(n.) The unit of monetary account of the German Empire, equal to 23.8 cents of United States money; the equivalent of one hundred pfennigs. Also, a silver coin of this value.
(n.) A visible sign or impression made or left upon anything; esp., a line, point, stamp, figure, or the like, drawn or impressed, so as to attract the attention and convey some information or intimation; a token; a trace.
(n.) A character or device put on an article of merchandise by the maker to show by whom it was made; a trade-mark.
(n.) A character (usually a cross) made as a substitute for a signature by one who can not write.
(n.) A fixed object serving for guidance, as of a ship, a traveler, a surveyor, etc.; as, a seamark, a landmark.
(n.) A trace, dot, line, imprint, or discoloration, although not regarded as a token or sign; a scratch, scar, stain, etc.; as, this pencil makes a fine mark.
(n.) An evidence of presence, agency, or influence; a significative token; a symptom; a trace; specifically, a permanent impression of one's activity or character.
(n.) That toward which a missile is directed; a thing aimed at; what one seeks to hit or reach.
(n.) Attention, regard, or respect.
(n.) Limit or standard of action or fact; as, to be within the mark; to come up to the mark.
(n.) Badge or sign of honor, rank, or official station.
(n.) Preeminence; high position; as, particians of mark; a fellow of no mark.
(n.) A characteristic or essential attribute; a differential.
(n.) A number or other character used in registring; as, examination marks; a mark for tardiness.
(n.) Image; likeness; hence, those formed in one's image; children; descendants.
(n.) One of the bits of leather or colored bunting which are placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms. The unmarked fathoms are called "deeps."
(v. t.) To put a mark upon; to affix a significant mark to; to make recognizable by a mark; as, to mark a box or bale of merchandise; to mark clothing.
(v. t.) To be a mark upon; to designate; to indicate; -- used literally and figuratively; as, this monument marks the spot where Wolfe died; his courage and energy marked him for a leader.
(v. t.) To leave a trace, scratch, scar, or other mark, upon, or any evidence of action; as, a pencil marks paper; his hobnails marked the floor.
(v. t.) To keep account of; to enumerate and register; as, to mark the points in a game of billiards or cards.
(v. t.) To notice or observe; to give attention to; to take note of; to remark; to heed; to regard.
(v. i.) To take particular notice; to observe critically; to note; to remark.
Example Sentences:
(1) Herpesviruses such as EBV, HSV, and human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6) have a marked tropism for cells of the immune system and therefore infection by these viruses may result in alterations of immune functions, leading at times to a state of immunosuppression.
(2) Patient plasma samples demonstrated evidence of marked complement activation, with 3-fold elevations of C3a desArg concentrations by the 8th day of therapy.
(3) Following in vitro C activation in NHS by delta IgG, the 40 KD C4d component increased markedly.
(4) However, when cross-linked to anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 antibodies a markedly enhanced proliferation of the corresponding subpopulation is observed.
(5) When chimeric animals were subjected to a lethal challenge of endotoxin, their response was markedly altered by the transferred lymphoid cells.
(6) Increased dietary protein intake led to increased MDA per nephron, increased urinary excretion of MDA, and increased MDA per milligram protein in subtotally nephrectomized animals, and markedly increased the glutathione redox ratio.
(7) Cyclic AMP stimulated phosphorylation by [gamma-32P]ATP of two proteins of apparent Mr = 20,000 and 7,000 that were concentrated in sarcoplasmic reticulum, but the stimulation was markedly dependent on the presence of added soluble cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase.
(8) Surprisingly, the clonal elimination of V beta 6+ cells is preceded by marked expansion of these cells.
(9) Muscle weakness and atrophy were most marked in the distal parts of the legs, especially in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, and then spread to the thighs and gluteal muscles.
(10) of PLA2 caused marked degranulation of mast cells in the rat mesentery which was facilitated by addition of calcium ion (10 mM) but antagonized by pretreating with three antiinflammatory agents.
(11) report the complications registered, in particular: lead's displacing 6.2%, run away 0.7%, marked hyperthermya 0.0%, haemorrage 0.4%, wound dehiscence 0.3%, asectic necrosis by decubitus 5%, septic necrosis 0.3%, perforation of the heart 0.2%, pulmonary embolism 0.1%.
