What's the difference between real and ree?



  • (n.) A small Spanish silver coin; also, a denomination of money of account, formerly the unit of the Spanish monetary system.
  • (a.) Royal; regal; kingly.
  • (a.) Actually being or existing; not fictitious or imaginary; as, a description of real life.
  • (a.) True; genuine; not artificial, counterfeit, or factitious; often opposed to ostensible; as, the real reason; real Madeira wine; real ginger.
  • (a.) Relating to things, not to persons.
  • (a.) Having an assignable arithmetical or numerical value or meaning; not imaginary.
  • (a.) Pertaining to things fixed, permanent, or immovable, as to lands and tenements; as, real property, in distinction from personal or movable property.
  • (n.) A realist.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) You lot have got real issues to talk about and deal with.
  • (2) Facebook Twitter Pinterest With a plot based around fake (or real?)
  • (3) It did the job of triggering growth, but it also fueled real-estate speculation, similar to what was going on in the mid-2000s here.” Slowing economic growth may be another concern.
  • (4) A good example is Apple TV: Can it possibly generate real money at $100 a puck?
  • (5) The light intensity profile for any desired cell can be examined in "real time", even during acceleration of the rotor.
  • (6) It is intended to aid in finding the appropriate PI (proportional-integral) controller settings by means of computer simulation instead of real experiments with the system.
  • (7) Tap the relevant details into Google, though, and the real names soon appear before your eyes: the boss in question, stern and yet oddly quixotic, is Phyllis Westberg of Harold Ober Associates.
  • (8) There were soon tales of claimants dying after having had money withdrawn, but the real administrative problem was the explosion of appeals, which very often succeeded because many medical problems were being routinely ignored at the earlier stage.
  • (9) 75 min: Real Madrid substitution: Angel Di Maria off, Ricky Kaka on.
  • (10) It is clear that the linking of the naming rights to West Ham United generates real cash value for the LLDC and the taxpayer.
  • (11) The dual-probe system incorporates a central collimated probe for monitoring activity in the LV surrounded by an annular detector collimated in such a manner as to provide simultaneous real-time monitoring of the LV background activity.
  • (12) Real ear CVRs, calculated from real ear recordings of nonsense syllables, were obtained from eight hearing-impaired listeners.
  • (13) Zidane is the 15th manager Real Madrid have had since 2003.
  • (14) Further studies are required to show whether these differences are real and, if so, whether they have any relevance for the pathogenesis of migraine attacks.
  • (15) Real Labour would not just meddle with a cosmetic charge on rich London mansions .
  • (16) Thus, luciferase transcriptional fusions can detect subtle variations in initial rates of gene expression in a real-time, nondestructive assay.
  • (17) Thus, 10 degrees should be subtracted from the ultrasound values in order to obtain the real AV angles.
  • (18) It was not certain whether the association was real or what the explanation might be.
  • (19) "It will mean root-and-branch change for our banks if we are to deliver real change for Britain, if we are to rebuild our economy so it works for working people, and if we are to restore trust in a sector of our economy worth billions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of jobs to our country."
  • (20) The resulting corner is dealt with easily by Real, who scoot upfield through Di Maria.



  • (n.) See Rei.
  • (v. t.) To riddle; to sift; to separate or throw off.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Urine specimens from patient REE also contained a light chain fragment that lacked the first (amino-terminal) 85 residues of the native light chain but otherwise was identical in sequence to the light chain REE.
  • (2) Respiratory gas exchange and indirect calorimetry were used to obtain resting energy expenditure (REE) and net substrate oxidation rates.
  • (3) Rees voted for Andy Burnham in last year’s leadership election, but gives Corbyn his due.
  • (4) The Fe-protein and the MoFe-protein of the Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase complex can be chemically cross-linked by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (Willing, A., Georgiadis, M.M., Rees, D. C., and Howard, J.
  • (5) Jonathan Rees, who was yesterday cleared of murdering his former business partner, Daniel Morgan, is a private investigator of a particularly unpleasant and vindicative kind.
  • (6) A Fisher and Paykel anesthetic humidifier was employed in the exhalation side of Jackson Rees type breathing circuit between the anesthesia machine and patient's endotracheal tube.
  • (7) There are also what Peter Rees, who spent 29 years as the City of London Corporation’s chief planning officer, calls “safety-deposit boxes in the sky” – towers of flats whose main purpose is not to make homes or communities, but units of investment.
  • (8) We conclude that exercise training of sufficient intensity to substantially increase VO2max does not reverse the dietary-induced depression of REE.
  • (9) The efficiency of the Emona system is compared with results of some other baby systems (Jackson-Rees and Ruben's systems).
  • (10) Patients with short bowel syndrome, regardless of the underlying disease, consumed calories by mouth that clearly exceeded calculated resting energy expenditure (short bowel, non-Crohn's, 170% of REE; short bowel, Crohn's, 200 of REE); however, calories approximating the REE had to be given via HPN, suggesting that efficiency of absorption was at a very low level.
  • (11) Forty patients who had undergone uncomplicated surgery showed a slight but significant increase of 3% in REE after operation.
  • (12) After the murder he replaced Morgan at Southern Investigations to work alongside Jonathan Rees, who was tried for the murder and acquitted.
  • (13) The report continues: "Rees and [others] are actively pursuing contacts with the police and business community to identify potential newsworthy stories.
  • (14) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Jonathan Rees, Morgan’s business partner, was cleared of murder.
  • (15) Clinically stable patients need less frequent measurements than those who are more ill, but when designing a nutritional regimen for them, at least 20-25% should be added to the REE, 15% to account for day-to-day variation and 5-10% for activity.
  • (16) The reliability of resting energy expenditure (REE) measurements by indirect calorimetry with a ventilated hood was investigated in 50 healthy controls and 10 patients with liver cirrhosis.
  • (17) I rather hope that Joan Young and David Rees and Gaynor Richards aren't reading this.
  • (18) Commonly used equations for the prediction of REE are not appropriate for moderately or severely obese patients.
  • (19) There had been the notorious Redlands bust in 1967, after which Jagger and Richards had been jailed for possession of cannabis and amphetamines, famously prompting William Rees-Mogg to ask: "Who breaks a butterfly on a wheel?"
  • (20) Simplification of this formula and separation by sex did not affect its predictive value: REE (males) = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) + 5; REE (females) = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) - 161.

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