What's the difference between pack and pick?



  • (n.) A pact.
  • (n.) A bundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back; a load for an animal; a bale, as of goods.
  • (n.) A number or quantity equal to the contents of a pack; hence, a multitude; a burden.
  • (n.) A number or quantity of connected or similar things
  • (n.) A full set of playing cards; also, the assortment used in a particular game; as, a euchre pack.
  • (n.) A number of hounds or dogs, hunting or kept together.
  • (n.) A number of persons associated or leagued in a bad design or practice; a gang; as, a pack of thieves or knaves.
  • (n.) A shook of cask staves.
  • (n.) A bundle of sheet-iron plates for rolling simultaneously.
  • (n.) A large area of floating pieces of ice driven together more or less closely.
  • (n.) An envelope, or wrapping, of sheets used in hydropathic practice, called dry pack, wet pack, cold pack, etc., according to the method of treatment.
  • (n.) A loose, lewd, or worthless person. See Baggage.
  • (n.) To make a pack of; to arrange closely and securely in a pack; hence, to place and arrange compactly as in a pack; to press into close order or narrow compass; as to pack goods in a box; to pack fish.
  • (n.) To fill in the manner of a pack, that is, compactly and securely, as for transportation; hence, to fill closely or to repletion; to stow away within; to cause to be full; to crowd into; as, to pack a trunk; the play, or the audience, packs the theater.
  • (n.) To sort and arrange (the cards) in a pack so as to secure the game unfairly.
  • (n.) Hence: To bring together or make up unfairly and fraudulently, in order to secure a certain result; as, to pack a jury or a causes.
  • (n.) To contrive unfairly or fraudulently; to plot.
  • (n.) To load with a pack; hence, to load; to encumber; as, to pack a horse.
  • (n.) To cause to go; to send away with baggage or belongings; esp., to send away peremptorily or suddenly; -- sometimes with off; as, to pack a boy off to school.
  • (n.) To transport in a pack, or in the manner of a pack (i. e., on the backs of men or beasts).
  • (n.) To envelop in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings. See Pack, n., 5.
  • (n.) To render impervious, as by filling or surrounding with suitable material, or to fit or adjust so as to move without giving passage to air, water, or steam; as, to pack a joint; to pack the piston of a steam engine.
  • (v. i.) To make up packs, bales, or bundles; to stow articles securely for transportation.
  • (v. i.) To admit of stowage, or of making up for transportation or storage; to become compressed or to settle together, so as to form a compact mass; as, the goods pack conveniently; wet snow packs well.
  • (v. i.) To gather in flocks or schools; as, the grouse or the perch begin to pack.
  • (v. i.) To depart in haste; -- generally with off or away.
  • (v. i.) To unite in bad measures; to confederate for ill purposes; to join in collusion.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The predicted non-Lorentzian line shapes and widths were found to be in good agreement with experimental results, indicating that the local orientational order (called "packing" by many workers) in the bilayers of small vesicles and in multilamellar membranes is substantially the same.
  • (2) Squadron Leader Kevin Harris, commander of the Merlins at Camp Bastion, the main British base in Helmand, praised the crews, adding: "The Merlins will undergo an extensive programme of maintenance and cleaning before being packed up, ensuring they return to the UK in good order."
  • (3) We have compared two new methods (a solvent extraction technique and a method involving a disposable, pre-packed reverse phase chromatography cartridge) with the standard method for determining the radiochemical purity of 99Tcm-HMPAO.
  • (4) Solely infectious waste become removed hospital-intern and -extern on conditions of hygienic prevention, namely through secure packing during the transport, combustion or desinfection.
  • (5) Glucose, osmotic pressure, packed cell volume, PFC by combustion and volatilization were also measured in blood samples.
  • (6) These levels are sufficient to maintain normal in vivo rates of mRNA and rRNA synthesis, but the average density of packing of polymerases on DNA is considerably less than the maximum density predicted by Miller and Bakken (1972), suggesting that initiation of polymerases of DNA is a limiting factor in the control of transcription.
