What's the difference between projection and protrude?



  • (n.) The act of throwing or shooting forward.
  • (n.) A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else.
  • (n.) The act of scheming or planning; also, that which is planned; contrivance; design; plan.
  • (n.) The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction of a line drawn through it from a given point of sight, or central point; as, the projection of a sphere. The several kinds of projection differ according to the assumed point of sight and plane of projection in each.
  • (n.) Any method of representing the surface of the earth upon a plane.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The omission of Crossrail 2 from the Conservative manifesto , in which other infrastructure projects were listed, was the clearest sign yet that there is little appetite in a Theresa May government for another London-based scheme.
  • (2) Recent data collected by the Games Outcomes Project and shared on the website Gamasutra backs up the view that crunch compounds these problems rather than solving them.
  • (3) Another interested party, the University of Miami, had been in talks with the Beckham group over the potential for a shared stadium project.
  • (4) But when they decided to get married, "finding the clothes became my project," says Melanie.
  • (5) The idea that 80% of an engineer's time is spent on the day job and 20% pursuing a personal project is a mathematician's solution to innovation, Brin says.
  • (6) The country has no offshore wind farms, though a number of projects are in the research phase to determine their profitability.
  • (7) Results in May 89 emphasizes: the relevance and urgency of the prevention of AIDS in secondary schools; the importance of the institutional aspect for the continuity of the project; the involvement of the pupils and the trainers for the processus; the feasibility of an intervention using only local resources.
  • (8) Projection obliquity resulted in consistent underestimation of DPR angle.
  • (9) Project grants to selected State and local agencies amounted to about $.8 billion.
  • (10) Thus, our results indicate that calbindin-D28k is a useful marker for the projection system from the matrix compartment and that its expression is modified in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy and striatal degeneration.
  • (11) Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that these blebs were devoid of organelles and microvilli; scanning electron microscopy revealed that the blebs were highly wrinkled and more numerous than were the projections observed in tissue from animals treated with testosterone alone, or in tissue from unoperated controls.
  • (12) But not only did it post a larger loss than expected, Amazon also projected 7% to 18% revenue growth over the busiest shopping period of the year, a far cry from the 20%-plus pace that had convinced investors to overlook its persistent lack of profit in the past.
  • (13) The high participation percentage also shows that the prerequisite of screening, namely, a positive attitude on the part of the population, was as well fulfilled in the present project.
  • (14) The present study was done in order to document the ability of the eighth cranial nerve of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) to regenerate, the anatomic characteristics of the regenerated fibers, and the specificity of projections from individual endorgan branches of the nerve.
  • (15) 14 rats were studied for the nigro-reticular projection.
  • (16) The Pakistan government, led as usual by a general, was anxious to project the army's role as bringers of order to a country that was sliding quickly towards civil war.
  • (17) The axons of A5, RPoOl and RaD neurons exhibit no lateral predominance in their spinal projections.
  • (18) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
  • (19) It was an artwork that fired the imaginations of 2 million visitors who played with, were provoked by and plunged themselves into the curious atmosphere of The Weather Project , with its swirling mist and gigantic mirrors that covered the hall's ceiling.
  • (20) In addition to terminating at the brachial segments, they had one to three collaterals to the upper cervical cord (C3-C4), where the propriospinal neurons projecting to forelimb motoneurons are located.



  • (v. t.) To thrust forward; to drive or force along.
  • (v. t.) To thrust out, as through a narrow orifice or from confinement; to cause to come forth.
  • (v. i.) To shoot out or forth; to be thrust forward; to extend beyond a limit; to project.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Here we present images of polydeoxyadenylate molecules aligned in parallel, with their bases lying flat on a surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite and with their charged phosphodiester backbones protruding upwards.
  • (2) As a basis for the discussion a possible structure for the DNA complex of the phenylated neutral red is considered in which the extra phenyl ring at N-5 of the phenazinium system, protrudes into the large groove of the DNA helix while the tricyclic part of the ligand is inserted between the DNA base-pairs.
  • (3) Since deglycosylation decreases the frictional ratio of thyroxine binding globulin, it is concluded that, although sialic acid and other sugar residues are in contact with the protein surface, the hydrated carbohydrate chains protrude partially into the solvent.
  • (4) There are several known enzymes recognizing the same sequence, although the prototype NarI and isoschizomers NdaI and NunII cleave the substrate to produce 5'-protruding ends, whereas cleavage with isoschizomer BbeI results in 3'-protruding ends.
  • (5) Of 193 patients suffering from peptic ulcer bleeding identified by emergency gastrointestinoscopy, 52 patients were found to have bleeding gastric ulcer (spurt 5, active oozing 9, fresh clot 11, black clot 17, protruding vessel 4, and clear base without stigmata 6); the other 141 had bleeding duodenal ulcer (spurt 5, active oozing 26, fresh clot 43, black clot 23, protruding vessel 15, and clear base without stigmata 31).
  • (6) The most frequently registered defects were: os tympanicum (smaller): 23%, os tympanicum (missing): 23%; missing tail: 7%; protruding tongue (15%); none of these defects were seen in the control fetuses.
  • (7) Light microscopic studies indicate it has an ellipsoidal centre from which catalase-positive filamentous or rod-like processes protrude along its major axis; hence, it is called a phi body.
  • (8) Numerous long irregular microvilli which are protruded from the supporting cells into the mucous film covering the olfactory epithelium contain no axial filaments.
  • (9) Comparison of posterior airway space was evaluated radiographically on patients with sleep apnea in a mandibular reposed position vs. a mandibular protruded position.
  • (10) Moreover, some cells protruded cell processes toward the neighboring cells through the extracellular matrix.
  • (11) In 20, the 'restrictive' tissue simultaneously protruded into the right atrium and ventricle; only in 12 did it extend exclusively into the right ventricle.
  • (12) But a missing nucleotide (responsible for one unpaired nucleotide protruding at the 3' or 5' end of the complementary strand) does not stop ligation of the shorter oligodeoxynucleotides between independent duplexes.
  • (13) Astrocyte endfeet of the GLM became irregular in contour, protruding in a fern-leaf fashion into the pial connective tissue.
  • (14) This strand forms a protruding 3' over-hang at the chromosomal terminus in three different eukaryotes analyzed.
  • (15) These included non-union at the trochanteric fracture, protruding pin, partial destruction of the femoral head, subcapital fracture of the femoral neck, and avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
  • (16) The block was produced by a large fragment of bone which had broken off the inferior end plate of the body of L4 and was protruding into the spinal canal.
  • (17) By transmission electron microscopy, discontinuity of the basal lamina (of the marginal glia) was found, and some tumor cells were found to have protruded their processes into the spinal cord parenchyma.
  • (18) An ultrastructural study found not only round, but also elongated and drumstick-shaped alpha-granules and rod-like structures protruding from round alpha-granules.
  • (19) Through combination with a spherical disc face perpendicular to the axis of rotation, which protrudes only slightly from the hemispherical catheter tip, with a maximum at the center and minimum at the lateral borders, the lathing head has only a slight risk of perforation and no undesired sheering forces (Figures 2a to 2d).
  • (20) A novel concentric design of double-barrelled Ca2+-selective microelectrode, with an inner pipette tip that protrudes beyond an outer one, has recently been developed and is described.