(1) The prenatal risk determined by smoking pregnant woman was studied by a fetal electrocardiogram at different gestational ages.
(2) Children of smoking mothers had an 18.0 per cent cumulative incidence of post-infancy wheezing through 10 years of age, compared with 16.2 per cent among children of nonsmoking mothers (risk ratio 1.11, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.21).
(3) They spend about 4.3 minutes of each working hour on a smoking break, the study shows.
(4) No associations were found between sex, body-weight, smoking habits, age, urine volume or urine pH and the O-demethylation of codeine.
(5) A commensurate rise in both smoking and adenocarcinoma has occurred in the Far East where the incidence rate (40%) is twice that of North America or Europe.
(6) In addition, control experiments with naloxone, ethanol, or cigarette smoking alone were performed.
(7) Plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone concentration were measured before and during submaximal exercise in 10 male monozygotic twin pairs who were discordant for smoking.
(8) The results indicated that smoke, as opposed to sham puffs, significantly reduced reports of cigarette craving, and local anesthesia significantly blocked this immediate reduction in craving produced by smoke inhalation.
(9) This study examines the extent to which changes in smoking can account for the decrease in CHD mortality for men and women aged 35-64 years.
(10) However, as all subjects had normal hearing and maximum speech discrimination scores pre-smoking, it can only be concluded that smoking marihuana did not worsen the hearing--the experiments were not designed to see whether it would improve hearing.
(11) Further analysis of these changes according to smoking history, age, preoperative weight, dissection of IMA, and aortic cross-clamp time showed that only IMA dissection affected the postextubation changes in peak expiratory flow rate (p less than 0.0001), whereas the decreases in functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume at discharge were affected by IMA dissection (p less than 0.05) and age (p = 0.01).
(12) It has been speculated that these cigarette smoke-induced alterations contribute to the depressed pulmonary defense mechanisms commonly demonstrated in smokers.
(13) We ganged up against the tweed-suited, pipe-smoking brigade.
(14) The history of tobacco production and marketing is sketched, and the literature on chronic diseases related to smoking is summarized for the Pacific region.
(15) Exposure to whole cigarette smoke from reference cigarettes results in the prompt (peak activity is 6 hrs), but fairly weak (similar to 2 fold), induction of murine pulmonary microsomal monooxygenase activity.
(16) The authors compared the prevalence of atopy in 103 patients with lung cancer (a model of mucosal cancer), 51 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease matched for age, sex, and smoking habits with patients with lung cancer, and 102 healthy control subjects.
(17) Possible explanations of the clinical gains include 1) psychological encouragement, 2) improvements of mechanical efficiency, 3) restoration of cardiovascular fitness, thus breaking a vicous circle of dyspnoea, inactivity and worsening dyspnoea, 4) strengthening of the body musculature, thus reducing the proportion of anaerobic work, 5) biochemical adaptations reducing glycolysis in the active tissues, and 6) indirect responses to such factors as group support, with advice on smoking habits, breathing patterns and bronchial hygiene.
(18) There are many factors influencing these students to start smoking.
(19) Adjustment for possible mechanisms correlated with social class (marital status, smoking, time of first antenatal visit) decreased the higher occurrence of low birthweight infants in the low educational groups.
(20) These results suggest that weight change during smoking reduction and cessation may be primarily due to changes in factors other than caloric intake or activity.
(n.) An American plant (Nicotiana Tabacum) of the Nightshade family, much used for smoking and chewing, and as snuff. As a medicine, it is narcotic, emetic, and cathartic. Tobacco has a strong, peculiar smell, and an acrid taste.
(n.) The leaves of the plant prepared for smoking, chewing, etc., by being dried, cured, and manufactured in various ways.
Example Sentences:
(1) The models are applied to estimate the demand for tobacco products in Finland.
(2) There was however no difference in the cross-sectional studies and no significant deleterious effect detected of tobacco use on forearm bone mineral content.
(3) They have actively intervened with governments, and particularly so in Africa.” José Luis Castro, president and chief executive officer of Vital Strategies, an organisation that promotes public health in developing countries, said: “The danger of tobacco is not an old story; it is the present.
(4) How big tobacco lost its final fight for hearts, lungs and minds Read more Shares in Imperial closed down 1% and British American Tobacco lost 0.75%, both underperforming the FTSE100’s 0.3% decline.
(5) The history of tobacco production and marketing is sketched, and the literature on chronic diseases related to smoking is summarized for the Pacific region.
(6) The mechanism by which such high levels were attained was primrily a combination of arterial hypoxia and a high carbon monoxide yield from tobacco.
(7) This structure could be constructed in intron 1 of tobacco rps12 gene.
(8) An important stratification factor, however, was related to tobacco usage.
(9) Chadwick felt that Customs and Trading Standards needed to continue their war on illegal tobacco – if not, efforts to tackle smoking could be undermined.
(10) These regions are also conserved in chloroplast DNA of tobacco.
(11) The policy was effective in reducing perceived environmental tobacco smoke exposure in work areas where smoking was banned but not in nonwork areas where smoking was allowed in designated areas.
(12) The group of tobacco smoking persons showed during rest, loads and in the restorative period more distinct disorders of cardio-vascular system values.
(13) Future increasing segments of females addicted to tobacco smoking will obviously markedly influence sex difference in morbidity.
(14) The Macassans traded iron, tobacco, cloth and gin for access to Yolngu waters.
(15) The present article reports a study of how such lifestyle habits, notably alcohol and tobacco consumption, are addressed in medical consultations.
(16) Cigarette smokers did not differ significantly from users of smokeless tobacco regarding hypercholesterolemia.
(17) However, most of these studies are difficult to interpret because they do not correctly take into account associated carcinogens such as tobacco smoke and other occupational carcinogens.
(18) The acute effects of smokeless tobacco (ST) on buccal mucosal transport and barrier function were studied by means of in vivo and in vitro techniques.
(19) The predilection of localization of epidermoid and small cell carcinomas in the upper lobes suggests a possible relationship to tobacco smoke inhalation as these regions have been shown to be more affected by the smoke.
(20) We have isolated an auxin-regulated cDNA, parB, from the early stage of cultured tobacco mesophyll protoplasts.