What's the difference between service and valet?



  • () Alt. of Service
  • () A name given to several trees and shrubs of the genus Pyrus, as Pyrus domestica and P. torminalis of Europe, the various species of mountain ash or rowan tree, and the American shad bush (see Shad bush, under Shad). They have clusters of small, edible, applelike berries.
  • (n.) The act of serving; the occupation of a servant; the performance of labor for the benefit of another, or at another's command; attendance of an inferior, hired helper, slave, etc., on a superior, employer, master, or the like; also, spiritual obedience and love.
  • (n.) The deed of one who serves; labor performed for another; duty done or required; office.
  • (n.) Office of devotion; official religious duty performed; religious rites appropriate to any event or ceremonial; as, a burial service.
  • (n.) Hence, a musical composition for use in churches.
  • (n.) Duty performed in, or appropriate to, any office or charge; official function; hence, specifically, military or naval duty; performance of the duties of a soldier.
  • (n.) Useful office; advantage conferred; that which promotes interest or happiness; benefit; avail.
  • (n.) Profession of respect; acknowledgment of duty owed.
  • (n.) The act and manner of bringing food to the persons who eat it; order of dishes at table; also, a set or number of vessels ordinarily used at table; as, the service was tardy and awkward; a service of plate or glass.
  • (n.) The act of bringing to notice, either actually or constructively, in such manner as is prescribed by law; as, the service of a subp/na or an attachment.
  • (n.) The materials used for serving a rope, etc., as spun yarn, small lines, etc.
  • (n.) The act of serving the ball.
  • (n.) Act of serving or covering. See Serve, v. t., 13.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Indicators for evaluation and monitoring and outcome measures are described within the context of health service management to describe control measure output in terms of community effectiveness.
  • (2) National policy on the longer-term future of the services will not be known until the government publishes a national music plan later this term.
  • (3) Parents of subjects at the experimental school were visited at home by a community health worker who provided individualized information on dental services and preventive strategies.
  • (4) Handing Greater Manchester’s £6bn health and social care budget over to the city’s combined authority is the most exciting experiment in local government and the health service in decades – but the risks are huge.
  • (5) In order to control noise- and vibration-caused diseases it was necessary not only to improve machines' quality and service conditions but also to pay special attention to the choice of operators and to the quality of monitoring their adaptation process.
  • (6) Historical analysis shows that institutions and special education services spring from common, although not identical, societal and philosophical forces.
  • (7) Peter retired in 1998, when he was appointed CBE for his services to drama.
  • (8) 8.47pm: Cameron says he believes Britain's best days lie ahead and that he believes in public service.
  • (9) The dangers caused by PM10s was highlighted in the Rogers review of local authority regulatory services, published in 2007, which said poor air quality contributed to between 12,000 and 24,000 premature deaths each year.
  • (10) Businesses fleeing Brexit will head to New York not EU, warns LSE chief Read more Amid attempts by Frankfurt, Paris and Dublin to catch possible fallout from London, Sir Jon Cunliffe said it was highly unlikely that any EU centre could replicate the services offered by the UK’s financial services industry.
  • (11) The so-called literati aren't insular – this from a woman who ran the security service – but we aren't going to apologise for what we believe in either.
  • (12) For services to Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence.
  • (13) They also demonstrate the viability of a family support service which relies on inmate leadership, community volunteer participation, and institutional support.
  • (14) MI6 introduced him to the Spanish intelligence service and in 2006 he travelled to Madrid.
  • (15) I hope I can play a major part in really highlighting the need for far more extensive family violence training within all organisations that deal with women and children, including the police and the department of human services,” Batty said.
  • (16) A retrospective study examined the reactions to the termination of pregnancy for fetal malformation and the follow up services that were available.
  • (17) Neal’s evidence to the committee said Future Fund staff were not subject to the public service bargaining framework, which links any pay rise to productivity increases and caps rises at 1.5%.
