What's the difference between sandman and time?



  • (n.) A mythical person who makes children sleepy, so that they rub their eyes as if there were sand in them.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) And in grace notes that run through it, partly in the huger themes, Morpheus, Dream, the eponymous Sandman has one title that means more to me than any other.
  • (2) Not horror, although I plan a few moments that are up there with anything I did in Sandman , and not strictly fantasy either.
  • (3) He’s set to play a serial killer in The Sandman, the latest horror film from Italian master Dario Argento.
  • (4) When I needed to write a Sandman story set in hell, I played Reed's Metal Machine Music (which I've described as "four sides of tape hum, on the kinds of frequencies that drive animals with particularly sensitive hearing to throw themselves off cliffs and cause blind unreasoning panic in crowds" all day for two weeks.
  • (5) The four adaptation techniques compared were: Simultaneous Dichotic Loudness Balance technique (SDLB; Hood, 1950), Magnitude Estimated Binaural technique (MEB; Botté, Canévet, & Scharf, 1982), Magnitude Estimated Monaural technique, (MEM; Weiler, Sandman, & Pederson, 1981), and the Monaural Reaction Time technique (RT; Davis & Weiler, 1976).
  • (6) For theoretical reasons, subjects were also classified by degree of stereotypic behavior on the Fairview Problem Behavior Checklist (Barron & Sandman, 1983).
  • (7) Reed always did the exact opposite of what he was expected to do, writes Alexis Petridis • Neil Gaiman on Lou Reed: 'His songs were the soundtrack to my life' Sandman would not have happened without Lou Reed – and I named my daughter after Warhol's Holly Woodlawn, from Walk on the Wild Side.
  • (8) Sandman celebrates the marginalised, the people out on the edges.
  • (9) And it came from Stephen King twenty years ago, at the height of the success of Sandman.
  • (10) The previously-announced Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will arrive in May 2016, with films based on Shazam and Sandman in July and December of the same year.
  • (11) Gaiman has fallen foul of US censors before, with his Sandman graphic novel series regularly making the list of banned or challenged books compiled by the American Library Association (ALA), with claims of being "anti-family", featuring offensive language, or being deemed "unsuited to age group".
  • (12) The Sinister Six has comprised various of Spider-Man's enemies over the years, but a classic lineup might include Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Electro, The Vulture, Mysterio and Kraven the Hunter.
  • (13) Representative Charles Sandman also called for President Nixon's impeachment, becoming the sixth of the ten Republicans on the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee who had voted against such action to change his mind.
  • (14) Only last month, the advertising watchdog banned a radio skit featuring the rewritten lyrics from the 1950s song Mr Sandman: "You make it easy when the month feels too long.
  • (15) King had liked Sandman and my novel with Terry Pratchett, Good Omens, and he saw the madness, the long signing lines, all that, and his advice was this: “This is really great.
  • (16) Patrick Barkham on the boom in motor sales • Wonga's "Mr Sandman" ad banned – payday lender's radio jingle was "irresponsible" says ASA Daft deal Tea-time economics?
  • (17) Sandman, the comic that made my name, would not have happened without Reed.
  • (18) Here, we propose a semi-automated adaptation of Sandman's manual method for the Monarch centrifugal analyzer.
  • (19) Since Metallica added its back catalogue to Spotify, the band’s most popular track, Nothing Else Matters, streamed more than 9.1m times, while Enter Sandman has notched up 9m streams.
  • (20) By recording phasic heart-rate it would be possible to elucidate 1982 findings of Walker and Sandman that changes in heart-rate are differentially related to the right and left cerebral hemispheres.



