(a.) Having, expressing, or containing a sentiment or sentiments; abounding with moral reflections; containing a moral reflection; didactic.
(a.) Inclined to sentiment; having an excess of sentiment or sensibility; indulging the sensibilities for their own sake; artificially or affectedly tender; -- often in a reproachful sense.
(a.) Addressed or pleasing to the emotions only, usually to the weaker and the unregulated emotions.
Example Sentences:
(1) "Indeed, there was a marked drop in sentiment in Germany , indicating that it is increasingly being affected by the problems elsewhere in the eurozone."
(2) Giving voice to that sentiment the mass-selling daily newspaper Ta Nea dedicated its front-page editorial to what it hoped would soon be the group's demise, describing Alexopoulos' desertion as a "positive development".
(3) The characteristic mental disturbance includes damage to memory and sentiment, a change in personality, and lowering in spontaneity, but calculation ability and orientation are comparatively preserved.
(4) The only Spanish voice heard in Catalonia is that of the Madrid government, which seems oblivious to the implications of the groundswell of pro-independence sentiment, much as at Westminster politicians missed the shift in Scottish opinion until just before the referendum.
(5) We still have at our disposal the rational interpretive skills that are the legacy of humanistic education, not as a sentimental piety enjoining us to return to traditional values or the classics but as the active practice of worldly secular rational discourse.
(6) One that sentimentality is obsessed by while funds are disproportionately siphoned away from the other 20,933 species facing extinction .
(7) The report recommended that governments and international agencies need to counter the anti-vaccination sentiment identified on social media with strong messaging.
(8) For some, Aussie still simply means “white”, a sentiment that itself obscures the mostly forgotten English bigotry against the Irish, Australia’s first other.
(9) Although Barcelona still needed another, Álvaro Morata’s goal increasing the nerves, and although the Croat’s goal would not prove the winner, the sentiment will be similar in Catalonia now too.
(10) Her sentiments echo those of one PKK commander, who says she was not surprised about the sudden breakdown of the peace process.
(11) Other controversial voices were Barry Norman, who wondered if Williams’s battles with mental health led him to take on sentimental film projects, and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, whose tweet reading “Genie, you’re free” was seen as glorifying suicide .
(12) Eduardo Gorab, a property economist at Capital Economics, said: “Clearly, the uncertainty kicked up by the referendum’s result has had an adverse impact on sentiment, which has been driving outflows over the last week or two.
(13) To suggest that people who are concerned about the use of a power of this sort against journalists are condoning terrorism, which seems to be the implication of that remark, is an extremely ugly and unhelpful sentiment.
(14) Such sentiments are not uncommon in job agencies, particularly those that specialise in factory and food work, where labour demand is variable and geographically shifting, and conditions often arduous.
(15) They must have regard to common moral sentiments, and to what will be morally acceptable in the country as a whole (though they can never hope for total agreement with their conclusions).
(16) Its possible marriage to the Sheffield city region is overwhelmingly rooted in perceived economic advantage rather than in history or public sentiment.
(17) However, Reinfeldt's majority was undermined by the far right, who have sought to harness anti-immigrant sentiment in a country where one in seven residents is foreign-born.
(18) Among groups or organizations, it is unusual for changes in sentiment to precede action or organizational rearrangements.
(19) The sentiment is shared by Ed Woodward, the executive vice-chairman, who had not envisaged quite how poorly United would fare.
(20) The most important polling question right now is ‘Would you consider voting for Candidate X?’ More than 80% of the GOP electorate would consider voting for Rubio – more than any other candidate.” The rise of outsiders such as Trump, neurosurgeon Ben Carson and businesswoman Carly Fiorina, Luntz added, “is a gut emotional reaction by Republicans to Obama, Clinton and even the Republican Congress.” In a nod to the current “anyone-but-DC” sentiment among primary voters, Rubio has recently made subtle changes to his usual stump speech by casting himself as both an underdog and an outsider.
(n.) That which serves as a reminder; a remembrancer; a memento; a keepsake.
Example Sentences:
(1) 4.16pm BST Pro-Russian militia members in Slavyansk are obligingly taking part in souvenir photo sessions with appreciative locals (note: not all the locals are appreciative).
(2) A bumper 16-page souvenir pullout will mark the end of its 30 years in print before it becomes the first national newspaper in the UK to go online only .
(3) BBC staff have taken so many souvenirs, Television Centre rooms left empty, says Victoria Coren.
(4) Team GB has a motto, which has adorned the back of thousands of souvenir shirts at the park and beyond, "Better never stops".
(5) It shows Fuleco, this World Cup's mascot, which never really caught on, being carried by security guards at the Fifa souvenir store.
(6) The advent of the railway age and the concept of tourism for the masses led to a boom in cheaper – and sometimes tackier – souvenirs.
(7) "It's not the case, as it once was, of rogue traders so much as organised crime, although of course we still get the tourists and holidaymakers trying to bring in souvenirs they've bought that they shouldn't have."
(8) The bestseller at the eclectic L'Oeuf at no 9 is its own South Pigalle range – branded sweatshirts, caps, kids' toys and bags – perfect souvenirs to let everyone know you have discovered SoPi.
(9) The Express cartoonist Carl Giles, then a war cartoonist, was given a Luger as a souvenir by the Commandant of Belsen after its liberation because the man was a huge fan of his cartoons.
(10) That skull was buried in 1960 in the courtyard of Cromwell's old college, Sidney Sussex at Cambridge, in an unmarked spot to dissuade ghoulish souvenir hunters.
(11) A comparison of the television and radio listings of that week 35 years ago with those of diamond jubilee week in 2012 shows that, even though the Radio Times published its own "souvenir issue", coverage of the event occupied significantly less broadcast time in 1977.
(12) Cleber Araújo, 36, was minding his souvenir store.
(13) It may not do so until it hears a right-to-life case or some other human interest story, however many visitors buy its souvenir mousemats or teddy bears wearing the court's logo.
(14) It has gone from a place of memory to a place of souvenirs.
(15) It should be packed now.” The aggressive, outrageous, infuriating (and ingenious) rise of BrewDog | Jon Henley Read more Nicole Stael, who sells postcards, snow globes and souvenir plates, said that in the 40 years she had owned her gift shop business had not been so bad.
(16) Independent prints souvenir pullout as it moves to online only Read more There are two reasons for a widely shared sense of regret at the Indy’s fate .
(17) Now the white cross on a black background is ubiquitous, fluttering outside county hall in Truro and printed on everything from souvenir boxes of fudge to pasty packaging and car bumper stickers.
(18) Another avalanche of adulation is about to asphyxiate us; with glossy supplements on “The Greatest Reign”, exhibitions in royal palaces selling souvenir albums, and Douglas Hurd’s gushing biography, Elizabeth II: The Steadfast .
(19) • 2814 North 16 Street, barriocafe.com CULINARY HEROES FnB Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photograph: Jill Richards Photography Among the Native American souvenir stores of Scottsdale old town, is the excellent FnB, a truly forward-thinking, showcase for the state’s native produce in veg-centric dishes: salad of persimmons with hazelnut, kohlrabi, dill and goat’s cheese.
(20) He continued to live off his notoriety, posing for photographs with tourists in exchange for money, selling souvenir T-shirts that commemorated his escapes, scrabbling for crumbs from the media table and charging tourists £40 for a barbecue at his house.