  • (7) The crystallographic parameters of four different unit cells, all of which are based on hexagonal packing arrangements, indicate that the fundamental unit of the complex is composed of six gene 5 protein dimers.
  • (8) In 67 patinets with abnormal mammograms, breast angiography was performed using a "lo-dose vaccum packed film screen system".
  • (9) The cells are predominantly monopolar, tightly packed, and are flattened at the outer border of the ring.
  • (10) The majority of intensively stained and densely packed cells have been observed in tv nucleus.
  • (11) The wall of the yolk sac thickens as a result of this infolding and the densely packed capillaries.
  • (12) All 17 candidates are going to be participating in debate night and I think that’s a wonderful opportunity Reince Priebus Republican party officials have defended the decision to limit participation, pointing out that the chasing pack will get a chance to debate separately before the main event.
  • (13) The supporters – many of them wearing Hamas green headbands and carrying Hamas flags – packed the open-air venue in rain and strong winds to celebrate the Islamist organisation's 25th anniversary and what it regards as a victory in last month's eight-day war with Israel.
  • (14) Changes in the determinants of blood viscosity (packed cell volume, plasma viscosity, red cell aggregation, and red cell deformability) were studied on day 1 and day 5.
  • (15) They had watched him celebrate mass with three million pilgrims on the packed-out shores of Copacabana beach .
  • (16) In terms of segmental motion and anisotropy of packing the lipoprotein-X bilayer closely resembles a model bilayer system consisting of phosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin and cholesterol mixed in the same molar ratio as in lipoprotein-X.
  • (17) There is little doubt that when it opens next Thursday, One New Change will be jam-packed with City workers and tourists.
  • (18) Treatment with chloroquine and primaquine, together with packed red cell transfusions, was successful in eliminating both the malaria parasites and the leukaemoid blood picture.
  • (19) The authors consider that this device increases safety during this potentially hazardous procedure by eliminating the flammable polyvinyl chloride endotracheal tube and cottonoid packings most frequently used during this procedure.
  • (20) The media, smelling blood, has fallen into pack formation.



  • (v.) To throw; to pitch.
  • (v.) To peck at, as a bird with its beak; to strike at with anything pointed; to act upon with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to prick, as with a pin.
  • (v.) To separate or open by means of a sharp point or points; as, to pick matted wool, cotton, oakum, etc.
  • (v.) To open (a lock) as by a wire.
  • (v.) To pull apart or away, especially with the fingers; to pluck; to gather, as fruit from a tree, flowers from the stalk, feathers from a fowl, etc.
  • (v.) To remove something from with a pointed instrument, with the fingers, or with the teeth; as, to pick the teeth; to pick a bone; to pick a goose; to pick a pocket.
  • (v.) To choose; to select; to separate as choice or desirable; to cull; as, to pick one's company; to pick one's way; -- often with out.
  • (v.) To take up; esp., to gather from here and there; to collect; to bring together; as, to pick rags; -- often with up; as, to pick up a ball or stones; to pick up information.
  • (v.) To trim.
  • (v. i.) To eat slowly, sparingly, or by morsels; to nibble.
  • (v. i.) To do anything nicely or carefully, or by attending to small things; to select something with care.
  • (v. i.) To steal; to pilfer.
  • (n.) A sharp-pointed tool for picking; -- often used in composition; as, a toothpick; a picklock.
  • (n.) A heavy iron tool, curved and sometimes pointed at both ends, wielded by means of a wooden handle inserted in the middle, -- used by quarrymen, roadmakers, etc.; also, a pointed hammer used for dressing millstones.
  • (n.) A pike or spike; the sharp point fixed in the center of a buckler.
  • (n.) Choice; right of selection; as, to have one's pick.
  • (n.) That which would be picked or chosen first; the best; as, the pick of the flock.
  • (n.) A particle of ink or paper imbedded in the hollow of a letter, filling up its face, and occasioning a spot on a printed sheet.
  • (n.) That which is picked in, as with a pointed pencil, to correct an unevenness in a picture.