(12) Marked enhancement of IFN-gamma production by T cells was seen in the presence of as little as 0.3% thymic DC.
(13) This effect was more marked in breast cancer patients which may explain our earlier finding that women with upper body fat localization are at increased risk for developing breast cancer.
(14) Completeness of isolation of the coronary and systemic circulations was shown by the marked difference in appearance times between the reflex hypotensive responses from catecholamine injections into the isolated coronary circulation and the direct hypertensive response from a similar injection when the circulations were connected as well as by the marked difference between the pressure pulses recorded simultaneously on both sides of the aortic balloon separating the two circulations.4.
(15) A marked overlap of input from the two eyes is an unusual feature for a diprotodont marsupial and has previously been seen only in the feathertail glider.
(16) The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is almost always markedly elevated.
(18) Sixteen patients (27%) manifested anomalies of the urinary tract: 12 had markedly altered kidneys, 8 of which were unilateral and ipsilateral to the diaphragmatic defect.
(19) Her muscle weakness and hyperCKemia markedly improved by corticosteroid therapy, suggesting that the diagnosis was compatible with polymyositis (PM).
(20) The introduction of intravenous, high-dose thrombolytic therapy during a brief period has markedly reduced mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction.
(n.) An occurrence supposed to portend, or show the character of, some future event; any indication or action regarded as a foreshowing; a foreboding; a presage; an augury.
(v. t.) To divine or to foreshow by signs or portents; to have omens or premonitions regarding; to predict; to augur; as, to omen ill of an enterprise.
Example Sentences:
(1) 7-OMEN was the major fluorescent biliary species, but, by 24 h, N-demethyl menogaril accounted for approximately 40% of biliary drug fluorescence.
(2) In this study defibrotide produced a significantly lower pressure inside the circuit compared to the control group and gave a protective effect against those pathological changes which appeared during extracorporeal circulation and that may be considered omens of a state of shock.
(3) In the swinging 1960s, Peck's sober style seemed a little out of place, though he appeared in a couple of flashy Hitchcockian thrillers, Mirage (1965) and Arabesque (1966), and adapted to the new Hollywood as best he could, looking rather bothered as the father of a demon in The Omen (1976).
(4) Myth is seen as an external representation of man's inner life; omens and the gods are viewed in this context.
(5) Maybe it was a bad omen for Los Angeles to hand out white towels to the fans in the stands.
(6) Neil Gaiman, with whom he wrote Good Omens (1991), agrees: "He's got better and better over the years – he now follows the story, not the jokes, while I think the early books followed the jokes … He makes it look easy.
(7) The opposition would be making a mistake if it refused to engage and they have got to hear what the regime has to say,” he said “The talks have to go ahead even if the omens are not good and it is unlikely there will be much progress.
(8) Some see the disintegrating Ceta deal as a bad omen for the UK, which wants to negotiate a post-Brexit free trade agreement with the EU.
(9) Multiple, sometimes bilateral FB are frequent and FB of a vegetable nature are of serious omen.
(10) It’s Godzilla versus King Kong, and the omens aren’t heartening.
(11) The Omen-syndrome is not a disease on its own, but a complication of congenital SCID.
(12) Statistical data have shown that both shock and coma are bad prognostic omens and patients presenting with these signs have less than a 50% chance leaving the hospital alive and well, even if they receive optimum emergency management.
(13) Kick off very shortly... 1.04am GMT More omens More omens - and they aren't good for NYRB: the Red Bulls haven't won any of the five games that Olave missed this season.
(14) Type I trauma includes full, detailed memories, "omens," and misperceptions.
(15) 7-OMEN and metabolites were measured by high performance liquid chromatography.
(16) 7-OMEN was the predominant fluorescent compound in urine, but four metabolites were also seen.
(17) Omen: You may or may not be aware that Uruguayan national team often refer to themselves as "Los Charruas", who were an indigenous people in South America.
(18) A good omen for the SNP's #indyref #WhitePaper launch?
(19) But the omens are not good: Britain has a grim history of divisiveness in education.
(20) It's my terrible dirty secret, a disclosure that almost always prompts an "ah, that makes sense", a stigma that brings with it a sense that somehow I am bad, a little Damien from The Omen , because I was the only one.