(n.) Originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject; now, the character /, commonly used in the text as a reference mark to a footnote, or to indicate the place of a division into sections.
(n.) A distinct part of a discourse or writing; any section or subdivision of a writing or chapter which relates to a particular point, whether consisting of one or many sentences. The division is sometimes noted by the mark /, but usually, by beginning the first sentence of the paragraph on a new line and at more than the usual distance from the margin.
(n.) A brief composition complete in one typographical section or paragraph; an item, remark, or quotation comprised in a few lines forming one paragraph; as, a column of news paragraphs; an editorial paragraph.
(v. t.) To divide into paragraphs; to mark with the character /.
(v. t.) To express in the compass of a paragraph; as, to paragraph an article.
(v. t.) To mention in a paragraph or paragraphs
Example Sentences:
(1) Email a paragraph or two outlining what you would like to share about your job to opinion@theguardian.com with “The secret life of” in the subject line.
(2) Rudd told the commission in his statement – in a paragraph previously redacted – that the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet produced "periodic reports" on the implementation of programs to the cabinet committee and then potentially to the whole of cabinet.
(3) He told the court: “We have been trying at the bar to imagine whether we can think of any other group of legal or natural persons, terrorist suspects, arms dealers, Jews, in respect of whose evidence one might even begin to think that one could tenably say, ‘Well, of course, in looking at this evidence I have been very careful because I know from the past that these people are a bit devious and a bit unworthy, and the only thing they’re really interested in is subverting public health.’ ” Yet last week’s judgment, running to 1,000 paragraphs, confirmed in excoriating detail just how determined big tobacco has been down the decades to achieve precisely this goal.
(4) Before I can ask what's going on, Nikolai launches into a brief speech: "In accordance with paragraph 27 of Russian federal law, you are refused entry to the Russian Federation," he says.
(5) • A paragraph on free schools was removed from this article on 13 December 2012 as the DfE's sample size was too small to be meaningful
(6) Here the editors summarize each author's theme in a brief paragraph.
(7) An experimental letter, consisting of the routine appointment letter plus some paragraphs designed to increase perceived control, was sent to 39 randomly selected patients prior to their first appointment.
(8) In light micrographs of denervated muscles, the total number of fibres appeared to be reduced; however not all fibres could be identified (see paragraph (3)).
(9) The club later confirmed his dismissal in a two-paragraph statement and said that the first-team coach, Kevin Keen, would oversee West Ham's final match of the season next Sunday, at home to Sunderland.
(10) An earlier version said “rate rise” in the fifth paragraph, where “rate cut” was meant.
(11) These are the crucial paragraphs, and forgive me for quoting at length as they are important (emphasis added): In addition, according to the comparative-law data in the Court's possession (see paragraphs 45-48 above), arrangements for restricting the right of convicted prisoners to vote vary considerably from one national legal system to another, particularly as to the need for such restrictions to be ordered by a court… 102.
(12) Deplores the continuing flows of mercenaries into the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and calls upon all Member States to comply strictly with their obligations under paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011) to prevent the provision of armed mercenary personnel to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Ban on flights 17.
(13) Coherent policies in medical research are essential for the best use of resources (paragraph 6).
(14) However, on French insistence, the paragraphs on Arak were put back into brackets, meaning they were open to negotiation again.
(15) Zarif met the EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton , on Thursday morning for detailed talks on the current draft agreement, which has disputed paragraphs in brackets, and negotiators said the general atmosphere was positive.
(16) Three short paragraphs were presented to 18 young (means = 27.6 years) and 18 old (means = 67.2 years) female volunteers to evaluate the effects of three types of input conditions on recall.
(17) This study measures the effect of prior information on the students' choice of descriptive words and on a narrative paragraph they wrote after seeing the videotape.
(18) From time to time, Clegg paused to rifle through his notes, as if looking for the one killer paragraph that would make everything OK, make everyone believe that this time it was going to be different.
(19) Requests Member States which are taking action under paragraph 13 above on the high seas to coordinate closely with each other and the Secretary-General and further requests the States concerned to inform the Secretary-General and the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 24 of resolution 1970 (2011) ("the Committee") immediately of measures taken in the exercise of the authority conferred by paragraph 13 above; 15.