  • (n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof.
  • (n.) A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future; a point or portion of duration; as, the time was, or has been; the time is, or will be.
  • (n.) The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived; age; period; era; as, the Spanish Armada was destroyed in the time of Queen Elizabeth; -- often in the plural; as, ancient times; modern times.
  • (n.) The duration of one's life; the hours and days which a person has at his disposal.
  • (n.) A proper time; a season; an opportunity.
  • (n.) Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.
  • (n.) Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition; addition of a number to itself; repetition; as, to double cloth four times; four times four, or sixteen.
  • (n.) The present life; existence in this world as contrasted with immortal life; definite, as contrasted with infinite, duration.
  • (n.) Tense.
  • (n.) The measured duration of sounds; measure; tempo; rate of movement; rhythmical division; as, common or triple time; the musician keeps good time.
  • (v. t.) To appoint the time for; to bring, begin, or perform at the proper season or time; as, he timed his appearance rightly.
  • (v. t.) To regulate as to time; to accompany, or agree with, in time of movement.
  • (v. t.) To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of; as, to time the speed of horses, or hours for workmen.
  • (v. t.) To measure, as in music or harmony.
  • (v. i.) To keep or beat time; to proceed or move in time.
  • (v. i.) To pass time; to delay.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In April, they said the teenager boarded a flight to Turkey with his friend Hassan Munshi, also 17 at the time.
  • (2) Neuromedin B (C50 6 x 10(-12) M) was 3 times less potent than bombesin-14.
  • (3) Since fingernail creatinine (Ncr) reflects serum creatinine (Scr) at the time of nail formation, it has been suggested that Ncr level might represent that of Scr around 4 months previously.
  • (4) Herpesviruses such as EBV, HSV, and human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6) have a marked tropism for cells of the immune system and therefore infection by these viruses may result in alterations of immune functions, leading at times to a state of immunosuppression.
  • (5) In contrast, resting cells of strain CHA750 produced five times less IAA in a buffer (pH 6.0) containing 1 mM-L-tryptophan than did resting cells of the wild-type, illustrating the major contribution of TSO to IAA synthesis under these conditions.
  • (6) For some time now, public opinion polls have revealed Americans' strong preference to live in comparatively small cities, towns, and rural areas rather than in large cities.
  • (7) The proportion of motile spermatozoa decreased with time at the same rate when samples were prepared in either HEPES or phosphate buffers.
  • (8) Arachidic acid was without effect, while linoleic acid and linolenic acid were (on a concentration basis) at least 5-times less active than arachidonic acid.
  • (9) Van Persie's knee injury meant that Mata could work in tandem with the delightfully nimble Kagawa, starting for the first time since 22 January.
  • (10) Cantact placing reaction times were measured in cats which were either restrained in a hammock or supported in a conventional way.
  • (11) We conclude that first-transit and blood-pool techniques are equally accurate methods for determining EF when the time-activity method of analysis is employed.
  • (12) The effects of sessions, individual characteristics, group behavior, sedative medications, and pharmacological anticipation, on simple visual and auditory reaction time were evaluated with a randomized block design.
  • (13) An effective graft-surveillance protocol needs to be applicable to all patients; practical in terms of time, effort, and cost; reliable; and able to detect, grade, and assess progression of lesions.
  • (14) At the early phase of the sensitization a T-cell response was seen in vitro, characterized by an increased spleen but no peripheral blood lymphocyte reactivity to T-cell mitogens at the same time as increased reactivity to the sensitizing antigen was detected.
  • (15) The HBV infection was tested by the reversed passive hemagglutination method for the HBsAg and by the passive hemagglutination method for the anti-HBs at the time of recruitment in 1984.
  • (16) ), the concentration of AMPO in the hypothalamus was 5.4 times the concentration at 20 h after one injection.
  • (17) Trifluoroacetylated rabbit serum albumin was 5 times more reactive with these antibodies and thus more antigenic than the homologous acetylated moiety confirming the importance of the trifluoromethyl moiety as an epitope in the immunogen in vivo.
  • (18) The time of observation varied between 2 and 17 years.
  • (19) Lp(a) also complexes to plasmin-fibrinogen digests, and binding increases in proportion to the time of plasmin-induced fibrinogen degradation.
  • (20) The extent of the infectious process was limited, however, because the life span of the cultures was not significantly shortened, the yields of infectious virus per immunofluorescent cell were at all times low, and most infected cells contained only a few well-delineated small masses of antigen, suggestive of an abortive infection.

Words possibly related to "sandman"