16) It comes in defiant journalism, like the story televised last week of a gardener in Aleppo who was killed by bombs while tending his roses and his son, who helped him, orphaned.
  • (17) A tiny studio flat that has become a symbol of London's soaring property prices is to be investigated by planning, environmental health and fire safety authorities after the Guardian revealed details of its shoebox-like proportions.
  • (18) But at the same time I didn't feel like, 'Aw, I'm home!'
  • (19) "They wanted to pass it almost like a secret negotiation," she said.
  • (20) One-nation prime ministers like Cameron found the libertarians useful for voting against taxation; inconvenient when they got too loud about heavy-handed government.



  • (adv.) In a possible manner; by possible means; especially, by extreme, remote, or improbable intervention, change, or exercise of power; by a chance; perhaps; as, possibly he may recover.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) However, as other patients who lived at the periphery of the Valserine valley do not appear to be related to any patients living in the valley, and because there has been considerable immigration into the valley, a number of hypotheses to explain the distribution of the disease in the region remain possible.
  • (2) Standardization is possible after correction by the protein content of each individual section.
  • (3) The significance of minor increases in the serum creatinine level must be recognized, so that modifications of drug therapy can be made and correction of possibly life-threatening electrolyte imbalances can be undertaken.
  • (4) The possibility that the ventral nerve photoreceptor cells serve a neurosecretory function in the adult Limulus is discussed.
  • (5) In Patient 2 they were at first paroxysmal and unformed, with more prolonged metamorphopsia; later there appeared to be palinoptic formed images, possibly postictal in nature.
  • (6) However, medicines have an important part to play, and it is now generally agreed that for the very poor populations medicines should be restricted to those on an 'essential drugs list' and should be made available as cheaply as possible.
  • (7) The various evocational changes appear to form sets of interconnected systems and this complex network seems to embody some plasticity since it has been possible to suppress experimentally some of the most universal evocational events or alter their temporal order without impairing evocation itself.
  • (8) Coronary arteritis has to be considered as a possible etiology of ischemic symptoms also in subjects who appear affected by typical atherosclerotic ischemic heart disease.
  • (9) This induction is sensitive to actinomycin D but not to protein synthesis inhibitor puromycin, indicating an effect of estradiol at the transcriptional level, possibly mediated by the estrogen receptor.
  • (10) This new observation offers good possibilities to study the metabolism of tryptophan at the cellular level.
  • (11) From these data it is possible to predict theoretically the apparent temperature difference as seen by an infrared scanner or radiometer with a detector of which the spectral detectivity, D (lambda), is known.
  • (12) This is a fascinating possibility for solving the skin shortage problem especially in burn cases.
  • (13) Since 1987, it has become possible to obtain immature ova from the living animal and to let them mature, fertilize and develop into embryos capable of transplantation outside the body.
  • (14) These cells contained organelles characteristic of the maturation stage ameloblast and often extended to the enamel surface, suggesting a possible origin from the ameloblast layer.
  • (15) Four cytotoxic antibiotics, bikaverin, duclauxine, PSX-1 and vermiculine, were examined with respect to their interference with glycolysis and respiration and their possible ionophoric or cytolytic activity.
  • (16) These results are discussed in relation to the possible existence of enzyme-bound intermediates of nitrogen fixation.
  • (17) For viewers in the US, you get the worst possible in-game managerial interview in Mike Matheny, one that's so bad, it's actually great!
  • (18) A possible role for mitochondria in myocardial adenosine production is discussed.
  • (19) Together these observations suggest that cytotactin is an endogenous cell surface modulatory protein and provide a possible mechanism whereby cytotactin may contribute to pattern formation during development, regeneration, tumorigenesis, and wound healing.
  • (20) Results suggest that Cd-MT is reabsorbed and broken down by kidney tubule cells in a physiological manner with possible subsequent release of the toxic cadmium ion.