(obj.) This or that female; the woman understood or referred to; the animal of the female sex, or object personified as feminine, which was spoken of.
(obj.) A woman; a female; -- used substantively.
Example Sentences:
Example Sentences:
(1) The complete amino acid sequence of five light chain variable (V) regions of human monoclonal IgM kappa rheumatoid factors (RF) was determined, and their cross-reactive idiotypes (CRI) were characterized with antibodies induced by immunization with synthetic peptides PSL2 and PSL3, corresponding to the second and third complementarity-determining regions (CDR) of the SIE light chain.
(2) We have expanded upon previous studies showing that HCII can be degraded by stimulated PMN (Sie, P., Dupouy, D., Dol, F., and Boneu, B., Thromb.
(3) In 4 patients with validated SIE, the immunoscan was abnormal, and the echocardiogram was normal.
(4) Amiloride caused a prompt, but reversible, decrease in Isc, PD, and conductance when added to the mucosal sie,dbut only a relatively small reduction of the mucosa to serosa fluxes of Na occurred.
(5) However, Keturah Beyan-sie, a masters student at Cuttington University and a member of the women's forum steering committee, believes more needs to be done.
(6) The sie A gene of the prophage interferes with the changes in the cellular transport process induced by the superinfecting phage.
(7) There is a remarkable difference in the isozyme pattern between cardiac and hepatic glutathione S-transferases in rat (Ishikawa, T., and Sies, H. (1984) FEBS Lett.
(8) Of the 25 randomly chosen patients, SIE levels were inappropriately low in four patients.
(9) The paper presents the incidence rate (3-19.6%) of stress-induced enuresis (SIE) in females.
(10) Serum immunoreactive erythropoietin (SIE) and hemoglobin levels were measured in 152 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.
(11) Pseudaletia separata entomopoxvirus replicated in two lepidopteran cell lines, SIE-MSH-805-F and BM-N.
(12) The data indicate that SIE level is inappropriately low in anemic AIDS patients.
(13) The SIE levels were determined by standard radioimmunoassay, and the results were interpreted relative to erythropoietin levels and hematocrits of 17 aplastic or nutritionally anemic patients who were believed to have a normal erythropoietin response.
(14) The results of the cytological diagnosis in cancer of the right sied of the colon, previously not always favorable, improved markedly after the introduction of the cytological method under direct vision through fibercolonscope.
(15) In every case the 17.109 CRI-positive isolates reacted with antibodies against synthetic peptides corresponding to both the conserved second and third complementarity-determining regions (CDR) of the monoclonal kappa IgM-RF paraprotein Sie.
(16) In SIE, a mixture of D- and L-glucose was injected as a bolus into either the fetal or maternal side of the placenta, uptake curves were obtained and the maximal extraction values Umax were derived.
(17) The survival of patients with PIE (with hospital mortality taken into account) was somewhat higher than that of patients with SIE.
(18) However, even very high levels of SIE fail to stimulate erythropoiesis adequately.
(19) First, 2-pyridyl disulphide structures are introduced into the protein by the reaction of some of its amino groups with the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester sie of the reagent.
(20) As far as the predictivity of SIE is concerned, the "t" test for independent samples showed a statistically significant difference between the group of patients with no signs of ischemia and the group with positive scintiscan (p less than 0.05) and with the three equivalents of ischemia all together (p less than 0.05).