(1) The latest update came as Wal-Mart unveiled flat first-quarter earnings.
(2) Nothing doing for Marte who can do nothing with an inside fastball - that's four strikeouts now for Wainwright - at least Marte saw 12 pitches, but that's small consolation down seven runs.
(4) Seven species of helminths were recovered during a survey of 162 fisher (Martes pennanti) from four areas of Manitoba: Baylisascaris devosi in 52 fisher; Taenia sibirica in 25; Physaloptera sp.
(5) She’s only 14, but that’s not too young for a Mitchell to start making trouble, as her attempt at the old five-finger discount on a bottle of the Minute Mart’s finest wine demonstrated.
(6) "If you want to find out everything that is wrong not only with American but with capitalist culture, it's all in that security guard who got killed on Black Friday" - the man who was trampled to death during the first day of sales at a Long Island branch of Wal-Mart.
(7) Forbes has just estimated her personal worth at $US18bn (£11.3bn) – putting her ahead of Google's founders, and fast advancing on the $26bn family fortune controlled by Christy Walton, of the US Wal-Mart dynasty.
(8) I won't blame you if you don't), faces Marte to lead off the Pirates fourth inning.
(9) They weave an exchange and mart of support, old giving more in the currency of care, and that in itself fuels an enjoyment of life.
(10) 10.41pm BST Cardinals 2 - Pirates 1, bottom of the 9th Rosenthal gets ahead 0-2 on Starling Marte, who avoids swinging at two pitches out of the zone.
(11) Starling Marte, Pedro Alvarez and Andrew McCutchen need help but at the very very least a .500 record seems in the bag.
(12) Baccharis triptera Mart, is a widespread Compositae used in Brazilian folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal disturbances, rheumatic disease, mild fever, diabetes and as an anti-helminthic.
(13) A new linear polyketide, Annonacin (I), has been isolated from active extracts of the stembark of Annona densicoma Mart.
(14) It is sad as we have been made to understand that Marte has today completely fallen under the control of the insurgents, which to us is a very huge setback,” said Alhaji Zannah Mustapha, vice governor of the Borno state.
(15) The ancestral palmyrah palm (Borassus aethiopum Mart.)
(16) Then Martinez is hit by a slider that barely grazes V-Mart putting him at first with two outs.
(17) The TV show features a convenience store called Kwik-E-Mart owned by an Indian man called Apu, but that appeared news to Springfield's real, numerous Indian store clerks.
(18) It's a huge difference to have V-Mart in the lineup, something they didn't have last regular season and in the playoffs after missing all of 2012 with a blown out left knee.
(19) Leighton, 57, became chief executive in 1996 and sold the chain to Wal-Mart in 1999 for £6.7bn.
(20) A study of the sinuses parasites was carried out on 206 skulls of small mustelidae: Mustela putorius (52), M. nivalis (17), M. erminea (13), Martes foina (102), and M. martes (11) from Eastern France.
(n.) One of the portions, equal or unequal, into which anything is divided, or regarded as divided; something less than a whole; a number, quantity, mass, or the like, regarded as going to make up, with others, a larger number, quantity, mass, etc., whether actually separate or not; a piece; a fragment; a fraction; a division; a member; a constituent.
(n.) An equal constituent portion; one of several or many like quantities, numbers, etc., into which anything is divided, or of which it is composed; proportional division or ingredient.
(n.) A constituent portion of a living or spiritual whole; a member; an organ; an essential element.
(n.) A constituent of character or capacity; quality; faculty; talent; -- usually in the plural with a collective sense.
(n.) Quarter; region; district; -- usually in the plural.
(n.) Such portion of any quantity, as when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that quantity; as, 3 is a part of 12; -- the opposite of multiple. Also, a line or other element of a geometrical figure.
(n.) That which belongs to one, or which is assumed by one, or which falls to one, in a division or apportionment; share; portion; lot; interest; concern; duty; office.
(n.) One of the opposing parties or sides in a conflict or a controversy; a faction.
(n.) A particular character in a drama or a play; an assumed personification; also, the language, actions, and influence of a character or an actor in a play; or, figuratively, in real life. See To act a part, under Act.
(n.) One of the different melodies of a concerted composition, which heard in union compose its harmony; also, the music for each voice or instrument; as, the treble, tenor, or bass part; the violin part, etc.
(n.) To divide; to separate into distinct parts; to break into two or more parts or pieces; to sever.
(n.) To divide into shares; to divide and distribute; to allot; to apportion; to share.
(n.) To separate or disunite; to cause to go apart; to remove from contact or contiguity; to sunder.
