What's the difference between sink and slink?



  • (v. i.) To fall by, or as by, the force of gravity; to descend lower and lower; to decline gradually; to subside; as, a stone sinks in water; waves rise and sink; the sun sinks in the west.
  • (v. i.) To enter deeply; to fall or retire beneath or below the surface; to penetrate.
  • (v. i.) Hence, to enter so as to make an abiding impression; to enter completely.
  • (v. i.) To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fall slowly, as so the ground, from weakness or from an overburden; to fail in strength; to decline; to decay; to decrease.
  • (v. i.) To decrease in volume, as a river; to subside; to become diminished in volume or in apparent height.
  • (v. t.) To cause to sink; to put under water; to immerse or submerge in a fluid; as, to sink a ship.
  • (v. t.) Figuratively: To cause to decline; to depress; to degrade; hence, to ruin irretrievably; to destroy, as by drowping; as, to sink one's reputation.
  • (v. t.) To make (a depression) by digging, delving, or cutting, etc.; as, to sink a pit or a well; to sink a die.
  • (v. t.) To bring low; to reduce in quantity; to waste.
  • (v. t.) To conseal and appropriate.
  • (v. t.) To keep out of sight; to suppress; to ignore.
  • (v. t.) To reduce or extinguish by payment; as, to sink the national debt.
  • (n.) A drain to carry off filthy water; a jakes.
  • (n.) A shallow box or vessel of wood, stone, iron, or other material, connected with a drain, and used for receiving filthy water, etc., as in a kitchen.
  • (n.) A hole or low place in land or rock, where waters sink and are lost; -- called also sink hole.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Arterial-type flows produced a pair of vortex sinks downstream of the branching port.
  • (2) The compromised ice sheet tilts and he sinks into the Arctic Sea on the back of his faltering white Icelandic pony.
  • (3) These recent Times scoops about Obama's policies do not sink to the level of the Judy Miller debacle.
  • (4) Comparatively the virus strength sinks more slowly at 4 degrees C in the more mineralized river water (figure 2).
  • (5) Milk poured from higher (5-10cm above the cup) will sink beneath the surface.
  • (6) The chylomicrons in particular, become separated from the VLDL, the sinking pre-beta-lipoprotein or Lp (a) was identifiable and the type III hyperlipemia was easily diagnosed.
  • (7) It’s another squalid reminder of Conservative priorities, and how low they are prepared to sink in pursuit of them.
  • (8) Chinese drugs constitute a unique medicinal system that features the following three subsystems: subsystem of medicinal substances consisting of traditional theories such as "four properties and five tastes of drugs" and "the principal, adjuvant, auxiliary and conduct ingredients in a prescription' , etc; subsystem of pharmacological actions comprising the theory of "ascending, descending, floating and sinking", etc; Subsystem of human body's functions incorporating the theory of "drugs to act on the channels".
  • (9) In women, but not in men, there was a rise in the risk of falling from 45 years, peaking in the 55-59 year age group, and sinking to a nadir at ages 70-74.
  • (10) 81% of all sinks were contaminated with P. aeruginosa strains.
  • (11) During the early part of the experiments, when the sink condition was maintained, FAH was the most effective for hairless mouse skin, whereas Azone showed the highest effect in the rat skin.
  • (12) Opening of water taps generated aerosols containing P. aeruginosa sink organisms which contaminated hands during hand washing.
  • (13) Rats were classified into sinking and non-sinking groups, according to the appearance of sinking behavior over a 2 hr test.
  • (14) The laminar pattern of current sources and sinks coincident with this component was more complicated after bicuculline, reflecting the summation of current flows associated with disinhibited lamina 4 activity.
  • (15) But the reality of it began to sink in, and when I met with Kathy Kennedy [the Lucasfilm president and Star Wars executive producer], my gut said this is not something to reject.
  • (16) For here we see the depravity to which man can sink, the barbarity that unfolds when we begin to see our fellow human beings as somehow less than us, less worthy of dignity and life; we see how evil can, for a moment in time, triumph when good people do nothing."
  • (17) Waste eluates are collected and drained to the sink by a Teflon tray positioned between the columns and counting tubes, also held by the turntable.
  • (18) But it has been overwhelmed by the story of the sinking of the Sewol.
  • (19) Since biogenic particulate products, especially fecal pellets, are known to sink rapidly and intact to the ocean bottom, the transport of PCB's by such sinking particles could be an important mechanism which contributes to the penetration of PCB's into the deep sea.
