(1) "I pulled the microphone in front of my seat, not a knife.
(2) Critics say he is unelectable as prime minister and will never be able to implement his plans, but he has nonetheless pulled attention back to an issue that many thought had gone away for good.
(3) It pulled to a halt and a bodyguard got out and knocked me unconscious.
(4) The visitors did have a chance to pull another back with three minutes remaining but Henry blazed a free-kick from within range on the left over the bar, summing up Wolves’ day out in the East Midlands.
(5) Nango's dwellings are built on skis so can be pulled around the beach, and have a glass roof to view the northern lights.
(6) The effect of 5 beta- and 5 alpha-reduced progestins on luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) release was examined using either an in vitro superfusion or an in vivo push-pull perfusion (PPP) technique.
(7) The person responsible for pulling the trigger was equally likely to be a friend, a family member, or the victim.
(8) The cull in 2013 required a policing effort costing millions of pounds and pulling in officers from many different forces.
(9) Asymmetries occur less often whilst using the low-cervical-pull according to Sander, due to the reduced friction between the two plastic parts of this headgear system.
(10) Harvest the bulbs once they reach 7-8cm across; if you cut them off at ground level rather than pulling the whole plant up, the roots should produce a second crop of feathery shoots.
(11) Eight macerated human child skulls with a dental age of approximately 9.5 years (mixed dentition) were consecutively subjected to an experimental standardized high-pull headgear traction system attached to the maxilla at the first permanent molar area via an immovable acrylic resin splint covering all teeth.
(12) All the others, all that bullshit, they just want to pull me down from the top but I will not go.
(13) Even the landscape is secretive: vast tracts of crown land and hidden valleys with nothing but a dead end road and lonely farmhouse, with a tractor and trailer pulled across the farmyard for protection.
(14) A Zliten hospital spokesman told Associated Press that 60 bodies had been pulled from the wreckage, though Fozi Awnais, from the health ministry in Tripoli, later said 47 people had died and 118 more were injured.
(15) "The rise in those who are self-employed is good news, but the reality is that those who have turned to freelance work in order to pull themselves out of unemployment and those who have decided to work for themselves face a challenging tax maze that could land them in hot water should they get it wrong," says Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants.
(16) Last week, Cohen estimated the militants were still earning “several million dollars per week from the sale of stolen and smuggled energy resources” – down on what they pulled in before the coalition air strikes, but still a substantial amount.
(17) The comedian Daniel O’Reilly, who gives laddish advice on how to “pull birds” under the guise of a deliberately provocative character in the ITV2 series, has proved controversial for lines such as “Just show her your penis.
(18) The second national multiplex was handed to 4 Digital, but was handed back after Channel 4 pulled out.
(19) AJ Green was waiting just behind him, and the receiver gratefully pulled in the softly fluttering ball.
(20) By simultaneously pushing the foot bar and pulling the hand bar, the monkey lifts a weight and triggers a microswitch which releases a banana-flavored food pellet into a well close to the animal's mouth.
(n.) A young hen, or female of the domestic fowl.
Example Sentences:
(1) The pullets were housed in battery brooder pens with raised wire floors.
(2) At necropsy of an 8-week-old pullet a 0.75 X 5.0 cm.
(3) Two experiments were conducted to compare beak treatment effects on pullets of three genetic stocks.
(4) Many of the hens dying from the disease are younger and no pullets had been planned to replace them yet, Elam said.
(5) Mortality from cannibalism was absent among pullets kept in experimental floor pens.
(6) Performance criteria were averaged over all trials and used to determine per cage returns ($) above feed and pullet rearing costs (irrespective of fixed costs) and per cage profits (gross returns minus total costs) for the four treatment combinations.
(7) Pullets were full-fed for the first 8 wk of life, then placed on a skip-a-day program with breeder-recommended feed allocations.
(8) Vaccinated commercial pullets were protected against morbidity, death, and egg-production decline at either peak of lay (25 wks old) or at 55 wks old.
(9) This was found to be the method of choice in coccidiosis control in replacement pullets in the semi-arid subtropical climate of Rhodesia.
(10) Six hundred pullets (18-wk-old) were equally and randomly allocated to the LP and NP treatments.
(11) The infusion of corticosterone significantly increased the plasma concentrations of this steroid over that observed in the control pullets and was not related to the dose of PMSG.
(12) Urolithiasis was induced in an experimental group of Single Comb White Leghorn pullets by feeding them layer ration and exposing them to nephrotrophic Gray strain infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).
(13) Endogenous pituitary glands of broiler pullets that received high density capsules (1.2 X 10(6) cells) were observed 30 days after fiber implantation at 2 weeks of age.
(14) Two experiments were conducted with laying pullets between 32 and 47 weeks of age.
(15) Broiler breeder pullets were vaccinated at 20 to 24 weeks of age with an inactivated, oil emulsion vaccine containing the CO8 strain of avian reovirus.
(16) Data from 30 published experiments have been analysed to examine the relationships between environmental temperature and the long-term, adapted responses of laying pullets, measured as metabolisable energy intake, egg output and body weight change.
(17) Agonistic behaviors were not different between BT and IN pullets.
(18) Replacement pullets which had been found infected with Salmonella were treated with antibiotics for 12 days, moved to a clean house by the 11th day and given 2 treatments with a competitive exclusion (CE) preparation on the 13th and 15th day.
(19) The production of double-yolked eggs and the duration of the rapid growth phase of yolks were measured in parental lines of White Plymouth Rock pullets and their crosses over 30 d, commencing with the day of first egg.
(20) This is the first report of cryptosporidiosis in rearing pullets in the Netherlands and also the first time that the combination of this infection with Marek's disease is mentioned.