(20) At one point the draft Paris agreement contained a paragraph about aviation and shipping (another unregulated industry).
(n.) Sense; meaning; significance.
(n.) An opinion; a decision; a determination; a judgment, especially one of an unfavorable nature.
(n.) A philosophical or theological opinion; a dogma; as, Summary of the Sentences; Book of the Sentences.
(n.) In civil and admiralty law, the judgment of a court pronounced in a cause; in criminal and ecclesiastical courts, a judgment passed on a criminal by a court or judge; condemnation pronounced by a judgical tribunal; doom. In common law, the term is exclusively used to denote the judgment in criminal cases.
(n.) A short saying, usually containing moral instruction; a maxim; an axiom; a saw.
(n.) A combination of words which is complete as expressing a thought, and in writing is marked at the close by a period, or full point. See Proposition, 4.
(v. t.) To pass or pronounce judgment upon; to doom; to condemn to punishment; to prescribe the punishment of.
(v. t.) To decree or announce as a sentence.
(v. t.) To utter sententiously.
Example Sentences:
(1) If Bennett were sentenced today under the new law, he likely would not receive a life sentence.
(2) In the experiments to be reported here, computer-averaged EMG data were obtained from PCA of native speakers of American English, Japanese, and Danish who uttered test words embedded in frame sentences.
(3) This preliminary study compared the level of ego development, as measured by Loevinger's Washington University Sentence Completion Test (SCT), of 30 women with histories of childhood sexual victimization, and 30 women with no history of abuse.
(4) The lies Trump told this week: from murder rates to climate change Read more “President Obama has commuted the sentences of record numbers of high-level drug traffickers.
(5) In an exceptionally rare turn, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, a panel appointed by the governor that is almost always hardline on executions, recommended that his death sentence be commuted to life in prison because of his mental illness.
(6) The tasks which appeared to present the most difficulties for the patients were written spelling, pragmatic processing tasks like sentence disambiguation and proverb interpretation.
(7) Local and international media and watchdog organisations such as the World Association of Newspapers , Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Borders have issued statements strongly condemning the prison sentence.
(8) But, in a sign of tension within the coalition government, the Liberal Democrats home affairs spokesman, Tom Brake, told BBC2's Newsnight that "if [the offenders in question] had committed the same offence the day before the riots, they would not have received a sentence of that nature".
(9) "It is in my power to lessen their sentence – it's not excluded that that will happen."
(10) It also devalues the courage of real whistleblowers who have used proper channels to hold our government accountable.” McCain added: “It is a sad, yet perhaps fitting commentary on President Obama’s failed national security policies that he would commute the sentence of an individual that endangered the lives of American troops, diplomats, and intelligence sources by leaking hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents to WikiLeaks, a virulently anti-American organisation that was a tool of Russia’s recent interference in our elections.” WikiLeaks last year published emails hacked from the accounts of the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.
(11) It was found that labelling the picture with a sentence containing a specific verb substantially increased the likelihood that the specific picture corresponding to that verb would subsequently be falsely recognized.
(12) Best friends since school, they sound like an old married couple, finishing each other's sentences, constantly referring to the other by name and making each other laugh; deep sonorous, belly laughs.
(13) The first paper of this series (Picheny, Durlach, & Braida, 1985) presented evidence that there are substantial intelligibility differences for hearing-impaired listeners between nonsense sentences spoken in a conversational manner and spoken with the effort to produce clear speech.
(14) Butler was convicted of grevious bodily harm and child cruelty, and sentenced to prison.
(15) We did not find a postoperative threshold shift (signal-to-noise ratio) for the intelligibility of sentences presented in noise.
(16) It is the same article of the law that was used against Pussy Riot and can carry a jail sentence of several years.
(17) Tolokonnikova was given a two-year sentence for her part in Pussy Riot's "punk prayer" in Moscow's largest cathedral, calling on the Virgin Mary to "kick out Putin".
(18) A high court judge sentenced him to 22 months in prison in February 2012, but he fled the country before he could be jailed.
(19) Contrary to Taylor (1966) there were significant correlations between stuttering and grammatical class even when initial phoneme and word in sentence were held constant.
(20) Most of the children's revisions involved changes in sentence constituents.