(1) This observation, reinforced by simultaneous determinations of cortisol levels in the internal spermatic and antecubital veins, practically excluded the validity of the theory of adrenal hormonal suppression of testicular tissues.
(2) He said: "Monetary policy affects the exchange rate – which in turn can offset or reinforce our exposure to rising import prices.
(3) "These developments are clearly unwarranted on the basis of economic and budgetary fundamentals in these two member states and the steps that they are taking to reinforce those fundamentals."
(4) In the first, a technique for establishing an effective reinforcer from a range of possible reinforcing stimuli was evaluated.
(5) This procedure generated a number of VI-like effects, supporting the notion that VI behavior can be construed as a special case of an interaction between the organism's function relating reinforcement susceptibilities to chain length and the experimenter's function relating probabilities of reinforcement to chain length.
(6) The present results suggest that the locomotor-stimulatory and positive reinforcing effects of ethanol as well as its enhancing effect on dopaminergic activity may involve an enhancement of calcium mediated mechanisms.
(7) Further, the use of food as a reinforcer has been considered taboo by those who use more conventional and restrictive management approaches with Prader-Willi syndrome individuals.
(8) The latter findings reinforce the concept that in pathologic states associated with cerebral oedema, pinocytotic vesicles fuse to form transendothelial channels which transport plasma proteins into brain.
(9) Behavioral variables, including interreinforcement interval and drug self-administration history, appear to be important determinants of whether or not reinforcement will be demonstrated, particularly among the benzodiazepines; but the range of conditions under which behavioral and pharmacological variables interact to promote or lessen the likelihood of self-administration of these drugs remains to be determined experimentally.
(10) In a recent study, Orr and Lanzetta (1984) showed that the excitatory properties of fear facial expressions previously described (Lanzetta & Orr, 1981; Orr & Lanzetta, 1980) do not depend on associative mechanisms; even in the absence of reinforcement, fear faces intensify the emotional reaction to a previously conditioned stimulus and disrupt extinction of an acquired fear response.
(11) The reinforcement portion of the surgical drape that contained the fenestration was segmented into four identical-appearing sections, two on each side of the fenestration.
(12) These results indicate that auditory localization behavior of infants is influenced by reinforcement and that the extent of this effect is related to the type of reinforcement employed.
(13) The interresponse-time reinforcement contingencies inherent in these schedules may actually mask the effects of overall reinforcement rate; thus differences in response rate as a function of reinforcement rate when interresponse-time reinforcement is eliminated may be underestimated.
(14) Two experiments reported the effects of prefeeding normal and septal rats prior to their daily sessions on a differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL-20) schedule.
(15) Specimens of human bone from the site exhibited lower strontium levels and strontium-to-calcium ratios than deer specimens from the same site, reinforcing paleodemographic evidence that the human populations that inhabited this site included substantial amounts of meat in their diets.
(16) It is suggested that serotoninergic mechanisms in case of changes in activity of cholinergic processes, depress the system of positive reinforcement.
(17) A yeast protein, Sui3, isolated as an extragenic suppressor of his4 initiation codon mutations, exhibits extensive sequence identity with human eIF-2 beta, especially in the polylysine and zinc finger domains, thereby reinforcing the view that these elements are important for function.
(18) Pedestrianising areas in the city centre, reinforcing police and security.
(19) A visually reinforced headturn discrimination procedure was used to determine sensitivity to increments in peak F0 in synthetic speech in both bisyllabic (CVCVC) and trisyllabic (CVCVCVC) contexts.
(20) When reinforcement for competing behavior was withdrawn, however, rats resumed their original behavior and there were no overall savings in total responses to extinction.
(v. t.) To blind below; to gird round the bottom.
Example Sentences:
(1) The standards undergirding a suspicious activity report are defined as: " Observed behavior reasonably indicative of preoperational planning related to terrorism or other criminal activity ."
(2) A critical review of the literature undergirding these programs reveals wide gaps in knowledge about the relative efficacy of a variety of alternative strategies.
(3) Its intention is to show cosmetic surgeons some of the implicit and explicit philosophical principles and potential arguments undergirding their potential surgical evaluations.
(4) A portion of this core support has undergirded resources and research activities at Cayo Santiago.
(5) Perhaps for similar reasons our national literature has often been uneasy, if not outright resistant to the substratum of comic writing that has always undergirded it.
(6) A recent study from Lee Drutman at the New America Foundation finds that very few Americans at all – Republican or Democratic – support the kind of rightwing economic policies that undergird Trumpcare.
(7) Nursing knowledge of these strategies and the theoretical bases undergirding them has only begun to develop.
(8) Putting Tubman’s face on the fiscal system which undergirds the likes of Aetna (and its hundreds of millions in annual profits ) would be dismaying.
(9) The NSA initially claimed it could not find any record of Snowden electing to notify officials about his concerns on bulk surveillance after " extensive investigation " but in May released an email Snowden sent to the NSA general counsel's office inquiring about the legal hierarchy undergirding of surveillance practices.
(10) In a joint letter, 51 serving diplomats wrote: “None of us sees merit in a large-scale US invasion of Syria… But we do see merit in a more militarily assertive US role… based on the judicious use of standoff and air weapons, which would undergird and drive a more focused and hardnosed US-led diplomatic process.” Military force, reasoned the frustrated officials, could “enforce the cessation of hostilities”.
(11) Senator Brandis, are you aware of, and have you or your office evaluated, any of the proposals for serious law reform put to President Obama in the case of indiscriminate surveillance by the NSA, and does the attorney believe that any of those proposals could be relevant here in Australia?” Brandis said he had studied Obama’s remarks carefully and Australian governments of both political persuasions were “always alert to ensure that the statutory framework which undergirds and provides for the accountability mechanism of our intelligence agencies is as appropriate and relevant as possible”.
(12) It is concluded that philosophy undergirds psychiatric nosology, while psychiatric nosology raises a series of philosophical questions.
(13) Anyone engaged in developing community health nursing theory would do well to consider which ideologic model is undergirding the process.
(14) Business is undergirded by “wasta”, the Arabic for connections.
(15) In their book, The Perspectives of Psychiatry, Paul R. McHugh and Phillip R. Slavney propose four basic perspectives to undergird and inform the practice of psychiatry.
(16) The article raises questions about the relationship between UNOS and the federal government, about potential conflicts between UNOS guidelines and state laws under the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, and about the ideological stance undergirding much of current federal policy in the organ transplantation arena.
(17) This article examines aspects of social work in health care from a philosophy of science perspective, which suggests different ways of conceptualizing and defining variables ranging from service recipients to principles undergirding social work intervention.
(18) A foreign policy which works closely with the US when it is undergirding regional peace and stability, but is willing and equipped to break from it when it is not.
(19) Ethics research explores the basic moral norms undergirding nursing research, practice, and education.
(20) Next on the list is reason: the attack on climate science is, in fact, an attack on science itself, on the enterprise that undergirds modernity.