(1) The high amino acid levels in the cells suggest that these cells act as inter-organ transporters and reservoirs of amino acids, they have a different role in their handling and metabolism from those of mammals.
(2) Ernst Reissner studied the formation of the inner ear initially using the embryos of fowls, then the embryos of mammals, mainly cows and pigs, and to a less extent the embryos of man.
(3) The binaural characteristics of cells in MSO were different from those in nonecholocating mammals.
(4) The findings support our earlier suggestion that the kinetics of spermatogenesis in the quail are fundamentally similar to the pattern which has been described for mammals.
(5) So far, attempts to produce linolenic acid deficiency in mammals have not revealed an absolute requirement for n-3 fatty acids.
(6) Somewhat surprisingly then, in view of the mechanisms in mammals, birds do not seem to use this seasonal message in the photoperiodic control of reproduction.
(7) This indicates a functional relationship between material supplied via the rapid phase of axonal transport and an unimpaired transsynaptic signal transmission, previously not revealed in the central nervous system of mammals.
(8) Nucleus z in the rat was found to be similar in location to nucleus z in other mammals.
(9) Phyla as diverse as insects, birds, and mammals possess distinct HRAS and KRAS sequences, suggesting that these genes are essential to metazoa.
(10) The presence in lamprey kidney of a loop which is similar to Henle's loop in mammals and birds indicates that the development of the system of osmotic concentration conditioned by the formation in the kidney of the medulla and from a sharp increase in renal arterial blood supply.
(11) Investigations carried out in Pavlodar Province have shown that 7 species of ixodid ticks, Ixodes crenulatus, I. lividus, I. persulcatus, I. laguri laguri, Dermacentor marginatus, D. reticulatus, Haemaphysalis concinna, and one brought species, Hyalomma asiaticum, parasitize domestic animals and wild mammals.
(12) Ecologic studies of small mammals in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) were conducted in 1974 in order to identify the specific habitats within the Lower Montane Forest that support Colorado tick fever (CTF) virus.
(13) Dictated by underlying physicochemical constraints, deceived at times by the lulling tones of the siren entropy, and constantly vulnerable to the vagaries of other more pervasive forms of biological networking and information transfer encoded in the genes of virus and invading microorganisms, protein biorecognition in higher life forms, and particularly in mammals, represents the finely tuned molecular avenues for the genome to transfer its information to the next generation.
(14) It encodes a homeobox gene closely related to the developmentally regulated homeotic genes of flies and mammals.
(15) Based on the fact that all hibernators, at their regulated minimal body temperature, display a uniform turnover rate, related to body weight, the hypothesis is developed that cold tolerance of mammals is generally limited by a common specific minimal metabolic rate, which larger organisms, because of their lower basal metabolism, already attain in less profound hypothermia.
(16) Based on morphological, virological, biochemical and molecular biological data, it is proposed that the presence of endogenous retrovirus particles in the placental cytotrophoblasts of many mammals is indicative of some beneficial action provided by the virus in relation to cell fusion, syncytiotrophoblast formation and the creation of the placenta.
(17) Thus, the possibility exists that androgen secretion in some chelonian systems may exhibit a high degree of LH specificity like that of mammals and birds.
(18) Chlorinated ethylenes are metabolized in mammals, as a first step, to epoxides.
(19) This agrees with previous ultrastructural observations that, in small mammals, neither basement membranes nor large connective tissue spaces are found inside enteric ganglia.
(20) In recent studies, we have found that Gal alpha 1----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc residues are abundant on red cells and nucleated cells of nonprimate mammals, prosimians, and New World monkeys, but their expression is diminished in Old World monkeys, apes, and humans.
(n.) The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the udder or breast of a mammal; a nipple; a pap; a mammilla; a dug; a tit.
(n.) A small protuberance or nozzle resembling the teat of an animal.
Example Sentences:
(1) During a single reversal trial of two 2-wk experimental periods, teats of all glands of 12 Holstein cows were subjected to a milking routine conducive to large vacuum fluctuations and flooded teat cups.
(2) A further 26 herds (iiii) which did not employ iodine-containing teat-dips, were also studied.
(3) The mean percentage changes in teat end thickness (relative to the premilking values for individual teats) varied from 10% decrease up to 20% or more increase depending on the particular milking system used.
(4) was apparent when hyperosmotic sucrose was introduced into this teat pouch.6.
(5) Other variables may be associated with host resistance: an increasing percentage of cows leaking milk increased the rate of mastitis; postmilking teat disinfection was associated with a higher incidence of clinical mastitis; and a high frequency of cubicle disinfection was also associated with more mastitis.
(6) Most lesions involve the teat ends and more are observed in the left hind teat than in any of the other teats.
(7) When the PD reached 80-90% of the liner vacuum, the load was just sufficient to occlude the teat canal.
(8) Around the time of milking the plasma oxytocin profile showed a strong response to the preparation for milking, and a further effect releated to the attachment of the teat cups of the milking machine.
(9) 3H-Yohimbine and 3H-rauwolscine, both potent and selective alpha 2-adrenergic antagonists, were used to identify alpha 2-adrenoceptors in smooth muscles of the cistern wall of teats of lactating cows.
(10) When the metal grid was in poor condition, the incidence of teat injuries as well as udder diseases of heifers increased.
(11) Twenty cows and 20 uncalved 20 month old heifers with severely burnt teats were studied.
(12) We postulated earlier that a low ratio of beta 2- to alpha 2-adrenoceptors in teat tissue of fast milking cows probably reflects changes of mainly prejunctional adrenoceptors.
(13) This teat cistern model and the experimental procedure used should be suitable for further studies of the development of local inflammation.
(14) During vaginal stimulation, oxytocin increased transiently in D and more than by teat stimulation in C. This allowed the removal of 75% of milk in D, whereas almost no more milk was available in C. After oxytocin injections, 3 and 16% of residual milk were obtained in C and D respectively.
(15) However, when contact was avoided between the teats and the milking machine, the stimulation of teat alpha-receptors (phenylephrine) did not inhibit milk flow.
(16) The efficacy of an acrylic latex barrier teat dip with germicide on new infections at parturition was tested on 113 cows and heifers during the prepartum period.
(17) Streptococcus agalactiae was eradicated prior to Trial 2 in which the detergent teat dip was compared to a 1% iodophor product of proven efficacy.
(18) The activities of epinephrine (2-6 micrograms) and of norepinephrine (20-60 micrograms) on the relaxation of teat sphincter muscles were compared by measuring milk leakage from the full udder of 5 lactating cows.
(19) Adherence increased from teat sinus to lactiferous sinus to the large ducts, and cells from the lactiferous sinus to the large ducts, and cells from the lactiferous sinus were used for all other experiments.
(20) The abilities of common postmilking teat disinfectant solutions and a teat skin ointment to retard Staphylococcus aureus colonization and promote healing of chapped skin were studied.