What's the difference between pride and pry?



  • (n.) A small European lamprey (Petromyzon branchialis); -- called also prid, and sandpiper.
  • (n.) The quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank, etc., which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve, and often in contempt of others.
  • (n.) A sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one; lofty self-respect; noble self-esteem; elevation of character; dignified bearing; proud delight; -- in a good sense.
  • (n.) Proud or disdainful behavior or treatment; insolence or arrogance of demeanor; haughty bearing and conduct; insolent exultation; disdain.
  • (n.) That of which one is proud; that which excites boasting or self-gratulation; the occasion or ground of self-esteem, or of arrogant and presumptuous confidence, as beauty, ornament, noble character, children, etc.
  • (n.) Show; ostentation; glory.
  • (n.) Highest pitch; elevation reached; loftiness; prime; glory; as, to be in the pride of one's life.
  • (n.) Consciousness of power; fullness of animal spirits; mettle; wantonness; hence, lust; sexual desire; esp., an excitement of sexual appetite in a female beast.
  • (v. t.) To indulge in pride, or self-esteem; to rate highly; to plume; -- used reflexively.
  • (v. i.) To be proud; to glory.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Enough with Clintonism and its prideful air of professional-class virtue.
  • (2) Although there was already satisfaction in the development of dementia-friendly pharmacies and Pride in Practice, a new standard of excellence in healthcare for gay, lesbian and bisexual patients, the biggest achievement so far was the bringing together of a strategic partnership of 37 NHS, local government and social organisations.
  • (3) Gassmann, whose late father, Vittorio , was a critically acclaimed star of Italian cinema in its heyday in the 1960s, tweeted over the weekend with the hashtag #Romasonoio (I am Rome), calling on the city’s residents to be an example of civility and clean up their own little corners of Rome with pride.
  • (4) The writer Palesa Morudu told me that she sees, in the South African pride that "we did it", a troubling anxiety that we can't: "Why are we celebrating that we built stadiums on time?
  • (5) It's an attractive idea, and yet pride in Europe appears to be giving way to populism and hostility within the union.
  • (6) He points to the seat where his friend was hit; he says only pride prevents him from lying on the floor for the entire journey.
  • (7) As well as a portrait of Austen, the new note will include images of her writing desk and quills at Chawton Cottage, in Hampshire, where she lived; her brother's home, Godmersham Park, which she visited often, and is thought to have inspired some of her novels, and a quote from Miss Bingley, in Pride and Prejudice: "I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!"
  • (8) She said that want mattered now was “to help a human being [Suárez] and see if the group [the national team] shows its pride and love of Uruguay”.
  • (9) In a series of analyses guided by intuitive hypotheses, the Smith and Ellsworth theoretical approach, and a relatively unconstrained, open-ended exploration of the data, the situations were found to vary with respect to the emotions of pride, jealousy or envy, pride in the other, boredom, and happiness.
  • (10) Katwala says the old choice was between national pride on the one hand and acceptance that Britain had changed on the other: "Now we can be proud of the nation that has changed."
  • (11) We make mistakes, and fall victim to the temptations of pride, and power, and sometimes evil.
  • (12) Some were less fortunate, but panic has given way to a Balkan pride and resilience.
  • (13) Last month, Black Lives Matter Toronto staged a sit-in during the city’s gay pride march, which the group had been invited to join as an honored guest.
  • (14) There was no repeat of last season's humiliation but it told of another Liverpool exertion against Oldham Athletic that Brendan Rodgers took pride only in a competitive Anfield appearance for his son, Anton.
  • (15) In fact, it was Howard who first introduced a teenage Martin Amis to the delights of reading when she gave him a copy of Pride and Prejudice .
  • (16) The results surpassed all expectations and the change process has instilled a new sense of pride among nurses at the hospital and sparked the development of training sessions for other nurses in the region.
  • (17) Prime minister Lee Hsien Loong called the snap election more than a year early in the hope of riding a wave of national pride following the country’s recent 50th anniversary.
  • (18) He tells me with huge pride that she has an MBE for her work in the health service.
  • (19) A source of enormous national pride, China’s space program plans a total of 20 missions this year at a time when the US and other countries’ programs are seeking new roles.
  • (20) BBC1 will also screen a three-part adaptation of PD James' Death Comes to Pemberley, the Jane Austen homage in the 200th anniversary year of Pride and Prejudice, as well as a three-part adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's Jamaica Inn and Remember Me, a ghost story by Gwyneth Hughes (Five Days, The Girl).



  • (n.) A lever; also, leverage.
  • (v. t.) To raise or move, or attempt to raise or move, with a pry or lever; to prize.
  • (v. i.) To peep narrowly; to gaze; to inspect closely; to attempt to discover something by a scrutinizing curiosity; -- often implying reproach.
  • (n.) Curious inspection; impertinent peeping.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Affinity-purified human placental ribonuclease inhibitor (PRI) was digested by trypsin.
  • (2) I used to tease him with the suggestion he had chosen me as walking companion because I had no mathematics at all and so he was safe from prying questions, but in fact now and then he did used to tell me about what he was doing – and how clear it all seemed when he spoke!
  • (3) Human placental ribonuclease inhibitor (PRI), a 50-kDa tight-binding inhibitor of angiogenin and pancreatic ribonuclease, consists predominantly of 7 internal repeats, each 57 residues long.
  • (4) Deep in the taiga, the Mordovian colonies are well away from prying eyes.
  • (5) Peña Nieto’s Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, suffered a severe reverse in regional elections last month as voters punished the party for failing to crack down on corruption, impunity and brutal drug gang violence.
  • (6) Open the phone just enough to reveal the metal bracket covering the home button cable, remove it with tweezers, and pry the connector up from its socket.
  • (7) Similarly, the development of ventriculomegaly may depend upon cerebral elastic properties besides the pri mary disturbance of CSF dynamics.
  • (8) Before Vicente Fox became president in 2000, the Institutional Revolutionary party (PRI) had won every election since 1929.
  • (9) Thirty DES-exposed women aged 17-30 years and 30 control women with a history of abnormal Pap smear findings were interviewed with the SADS-L and completed the SCL-90-R and the PRI-Q.
  • (10) However, the PrI sera of these horses showed reactivity at various intensities with one to seven of the component antigens.
  • (11) The pantographic reproducibility index (PRI) has been developed to quantitate incoordinated mandibular movements; one of the signs and symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.
  • (12) Data from this study suggest that the MGPQ-PRI might be useful for the assessment of fibromyalgic pain in a clinical setting and during follow-up of the disease.
  • (13) The arrangement of overlapping genes at the pri locus of IncP alpha plasmids also appears to be present in the IncP beta group.
  • (14) So pry between the boards of the housing recovery and the termites start crawling out.
  • (15) The delay in the postcastration increase in plasma level of LH in the OVX hens was not associated with anorexia of incubating hens, since plasma levels of LH were not affected by force-feeding unless plasma levels of PRI were suppressed by nest deprivation.
  • (16) Some people are also afraid that prying eyes might spot Prep, which can also be used for HIV treatment, in a person’s medicine cabinet and assume that they are positive.
  • (17) Alec says 2,000 legislators and business lobbyists are expected to attend, participating in numerous meetings where new model bills will be privately crafted – away from the prying eyes of the media .
  • (18) Compared with the control group, statistically significant increases of SCE and HFC, as well as decreased cell kinetics (PRI) were observed for both occupationally and environmentally exposed groups.
  • (19) Banks have far more to fear from the prying of other financial companies than they do from any data provider.
  • (20) The stability of the angiogenin-PRI complex was assessed by cation-exchange HPLC quantitation of free angiogenin.