What's the difference between misery and wretchedness?



  • (n.) Great unhappiness; extreme pain of body or mind; wretchedness; distress; woe.
  • (n.) Cause of misery; calamity; misfortune.
  • (n.) Covetousness; niggardliness; avarice.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Northern Ireland will not be dragged back by terrorists who have nothing but misery to offer."
  • (2) The Coalition promises to add more misery to their lives.
  • (3) I thought she had been put out of her misery by marriage but now she is a widow.
  • (4) This is not some sophisticated, Westminstery battle, but a life-and-death, misery-or-decency choice about the very basics of life for hundreds of thousands of older British people.
  • (5) "While the country is sunk in misery, families are ruined and children are growing up in poverty, this guy turns up and we pay €91m for him.
  • (6) It is only going to cause more disruption and misery for passengers.
  • (7) An arms embargo should be imposed on Israel, the former international development secretary Andrew Mitchell has said , as he warned that the level of misery and carnage in Gaza was likely to poison the remaining goodwill in the region for generations.
  • (8) In Kew Gardens, west London, 18mm of rain fell in just an hour on Saturday afternoon with other deluges causing travel misery.
  • (9) So, in The Devil Wears Prada , the ferocious magazine chief played by Meryl Streep is beset by secret misery: unfaithful husband, tricky kids, wig issues.
  • (10) He skirted round the issue of historic responsibility for the misery but referred to the sheer scale of the sacrifice, pointing out that, among more than 14,000 parishes in the whole of England and Wales, only about 50 so-called "thankful parishes" saw all their soldiers return.
  • (11) Spanish football fans’ habit of waving white hankies tends to be derisive, signifying that they wish a hapless manager to be put out of their club’s misery.
  • (12) Above all, MPs should vote to stop needless misery for families afflicted by this rare but terrible disorder.
  • (13) At the same time, by achieving a state of misery through following her mother's orders, she exposed her as ridiculous, and thus covertly discharged considerable aggression.
  • (14) Labour are finally crafting a clearer line on Brexit: this morning, the shadow chancellor warned that “losing access to the single market would be devastating for jobs, livelihoods and our public services”, that Britain didn’t vote for “economic misery and the loss of jobs”, and that the government was “abandoning Britain’s clear national interests by putting narrow party political concerns first.” These are good lines – and clarify that Labour’s priority is single-market access – but they will only cut through if repeated in similar language until people can hardly bear to hear them anymore.
  • (15) Behind the chancellor, Tories kept up a wall of noise, laughing and jeering at the misery guts on the benches opposite.
  • (16) Oxygen supply by this route, however, may enable the inner ear tissue alive even in misery perfusion and recover the high tone potential as a therapy of otitis media with effusion.
  • (17) It wasn’t too long ago that I was sitting inside a tent with newfound friends, fasting on the National Mall and feeling a profound hunger – literally, yes, but also a hunger within, to see an end to the misery endured by those who come to our country to escape poverty and violence in search of a bright future for their families.
  • (18) Forty percent of An-ICH were treated conservatively and the outcome was very misery (no useful life and 94% was poor or dead).
  • (19) Most human misery can be blamed on failed relationships and physical and mental illness rather than money problems and poverty, according to a landmark study by a team of researchers at the London School of Economics (LSE).
  • (20) While a US presidential visit would normally be expected to command the lion's share of attention in South Korea, the country remains preoccupied with the misery wrought by the sinking of the passenger ferry.



  • (n.) The quality or state of being wretched; utter misery.
  • (n.) A wretched object; anything despicably.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Alexis Tsipras, the former student radical who leads the party, has called the latest €130bn rescue plan "barbaric" and "an agreement of poverty and wretchedness".
  • (2) Obviously Pantilimon is more abject than Hart,” says Graham Lees “and Demichelis must have lied on his CV but why does no one bemoan the wretchedness, sorry, opportunity gifted to Sunderland, of Nasri’s selection?
  • (3) The clinic's wheelchairs have white plastic seats cut from garden furniture, lending an incongruous jauntiness to the wretchedness.
  • (4) From this wretchedness, Labour emerged to give people basic rights and a sense of dignity in work.
  • (5) "I don't believe in heroes or saviours," says Alexis Tsipras, "but I do believe in fighting for rights … no one has the right to reduce a proud people to such a state of wretchedness and indignity."
  • (6) His is not the first image to have encapsulated the wretchedness of the Syrian war.
  • (7) They are falling fast towards the relegation zone while teams below are sprouting wings, none more so than Leicester, whose late-season surge continued here thanks to two goals from Leonardo Ulloa, one by Wes Morgan, and the wretchedness of a Newcastle side that finished with nine men and were accused of cowardice by their own manager.
  • (8) The current government has taken it to an entirely new level of wretchedness in its determination to “stop the boats”.
  • (9) From early, delicate watercolours to his cycles of despoiled paintings, this retrospective gives full measure to Kiefer’s preoccupations with German history, the holocaust, mythology and the wretchedness of our age.
  • (10) Both crime and the taking of illicit drugs are reflections of the divisions, hatreds and wretchedness that have long existed within our society and within the individuals that comprise it.
  • (11) Young, still managing to stand out for his wretchedness, was guilty late on of losing the ball in the build-up to City's fourth goal and Moyes, finally, had seen enough, substituting him straight away.