What's the difference between lithic and tool?



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to stone; as, lithic architecture.
  • (a.) Pertaining to the formation of uric-acid concretions (stone) in the bladder and other parts of the body; as, lithic diathesis.
  • (n.) A medicine which tends to prevent stone in the bladder.
  • (a.) Pertaining to or denoting lithium or some of its compounds.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Of the remaining 77% (296 cases) 94.5% were referred for extracorporeal lithotrity with shock waves, of which 89.8 were monotherapy and 4.7% a combination with other strategies (medico-lithic, surgical, endoscopic extrusion).
  • (2) The F complex contains Upper Paleolithic lithic elements, and the new hominid specimen from this complex appears to exhibit features similar to other early modern H. sapiens in southcentral Europe.
  • (3) We evaluated the serum osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase levels and the urinary hydroxyproline excretion in patients with blastic, lithic or mixed metastases, humoral malignant hypercalcemia (HMH) and myeloma.
  • (4) The authors present their case where the metastasis imitated acute lithic obstruction.
  • (5) Eight of the specimens (seven cranial fragments and one complete hand proximal phalanx) were excavated from level G3, a stratum correlated to the Lower Würm stadial and containing Mousterian lithic elements.
  • (6) In addition, our results suggest that the Howiesons Poort lithic industry (approximately 45-75 kyr) and the MSA-LSA transition (approximately 35 kyr) are younger than often believed.
  • (7) Analysis of series of 64 instances of MU in 55 patients leads the authors to the following conclusions: --MU is fairly rare in adults since it is usually discovered at an earlier age; --adult MU shows little activity, even when it is complicated by lithiasis; --renal involvement frequently bears no strict relationship to the magnitude of the MU and is not always obviously improved by surgery; --surgical treatment of MU (anti-reflux ureterovesical reimplantation, with or without ureteral modelling) gives reliable results (14 successes, 2 failures, and 1 patient lost to follow up), comparable to those obtained in children); --the main operating indications consist of: infection, associated urinary, youth, and the possibility of pregnancy; --the problem of associated lithiasis must be dealt with before or during surgical treatment of MU, never after, because of the risk of postoperative lithic migration.
  • (8) The associated lithic artifacts recovered with it are Mousterian.
  • (9) Insufficient populations of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter were found in a Pahokee muck soil (Lithic medidaprit) to account for the nitrate concentration observed.
  • (10) The cave also yielded Mousterian lithic industry and fauna indicating a paleoclimate condition with dry-warm tendency and savannah landscape.



  • (n.) An instrument such as a hammer, saw, plane, file, and the like, used in the manual arts, to facilitate mechanical operations; any instrument used by a craftsman or laborer at his work; an implement; as, the tools of a joiner, smith, shoe-maker, etc.; also, a cutter, chisel, or other part of an instrument or machine that dresses work.
  • (n.) A machine for cutting or shaping materials; -- also called machine tool.
  • (n.) Hence, any instrument of use or service.
  • (n.) A weapon.
  • (n.) A person used as an instrument by another person; -- a word of reproach; as, men of intrigue have their tools, by whose agency they accomplish their purposes.
  • (v. t.) To shape, form, or finish with a tool.
  • (v. t.) To drive, as a coach.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Spectral analysis of spontaneous heart rate fluctuations, a powerful noninvasive tool for quantifying autonomic nervous system activity, was assessed in Xenopus Laevis, intact or spinalized, at different temperatures and by use of pharmacological tools.
  • (2) The HTCA is promising as a potential tool for studying the biology of tumors.
  • (3) But both for malaria and Aids we’re seeing the tools that will let us do 95-100% reduction.
  • (4) These studies demonstrate the potential of ICAM-1 transfectants as tools for analysis of the role of ICAM-1 in lymphoid adhesion.
  • (5) This method can characterize reliably flavivirus field isolates at the molecular level without extensive virus propagation and molecular cloning, and will be a valuable tool for molecular epidemiological studies.
  • (6) The basic principle of the resonant tool, its adaptation for surgery, the experimental results of its use in animals, and clinical experience are reported.
  • (7) Colloidal gold immuno-electron microscopy is a powerful tool for defining antigenicity at the subcellular level.
  • (8) A diversity of serogroups and toxigenicity was a general finding, however, strains found in the proximal gut were also cultured from the rectum, indicating that faecal specimens would be a valid tool in investigating the role of these organisms in SIDS cases compared with healthy controls.
  • (9) SR 42128 is a potent and long-acting tool for studying the role of the renin angiotensin system in primates and humans.
  • (10) In this study we propose a method for the analysis of the relationship between heart rate changes and respiration as a possible diagnostic tool for cardiac autonomic damage.
  • (11) However LHRH agonists alone or in combination with ovarian steroids are of potential value as a research tool.
  • (12) These findings demonstrate that heteroantisera can provide an additional important tool for dissecting the heterogeneity of T-cell leukemias and for relating them to more differentiated normal T cells.
  • (13) This model provides a standard nonoperative approach for the induction of intestinal ischemia in dogs and could be a valuable tool in the study of intestinal ischemia.
  • (14) Before we embark on the next steps of the global technological revolution, we must ensure that the most basic of online tools are accessible to all.
  • (15) This ion-selective microelectrode may show promise as a useful tool for the determination of intracellular bile salt activity.
  • (16) Axotomy should be a useful tool for determining which other neurotransmitter receptors are produced by facial motoneurons and efferent neurons in other cranial nerve nuclei.
  • (17) Given that patient preferences constitute a central concept within the framework of HRQL, further empirical evaluation of utility measures of preference is fundamental to improving the HRQL measurement tool-kit.
  • (18) This study also demonstrates that pulsed-field gel electrophoresis is a powerful new tool for the analysis of human chromosomal translocations.
  • (19) In order to maximize the utility of these tools a high degree of reliability is essential.
  • (20) Extraction tools included flexible, telescoping sheaths advanced over the lead to dilate scar tissue and apply countertraction, deflection catheters, and wire basket snares.

Words possibly related to "lithic"