What's the difference between morose and saturnine?



  • (a.) Of a sour temper; sullen and austere; ill-humored; severe.
  • (a.) Lascivious; brooding over evil thoughts.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) You want to explore the darker things in life – death is a part of life, sadness is a part of life - but we don’t ever want to be morose.” Later on, Phil comes back downstairs.
  • (2) I managed to view an entire seminar free of charge (though there was no sound and there was nothing useful to be gained other than looking at the morose faces of students awake before midday).
  • (3) His calm, clear and collaborative manner helped lift the spirit of a team who had become rather morose under his disciplinarian predecessor, Claude Puel , and he fostered a vibrant attacking style while remaining versatile enough to use a variety of formations.
  • (4) However, Rifkind’s own recent privacy issues had made that tricky; empty-chairing himself might have set an awkward precedent that the prime minister would not have appreciated, so he settled for looking grumpy and morose while Hazel Blears ran the show.
  • (5) And then GTA V is also a monstrous parody of modern life – our bubbling cesspit of celebrity fixation, political apathy and morose self-obsession.
  • (6) It is more than ‘morose’ it is a catastrophic economic situation.
  • (7) Photograph: Alamy Size: 0.03sq miles Threave Island introduced to the historical stage a character so morosely inimical there could be only one possible name for him: Archibald the Grim.
  • (8) Even when a newspaper falsely claimed that Motlanthe was having an affair with a 24-year-old, not once was he "morose, dejected, looking troubled", but instead showed "amazing fortitude".
  • (9) The early-observed improvement concerned inhibition, lack of energy, moroseness, favouring the patients' integration in the institutional context.
  • (10) Immediately following each unpleasant new announcement, Cleggsy Bear shuffles on stage to defend it, working his sad eyes and boyish face as he morosely explains why the decision was inevitable – and not just inevitable, but fair; in fact possibly the fairest, most reasonable decision to have been taken in our lifetimes, no matter how loudly people scream to the contrary.
  • (11) Anand Gopal, author of No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban and the War Through Afghan Eyes, referred to their morose disposition on Twitter.
  • (12) The group is tough but I think that when I get over this initial moroseness, I think that I will be absolutely fine.” He said that given the strength of their opponents his side, who came through an equally tough qualifying group, could not afford to try and plot a way through and would simply have to go all-out in every game.
  • (13) Local papers, watching the pennies and morosely certain that pounds don't look after themselves, have very little that binds them to the Sun or the Mirror .
  • (14) The existence of depression in young individuals has often been denied or at least underestimated particularly during adolescence, to the benefit of such other concepts as morosity, inherent in this period of life, and from which depression should be differentiated.
  • (15) He's sounding morose but suddenly someone walks past and Stanhope kicks into life: "Hey man!
  • (16) An analysis of the individual LOI items between the two groups showed that the ulcerative colitis patients were more indecisive, and also more morose, more rigid and more punctual than the duodenal ulcer patients, i.e.
  • (17) "Get yourself into a good morose state," he advises.
  • (18) O’Neill said he was “morose” after landing Italy, Sweden and Belgium in Saturday night’s draw but his side would take inspiration from the approach showed by some sides at the Brazil World Cup in targeting victory in their opening group match, at the Stade de France in Paris on 13 June.
  • (19) But amid talk of a global race in which developing nations are surging forward while Europe gazes morosely at its navel, our insecure politicians are proposing isolationist policies that have an impact on national prosperity and indicate hostility to the rest of the planet.
  • (20) There’s not a morose feeling in my school because it’s a bloody good school and people want to stay.



  • (a.) Born under, or influenced by, the planet Saturn.
  • (a.) Heavy; grave; gloomy; dull; -- the opposite of mercurial; as, a saturnine person or temper.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to lead; characterized by, or resembling, lead, which was formerly called Saturn.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The history of saturnine gout is almost as old as civilization itself.
  • (2) barks saturnine sheriff "Duke" Perkins, his smalltown beard quivering with indignation.
  • (3) Acute attacks in saturnine gout are frequently polyarticular and tophi rarely develop.
  • (4) "The more Smith talks about his role as reluctant pop star, the more the claustrophobic tone of Bastille's saturnine pop makes sense.
  • (5) The finely chiselled, rather saturnine features and piercing eyes were those of a colonial magistrate rather than a bland television personality.
  • (6) The clinical features of saturnine gout are essentially similar to those of primary gout; however, acute attacks tend to occur in the knee more frequently than the first metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • (7) Facebook Twitter Pinterest It also captures Kovtun, a saturnine figure in a dark jacket, who flew to London from Hamburg.
  • (8) Incomplete regression of paralysis and persistant biological abnormalities after chelating treatment were demonstrative of heavy saturnine load even though the toxic exposure was brief.
  • (9) Among these diseases, lead or saturnine poisoning (colica saturnina) caused by lead monoxide PbO, also known as litharge, was much dreaded (a 17th-century physician from Goslar wrote a treatise on "Lithargyrii fumo noxio morbifico, vulgo dicto 'pit cat'"); a miner's disease associated with phthisis and pareses of a then unknown etiology; and in some cases even with hookworm disease that was much later recognised as yet another professional disease of miners.
  • (10) One hundred fifty years ago a young but distinguished French scientist, L. Tanquerel des Planches, published a most comprehensive work dealing with almost every known clinical, epidemiological, and occupational aspect of lead poisoning, Traité des Maladies de Plomb ou Saturnines exposing in its second volume, Paralysie de Plomb ou Saturnine his invaluable experience on lead palsy.
  • (11) Young off-duty local waiters for the most part, sallow and saturnine or handsomely jowly, smoking furiously between sets in the high cold frozen sun before they diligently remount the high cold frozen metal stairs past a flutter of busy-bee BBC continuity wizards: loop-fed multilingual script editors with one eye and one ear on the monitor, one ear clamped to a headphone, chill mittened fingers rewinding pages, an impossible third ear half-tuned to shouted stage directions.
  • (12) The relationship of these studies with guanase and to the etiology and treatment of saturnine gout, which appears in humans suffering from lead poisoning, is discussed.
  • (13) Chronic lead exposure is also implicated in the development of saturnine gout and hypertension.
  • (14) This provides a quantitative insight of the previously described 'capillary activation' phenomenon, caused by lead encephalopathy and reveals it as a significant sequel of saturnine action.
  • (15) As an actor in rep in the 50s, Pinter was always cast as the saturnine heavy, the man who could turn nasty at any moment, and he retains that aura, a still energy, a volcano that might just blow.
  • (16) The relation of these findings to saturnine gout is discussed.
  • (17) If Michelle had dressed herself and her daughters for defeat, she could hardly have chosen anything more saturnine.
  • (18) The diagnosis of saturnine gout rests on the history of exposure to lead, clinical features of lead toxicity, biochemical confirmation of high serum lead levels and other biochemical abnormalities, and the exclusion of other forms of gout.