  • (18) A case is presented of a 35-year-old woman who was brought to the emergency service by ambulance complaining of vomiting for 7 days and that she could not hear well because she was 'worn out'.
  • (19) Under a revised deal most people are now being vetted on time, but charges for the service have had to rise from £12 and free vetting for volunteers, to £28 for a standard disclosure and £33 for an advanced disclosure.
  • (20) Providers of services and their reimbursement will also expand.



  • (n.) A male waiting servant; a servant who attends on gentleman's person; a body servant.
  • (n.) A kind of goad or stick with a point of iron.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) McQueen told this tale several times – the words varied from “McQueen was here” to more profane messages, between tellings – and so, years later, Anderson & Sheppard asked the prince’s valet for the suits of that era back, in order to examine the linings.
  • (2) Do you hand over your keys to a valet parking service at the airport before flying off on holiday?
  • (3) Lee Suthern, McCoy's valet I shall be looking after his saddles and the weights that go in them, his colours, making sure his equipment's all nice and safe.
  • (4) In training ground car parks where the football stars of the 1970s were doing well to park a Cortina, it is common now to see Bentleys and Porsches being lathered and valeted by young lads, ready for when the top players finish training and come back out.
  • (5) Accordingly, the ghost is advised never to forget that, at the end of the day, he or she ranks somewhere between a valet and a cleaner.
  • (6) At the same time, packed hampers and bottles of "royal" home made orange vodka, made from Seville oranges, courtesy of the king of Spain, would be despatched to a secluded log cabin by attentive valets and royal stewards, all sporting pristine thorn-proof apparel.
  • (7) The assertion that the estate is inseparable from Charles has allowed him to use its gross profits to fund private and official spending including 26 valets, gardeners and farm staff.
  • (8) The same year, in October, another member called police to report that a club parking valet had stolen her $800 gold chain and intended to press charges.
  • (9) The Liberal Democrats have no serious future as a party if they continue to act as the blame-takers and valets for David Cameron's Conservatives.
  • (10) While in Washington, he got to know many who had worked at the White House and elsewhere with their own fragment of history – valets, housekeepers, cooks, secretaries, secret service agents, groundskeepers, and others.
  • (11) He was a better military commander than he was an artist but Dwight D Eisenhower's oil painting of the south London house where he lived while planning the D-day landings is to be auctioned 65 years after he first painted it for his valet.
  • (12) The 187 articles of royal memorabilia to be auctioned by Christie's in Rome are the property of the couple's elderly Italian former valet and were apparently passed to him by his uncle and aunt who served as domestic staff for nearly 40 years.
  • (13) You could have 20 black actors in a film all playing valets, and you would merely underline an idea of white superiority.
  • (14) You could be left with a large bill: research by comparison site Gocompare.com found that half of all insurance policies do not cover damage to a vehicle while it is in the control of valet parking.
  • (15) He first heard of Spinlister when the site sponsored a bike valet at a Brooklyn Bridge Park concert and has since had two rentals, including a pair from Australia.
  • (16) Scott Kelly, Gocompare's head of car insurance, said: "Valet parking, once the preserve of Hollywood movies, is becoming a popular option in the UK with many airports, major hotels and entertainment venues now offering 'meet and greet' services.
  • (17) The latest cache of royal correspondence to emerge from a former servant is to be auctioned, without controversy, in Italy today when letters written by Edward VIII to Wallis Simpson 70 years ago are sold by the couple's valet.
  • (18) Clearly, delivering healthcare is more complex and safety critical than selling burgers or hotel rooms but it was fascinating to hear at this month's Nuffield Trust Summit how much emphasis the best US healthcare organisations put on managing their customer experience (valet parking at their hospitals was my favourite).
  • (19) They believed the modernising task was complete by 2008: a quick valet service and tune-up rather than fundamental change.
  • (20) I had to explain to my very nice valet that I'd been dressing myself for 40 years and I could manage.