(n.) The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed; compression; a squeezing; a crushing; as, a pressure of the hand.
(n.) A contrasting force or impulse of any kind; as, the pressure of poverty; the pressure of taxes; the pressure of motives on the mind; the pressure of civilization.
(n.) Affliction; distress; grievance.
(n.) Urgency; as, the pressure of business.
(n.) Impression; stamp; character impressed.
(n.) The action of a force against some obstacle or opposing force; a force in the nature of a thrust, distributed over a surface, often estimated with reference to the upon a unit's area.
Example Sentences:
(1) Circuit weight training does not exacerbate resting or exercise blood pressure and may have beneficial effects.
(2) There was a weak relation between AER and both systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
(3) Such a signal must be due to a small ferromagnetic crystal formed when the nerve is subjected to pressure, such as that due to mechanical injury.
(4) Steady-state values of cell, glucose, and cellulase concentration oxygen tension, and outlet gas oxygen partial pressure were recorded.
(5) We conclude that chronic emphysema produced in dogs by aerosol administration of papain results in elevated pulmonary artery pressure, which is characterized pathologically by medial hypertrophy of small pulmonary arteries.
(6) It is concluded that acute renal denervation augments the pressure diuresis that follows carotid occlusion.
(7) Both lymph flow from cannulated pancreatico-duodenal lymphatics and intralymphatic pressure in the non-transected ones increased significantly.
(8) Calcium alginate dressings have been used in the treatment of pressure ulcers and leg ulcers.
(9) administration of the potent short-acting opioid, fentanyl, elicited inhibition of rhythmic spontaneous reflex increases in vesical pressure (VP) evoked by urinary bladder distension.
(10) On removal of selective pressure, the His+ phenotype was lost more readily than the Ura+ Trp+ markers, with a corresponding decrease in plasmid copy number.
(11) The intrauterine mean active pressure (MAP) in the nulliparous group was 1.51 kPa (SD 0.45) in the first stage and 2.71 kPa (SD 0.77) in the second stage.
(12) The main finding of this study is that diabetic adolescents with a high erythrocyte Na,Li countertransport rate have an arterial pressure significantly higher than patients with normal Na,Li countertransport fluxes.
(13) In patients with coronary artery disease, electrocardiographic signs of left atrial enlargement (LAE-negative P wave deflection greater than or equal to 1 mm2 in lead V1) are associated with increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP).
(14) These findings suggest that clonidine transdermal disks lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, but produce local skin lesions and general side effects.
(15) Diltiazem monotherapy effectively lowered blood pressure in 60% of patients at 8 weeks.
(16) Completeness of isolation of the coronary and systemic circulations was shown by the marked difference in appearance times between the reflex hypotensive responses from catecholamine injections into the isolated coronary circulation and the direct hypertensive response from a similar injection when the circulations were connected as well as by the marked difference between the pressure pulses recorded simultaneously on both sides of the aortic balloon separating the two circulations.4.
(17) At the same time the duodenum can be isolated from the stomach and maintained under constant stimulus by a continual infusion at regulated pressure, volume and temperature into the distal cannula.
(18) The 40 degrees C heating induced an increase in systolic, diastolic, average and pulse pressure at rectal temperature raised to 40 degrees C. Further growth of the body temperature was accompanied by a decrease in the above parameters.
(19) Nicardipine lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure to normal, plasma aldosterone was reduced and serum potassium levels were increased.
(20) Subjects then rested supine until 10.00 h when blood was again taken, and blood pressure recorded.
(v. t.) To press between two bodies; to press together closely; to compress; often, to compress so as to expel juice, moisture, etc.; as, to squeeze an orange with the fingers; to squeeze the hand in friendship.
(v. t.) Fig.: To oppress with hardships, burdens, or taxes; to harass; to crush.
(v. t.) To force, or cause to pass, by compression; often with out, through, etc.; as, to squeeze water through felt.
(v. i.) To press; to urge one's way, or to pass, by pressing; to crowd; -- often with through, into, etc.; as, to squeeze hard to get through a crowd.
(n.) The act of one who squeezes; compression between bodies; pressure.
(n.) A facsimile impression taken in some soft substance, as pulp, from an inscription on stone.
Example Sentences:
(1) They were like some great show, the gas squeezing up from the depths of the oil well to be consumed in flame against the intense black horizon, like some great dragon.
(2) Decreased maximal voluntary squeeze pressures were less severe in continent patients with multiple sclerosis than in incontinent patients with multiple sclerosis.
(3) The court ruling is just the latest attempt to squeeze Abdi off her land.
(4) In EastEnders , the mystery surrounding the identity of Kat's secret squeeze continues amid the grinding of narrative levers and the death rattle of overflogged script-horses.
(5) In the most hard-hitting attack on the Labour leader by any of his MPs since Ukip squeezed the party’s vote in the Heywood and Middleton byelection, Field accused Miliband of “pissing while Rome burns”.
(6) Guzmán was sent to Altiplano high-security prison, 56 miles outside Mexico City, but in July 2015, he absconded again, squeezing through a hole in his shower floor then fleeing on a modified motorbike through a mile-long tunnel fitted with lights and a ventilation system.
(7) The Queen Boat case was one of three big sex stories that helped to squeeze bad news out of the papers around the same time.
(8) Verbal feedback training consisted of instructing the patient to squeeze the vaginal muscles around the examiner's fingers and providing her with verbal performance feedback.
(9) To order your main course (from £7.50), squeeze through the tightly packed tables to the kitchen and select whatever catches your eye from an array of dishes that includes roast lamb, salmon with seafood risotto, stuffed cabbage, and sublime stuffed squid (£14), which comes with tomato rice studded with succulent octopus.
(10) A reduction in anal resting pressure was detected in the faecally incontinent geriatric patients but squeeze pressure did not differ significantly from that found in the other geriatric patients.
(11) The head of the TUC, Frances O'Grady, said she supported the aims of the foundation, but was wary of endorsing changes that allowed retailers to squeeze under the wire without raising the pay of the lowest-paid workers.
(12) Either way, both methods see the smugglers try to squeeze every last drop of profit from their clients.
(13) "The forces of capitalism are squeezing out anything that doesn't focus on extracting as much surplus value as it can from people and the planet.
(14) We're all in this together, says George Osborne, and with workers' wages lagging inflation, it is only fair that those who don't have to toil for a living should share in the squeeze.
(15) They are being squeezed, they don’t have enough of a productive economy and also taxes will slow down very, very dramatically,” said Satchu.
(16) 'Squeeze' with the left hand followed by 'flex' with the right elbow.
(17) Darling's pledge to cap VAT at 17.5% and lower bingo taxes were overshadowed by a surprise national insurance hike and a squeeze on public sector workers.
(18) The Foundation Trust Network, which represents about 200 top hospital groups, has warned in a letter to the deputy chief executive of the NHS that, despite claims that hospitals should expect to make savings of 4% next year, in reality many have been forced to squeeze budgets by an average of 6.3%.
(19) But the squeeze on living standards also cited has been exacerbated by the chancellor's January VAT rise, and the Bank clearly sets little store by his much-vaunted "plan for growth".
(20) It would be a mistake to rush it.” But, while revealing disappointing trading figures for the Christmas period and a gloomy outlook for 2017 , Wolfson said he did not think Brexit jitters were stopping people from shopping: “It is more the fact that incomes are likely to be squeezed.” Next's gloomy 2017 forecast drags down fashion retail shares Read more Wolfson was one of a handful of senior business leaders to openly back Brexit but has said in the past that the referendum vote was about UK independence, not isolation, and the country should be aiming for “an open, global-facing economy”.