  • (n.) The blow which drives the shuttle, -- the rate of speed of a loom being reckoned as so many picks per minute; hence, in describing the fineness of a fabric, a weft thread; as, so many picks to an inch.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) S&P – the only one of the three major agencies not to have stripped the UK of its coveted AAA status – said it had been surprised at the pick-up in activity during 2013 – a year that began with fears of a triple-dip recession.
  • (2) The information about her father's semi-brainwashing forms an interesting backdrop to Malala's comments when I ask if she ever wonders about the man who tried to kill her on her way back from school that day in October last year, and why his hands were shaking as he held the gun – a detail she has picked up from the girls in the school bus with her at the time; she herself has no memory of the shooting.
  • (3) This is not for the most part revolutionary.” Trump has made some of his least ideological picks in the area of national security and foreign policy.
  • (4) Critics of wind power peddle the same old myths about investment in new energy sources adding to families' fuel bills , preferring to pick a fight with people concerned about the environment, than stand up to vested interests in the energy industry, for the hard-pressed families and pensioners being ripped off by the energy giants.
  • (5) Careless Herbicidal aerial spray of a field for weed control and defoliation of cotton before machine picking, resulted in the contamination of an adjoining reservoir, killing large volume of fish.
  • (6) It would cost their own businesses hundreds of millions of pounds in transaction costs, it would blow a massive hole in their balance of payments, it would leave them having to pick up the entirety of UK debt.
  • (7) Joe Gregory, parked outside the arena while waiting to pick up his girlfriend and her sister from the concert, captured its impact on his car’s dashcam.
  • (8) Everyone worked hard, but it is fair to pick out Willian because of his work-rate, quality on the ball, participation in the first goal and quality of the second.” It had been Willian’s fizzed cross, 11 minutes before the break, which Dragovic had nodded inadvertently inside Shovkovskiy’s near post to earn the hosts their initial lead.
  • (9) Taxpayers will pick up an immediate £40m bill for compensating the four shortlisted companies that bid for the west coast franchise.
  • (10) "While it seems possible that more will join the two MPC dissenters in coming months if wage growth picks up, it looks a long way to go before a majority on the MPC vote to raise interest rates," he said.
  • (11) Those are our picks, but what have you been enjoying on Android this week?
  • (12) Phil Barlow Nottingham • Reading about the problems caused by a lack of toilets reminded me of the harvest camps my father’s Birmingham school organised in the Vale of Evesham during the war, where the sixth-formers spent weeks picking fruit and vegetables on farms.
  • (13) This is no doubt a captain’s pick by Malcolm Turnbull and we hope for the sake of the relationship that it has been a good pick.” The planned appointment of Hockey to the Washington role has been one of the worst-kept secrets in Australian politics .
  • (14) Now another deep cross is thrown into the box and Guzan leaps to claim it, but can only parry it down and pick up the second ball.
  • (15) After winning his prize, Malcolm Turnbull must learn from Abbott's mistakes Read more Abbott appointed Warren Mundine to head his hand picked advisory council on Indigenous affairs.
  • (16) Trawling through the private telephone conversations of royals, politicians and celebrities in the hope of picking up scandalous gossip is not seen as legitimate news gathering and the techniques of entrapment which led to the recent Pakistani match-fixing scandal , although grudgingly admired in this particular case, are derided as manufacturing the news.
  • (17) This makes The Red Pill a continuous, multi-voiced, up-to-the-minute male complaint nestled at the heart of the so-called manosphere – a network of websites preoccupied with both the men’s rights movement and how to pick up women.
  • (18) We propose that MS at the age of 1 year 6 months would be more effective to pick up these cases, because treatment strategies depend on the different biological characteristics of tumor cells.
  • (19) Business picked up in the fourth quarter of 2013 but the consumer goods giant said those markets had continued to slow and it expected "ongoing volatility in the external environment".
  • (20) But I'm starting with the job that I can do something about right now – scrabbling around on the floor, picking up three-inch nails and cigarette butts so that the new four-year-olds will have somewhere safe to play at break.

Words possibly related to "pack"

Words possibly related to "pick"