  • (20) The receptor component had a current source in the outer segments (90% depth) and a sink in the ONL (70% depth).



  • (a.) To creep away meanly; to steal away; to sneak.
  • (a.) To miscarry; -- said of female beasts.
  • (v. t.) To cast prematurely; -- said of female beasts; as, a cow that slinks her calf.
  • (a.) Produced prematurely; as, a slink calf.
  • (a.) Thin; lean.
  • (n.) The young of a beast brought forth prematurely, esp. a calf brought forth before its time.
  • (n.) A thievish fellow; a sneak.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The clinical symptoms were slinking between the 50th and 57th day of pregnancy and six-week serosanguinolent discharge or greenish gray mucoid discharge after the abortion and extensive hemorrhages and edemata under the skin of the aborted fetuses.
  • (2) I think the Australian public give you great credit for actually putting your money where your mouth is and not slinking away from the camp in the middle of the night hoping you won’t have to fight the battle.” Asked whether he was prepared to give ground on the funding cut, Pyne said: “I’m always prepared to talk about negotiation, always prepared to negotiate – whether it’s with Universities Australia, whether it’s with the crossbenchers.
  • (3) Maybe it’s a lack of confidence or having more doubts than normal, but the players have quality and need to bring more.” Sadio Mané scored a hat-trick in record time in the May victory and the winger created Southampton’s first chance here in the first minute, slinking past Leandro Bacuna before pulling a pass back to Dusan Tadic, who shot over from 12 yards.
  • (4) Female staff in pencil skirts slink past, clipboards in hand.
  • (5) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Victoria Beckham slinks away to applause from the audience.
  • (6) The owner’s sons would just slink off to their cabins leaving a few random women dotted around the yacht.
  • (7) Movie monsters have been steadily slinking back to the B-list depths from whence they came, hence the popularity of CGI splatter such as Sharknado , where we can be sure no real animals were harmed, because it’s clear none were used.
  • (8) Approaching Istanbul, 435 days after slinking into the sea in Gibraltar, the pair found the city’s tendrils reaching down the Thracian coast.
  • (9) But unlike the hundreds of coal plants and their noxious smokestacks being built in the country, the only danger linked to the solar panels are the snakes and scorpions that slink and scuttle between the sparse shrubs, posing a minor hazard to those who dust off the panels after dusk.
  • (10) Though I had heard a fence panel bang the previous evening as an animal vaulted over, I had failed to catch sight of the intruder slinking through the impenetrable shadow of my semi-wild garden.
  • (11) The first part is always optimistic, but about that second part he's not lying; a hypercharged Teddy Picker, from their second album, Favourite Worst Nightmare, merges seamlessly into the sultry carnival slink of Crying Lightning, with its dark and demonic mood swings, an example of how the band have matured into a sordid Lynchian lounge band with teeth.
  • (12) Somehow a policy slinked out – £700 for every taxpayer.
  • (13) Instead I slinked home, had a cup of tea on my own, stared out of the window and wondered – what now?
  • (14) More than six decades ago, travel writer Norman Lewis described the mutts of Mergui, a coastal city in the south, with unsparing vividness: “There are more dogs than humans; they are a slinking, evil breed, cursed with every conceivable affliction … Many were earless, partially blind and had paralysed or dislocated limbs.” For now, there is no killing – just breeding Ye Naung Thein The situation has not improved – and is arguably most acute in Yangon, the country’s rapidly developing commercial capital with a population of some five million.
  • (15) If there is anybody in the European Union who thinks that if we don’t do a deal with the European Union, if we don’t continue to work closely together, Britain will simply slink off as a wounded animal, that is not going to happen,” Hammond said.
  • (16) And it’s worth splashing out at Terra Nostra Garden Hotel at Furnas (doubles from €95) for the chance to slink out after dark for a private splash about in the bath-warm, camelia-bowered lake.
  • (17) That sense of guardedness is heightened by the constant presence of secret service agents hovering around her, and by the figure of Huma Abedin, her long-time aide, who has been constantly at her side since the White House and who slinks into an adjoining room while we are talking.
  • (18) Some governments are already slinking backward.” The defence ministers on Thursday are expected to decide on the quick establishment of small headquarters units in six countries – the three Baltic republics, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria.
  • (19) They trail 5-0 at the break in the World Cup semi-final and their players look absolutely traumatised as they slink back to the dressing room.
  • (20) On the northern edge of Cornwall , it's more "of the sea" than either of the other two; as the tide begins to move in, it slinks across the low retaining wall like net curtains slide across a hotel window.