(n.) Hence: To hold apart; to stand between; to intervene betwixt, as combatants.
(n.) To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion; as, to part gold from silver.
(n.) To leave; to quit.
(v. i.) To be broken or divided into parts or pieces; to break; to become separated; to go asunder; as, rope parts; his hair parts in the middle.
(v. i.) To go away; to depart; to take leave; to quit each other; hence, to die; -- often with from.
(v. i.) To perform an act of parting; to relinquish a connection of any kind; -- followed by with or from.
(v. i.) To have a part or share; to partake.
(adv.) Partly; in a measure.
Example Sentences:
(1) We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the breakpoint area of alpha-thalassemia-1 of Southeast Asia type and several parts of the alpha-globin gene cluster to make a differential diagnosis between alpha-thalassemia-1 and Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis.
(2) We attribute this in part to early diagnosis by computed tomography (CT), but a contributory factor may be earlier referrals from country centres to a paediatric trauma centre and rapid transfer, by air or road, by medical retrieval teams.
(3) The process of sequence rearrangement appears to be a significant part of the evolution of the genome and may have a much greater effect on the evolution of the phenotype than sequence alteration by base substitution.
(4) These results show that the pathogenic phenotypes of MCF viruses are dissociable from the thymotropic phenotype and depend, at least in part, upon the enhancer sequences.
(5) However, medicines have an important part to play, and it is now generally agreed that for the very poor populations medicines should be restricted to those on an 'essential drugs list' and should be made available as cheaply as possible.
(6) Because cystine in medium was converted rapidly to cysteine and cysteinyl-NAC in the presence of NAC and given that cysteine has a higher affinity for uptake by EC than cystine, we conclude that the enhanced uptake of radioactivity was in the form of cysteine and at least part of the stimulatory effect of NAC on EC glutathione was due to a formation of cysteine by a mixed disulfide reaction of NAC with cystine similar to that previously reported for Chinese hamster ovarian cells (R. D. Issels et al.
(7) At operation, the tumour was identified and excised with part of the aneurysmal wall.
(8) However, ticks, which failed to finish their feeding and represent a disproportionately great part of the whole parasite's population, die together with them and the parasitic system quickly restores its stability.
(9) Muscle weakness and atrophy were most marked in the distal parts of the legs, especially in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, and then spread to the thighs and gluteal muscles.
(10) Despite of the increasing diagnostic importance of the direct determination of the parathormone which is at first available only in special institutions in these cases methodical problems play a less important part than the still not infrequent appearing misunderstanding of the adequate basic disease.
(11) This modulation results from repetitive, alternating bursts of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, which are caused at least in part by synaptic feedback to the command neurons from identified classes of neurons in the feeding network.
(12) Results show diet, self-control and parts of insulin-therapy to be problematic treatment components.
(13) Further analysis with two other synthetic peptides (212Cys to 222Glu and Cys X 221Ile to 236Glu) indicated that the dodecapeptide Ile-Glu-Phe-Gln-Lys-Asn-Asn-Arg-Leu-Leu-Glu mimicked either the whole or a major part of the neutralization epitope.
(14) Schneiderlin, valued at an improbable £27m, and the currently injured Jay Rodriguez are wanted by their former manager Mauricio Pochettino at Spurs, but the chairman Ralph Krueger has apparently called a halt to any more outgoings, saying: “They are part of the core that we have decided to keep at Southampton.” He added: “Jay Rodriguez and Morgan Schneiderlin are not for sale and they will be a part of our club as we enter the new season.” The new manager Ronald Koeman has begun rebuilding by bringing in Dusan Tadic and Graziano Pellè from the Dutch league and Krueger said: “We will have players coming in, we will make transfers to strengthen the squad.
(15) Patrice Evra Evra Handed a five-match international ban for his part in the France squad’s mutiny against Raymond Domenech at the 2010 World Cup, it took Evra almost a year to force his way back in.
(16) The dramas are part of the BBC2 controller Janice Hadlow's plans for her "unashamedly intelligent" channel over the coming months.
(17) The method is based on two-dimensional scanning photon absorptiometry on the distal part of the forearm.
(18) McDonald said cutting better deals with suppliers and improving efficiency as well as raising some prices had only partly offset the impact of sterling’s fall against the dollar.
(19) A strong block to the elongation of nascent RNA transcripts by RNA polymerase II occurs in the 5' part of the mammalian c-fos proto-oncogene.
(20) Anytime they feel parts of the Basic Law are not up to their current standards of political correctness, they will change it and tell Hong Kong courts to obey.