(1) Examination after birth allowed one to localize these regions to areas close to the mamillae.
(2) At the age of nine months, he developed a localized tumor above his right mamilla.
(3) Most commonly mamilla and milkducts are infected via the child's nasopharynx.
(4) Early exfoliative cytology is recommended for early diagnosis in all cases of Paget's mamillae.
(5) In 15 cases, eight female and seven male, borrelial lymphocytoma was localized on the mamilla.
(6) These parameters call for “freedom of access to the holy sites consistent with the established status quo”, without recognizing that for 50 years Israeli governments have shredded that status quo, desecrating Muslim cemeteries like Mamilla and Bab al-Rahmeh, demolishing ancient Ummayad buildings discovered south of the Haram, and much else, in the race to dig down to the only strata that matter to nationalist Israeli archaeologists.
(7) In the early stage of disease a lymphocytic proliferation can appear at the tick bite site, at the ear lobe, or at the mamilla.
(8) We report on a 23-year-old women suffering from a hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with baldness, xerodermia, kyphosis of the chest, hypopigmented mamillae, disturbances of the menstrual cycle, dysphonia and keratitis punctata superficialis recidivans.
(9) This indicates that the duplication within the HPV 6 isolate from the mamilla may influence early gene expression and possibly tissue tropism.
(10) The nose, mamillae, palms and feet were the least affected areas in all age groups.
(11) The sexual function of the mamillae was significantly reduced.
(12) The condition of all the children was remarkably better after six months of practice, some of the symptoms having completely disappeared (head protrusion, asymmetry of the shoulders, mamillas and hips, shortening of the pectoralis and back extensors), 9 children still had slight to medium relaxation of the frontal abdominal wall, 8 children still had bent shoulders, and 1 child still had shortened calf and thigh extensors.
(13) The tumors all appeared to have arisen from the muscularis mamillae and aerolae.
(14) A case is presented of a 42-year-old female patient operated on for accessory mamillae situated in anterior axillary folds.
(15) The mamilla always lost its sensibility, but the sensibility of the remaining skin of the breast sometimes returned with time.
(16) An HPV 6-related DNA of 8.2 kb was detected in an extrachromosomal state in atypically located condylomas of the mamilla and was molecularly cloned.
(17) Our study on 58 test persons showed that the sensitivity of human skin to UV light is independent of the color of skin, hair, eyes or the pigmentation of the mamillae.
(18) It is reported upon two patients who were presented to us to evaluate suspicious tumors of the breast: A 64-year-old patient had very painful tumors in both breasts measuring four centimeters in diameter with additional eczematous lesion of the left mamilla, which has developed within the last weeks.
(19) In this group there were; 37 patients with clearly developed mamilla with an areola mamillae (2.23%), located mainly caudal of the eutopic breast, 11 patients like a), but without an areola mamillae (0.66%), 43 patients with a rest of a mamilla with or without an "anlage" of an areola mamillae (2.59%).
(20) Non-invasive mammary carcinoma can be surgically treated with preservation of the breast even without adjuvant radiotherapy, if all necessary conditions are provided, such as accurate indication, absence of multicentricity, no involvement of mamillae except of Paget's disease, tumour diameter not more than 20 mm as well as efficient and systematic performance of intraoperative diagnostic histology.
(n.) The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the udder or breast of a mammal; a nipple; a pap; a mammilla; a dug; a tit.
(n.) A small protuberance or nozzle resembling the teat of an animal.
Example Sentences:
(1) During a single reversal trial of two 2-wk experimental periods, teats of all glands of 12 Holstein cows were subjected to a milking routine conducive to large vacuum fluctuations and flooded teat cups.
(2) A further 26 herds (iiii) which did not employ iodine-containing teat-dips, were also studied.
(3) The mean percentage changes in teat end thickness (relative to the premilking values for individual teats) varied from 10% decrease up to 20% or more increase depending on the particular milking system used.
(4) was apparent when hyperosmotic sucrose was introduced into this teat pouch.6.
(5) Other variables may be associated with host resistance: an increasing percentage of cows leaking milk increased the rate of mastitis; postmilking teat disinfection was associated with a higher incidence of clinical mastitis; and a high frequency of cubicle disinfection was also associated with more mastitis.
(6) Most lesions involve the teat ends and more are observed in the left hind teat than in any of the other teats.
(7) When the PD reached 80-90% of the liner vacuum, the load was just sufficient to occlude the teat canal.
(8) Around the time of milking the plasma oxytocin profile showed a strong response to the preparation for milking, and a further effect releated to the attachment of the teat cups of the milking machine.
(9) 3H-Yohimbine and 3H-rauwolscine, both potent and selective alpha 2-adrenergic antagonists, were used to identify alpha 2-adrenoceptors in smooth muscles of the cistern wall of teats of lactating cows.
(10) When the metal grid was in poor condition, the incidence of teat injuries as well as udder diseases of heifers increased.
(11) Twenty cows and 20 uncalved 20 month old heifers with severely burnt teats were studied.
(12) We postulated earlier that a low ratio of beta 2- to alpha 2-adrenoceptors in teat tissue of fast milking cows probably reflects changes of mainly prejunctional adrenoceptors.
(13) This teat cistern model and the experimental procedure used should be suitable for further studies of the development of local inflammation.
(14) During vaginal stimulation, oxytocin increased transiently in D and more than by teat stimulation in C. This allowed the removal of 75% of milk in D, whereas almost no more milk was available in C. After oxytocin injections, 3 and 16% of residual milk were obtained in C and D respectively.
(15) However, when contact was avoided between the teats and the milking machine, the stimulation of teat alpha-receptors (phenylephrine) did not inhibit milk flow.
(16) The efficacy of an acrylic latex barrier teat dip with germicide on new infections at parturition was tested on 113 cows and heifers during the prepartum period.
(17) Streptococcus agalactiae was eradicated prior to Trial 2 in which the detergent teat dip was compared to a 1% iodophor product of proven efficacy.
(18) The activities of epinephrine (2-6 micrograms) and of norepinephrine (20-60 micrograms) on the relaxation of teat sphincter muscles were compared by measuring milk leakage from the full udder of 5 lactating cows.
(19) Adherence increased from teat sinus to lactiferous sinus to the large ducts, and cells from the lactiferous sinus to the large ducts, and cells from the lactiferous sinus were used for all other experiments.
(20) The abilities of common postmilking teat disinfectant solutions and a teat skin ointment to retard Staphylococcus aureus colonization and promote healing of chapped skin were studied.